Beyond3D Dogs


Returning cuteness levels to normal.
Here's my favorite pictures of my dogs that I took when I first brought them home post adoption. Abe and Trixie (named after the prostitute from Deadwood). ~7 weeks old.

Unfortunately Abe is no longer with us, but this is what Trixie looks like today (Vet promised she'll only be ~35 pounds, but now she's 70+):

Finally acquiesced to Christine's gentle persuasion that we should get a third teeny hound. Meet Maisie, a 12 week old (9 in that pic!) miniature Dachshund.

I'd forgotten that puppy training was such effort, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel a bit. Her favourite activities are chewing the bottom of door frames and stealing chews from the other two to cause a ruckus. Oh, and pooping.

We got my lady trio, hogging my bed as usual. Lulu, Rascal, and Molly from left to right. They've been my constant companions for about 10 years now.


Then we got my old man Chance. He's about 15 and we unfortunately lost his sister last year. They were an awesome pair, and he was sad to be alone so...


...we got a couple of new kitties a few months ago who've totally bonded with Ollie as well as Chance.

I'm not so sure how formatting uploaded images works here, so please forgive if the post looks like shite....I'll try and fix it.


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At home we had dogs most of my memorable life.

A cross-breed collie/Alsatian that was as loyal as the day is long, but just plain did not like other dogs.
2 yorkshire terriers back to back, one of which was as an intelligent a dog that I ever came across.
And a springer spaniel, who could be both adorable, and the most frustrating dog ever. We eventually had to rehome him, his energy levels were just so far off the scale. And he was untrainable, try to scold him, and it was just a game to him.

I'd love to have a dog now. But I can't justify it with an empty house during the day. I lived for a long time with my elderly mother, and the dog was company for her and vice versa. All our dogs were house dogs, and you just can't keep a dog inside all day. And I've never been one for an outside dog. No matter how big a yard you have, you are still locking it up most of the day and leaving it alone. I'm not at all surprised that many outside dogs left to their own devices all day, end up just non-stop barking and bouncing up and down. The downside of having an inside dog, and it's one of those things that you just decide to resign yourself too, is that your house has a doggy smell. I'm told the only dog that doesn't have a scent is a samymoed (spelling ?), but if they get wet or whatever, they are bound to have that damp doggy smell too. And of course the other downside of having a pet, is that they invariably leave you way before you think it's time.

If/when I get to retirement, it's in the back of my mind to either get a dog and/or volunteer at the local dog sancturary.

I've never been a cat person, I can't understand the "benefit" of having a cat. IMO they appear to give so little back. Pretty much with a dog you know where you stand, pretty much with a cat, my limited experience has been that for the most part they could take you or leave you. My view is that fundamentally, most dogs want to please, most cats want to please themselves, I guess its the nature of being a pack animal against a solo animal. But to each their own I guess.

So I'm enjoying this thread, but it's a doggie thread, if necessary cat folks, GET YER OWN THREAD !.
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