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Fred said:Actually the Niger trade was believed to be true all the way up to recently by the British secret service. They knew that one set of documents were forged, but they thought the actual story was valid. See the Economist for details
Yes, the question came up in a presidential debate and an interview before he got elected.DemoCoder said:Can anyone find any Bush speech even mention Saddam or Iraq before 9/11?
DemoCoder said:Look, the Clinton administration believed Saddam had WMD. Virtually every intelligence agency around the world believed it. Clinton's Congress passed a near unanimous resolution with only 4 people voting against it which stated Saddam had WMD.
In no way can this issue purely be laid at the feet of Bush "sexxing up" intelligence. Whether or not Bush even went to war, there was a MASSIVE WORLDWIDE intelligence failure. The uranium issue, like the "45 minute" issue is a red herring and simply a matter of people trying to use it for political gain.
To me, the fact that the American intelligence agencies, the British, the French, the Israelis, even the Russians, were all wrong about Iraq is the central issue.
How can we expect to win against terrorism and non-proliferation if the world's intelligence about a relatively open country like Iraq is so horribly bad. What's that mean for our North Korean intelligence?
Natoma said:Both the Intelligence Community and the Bush Administration are to blame for this brouhaha. There was obviously some really bad intelligence coming out of the CIA and British Intelligence (I'm assuming Interpol), but the exaggeration of even the good intelligence by the Administration was rather blatant.
Certainly much of what we suspected was incorrect, and that falls squarely on the shoulders of the CIA and other intelligence communities around the world. With that said, we had the opportunity to vet the information properly with a ground inspection. The Administration officials repeatedly stated that we not only knew how much WMD Saddam possessed, but we also knew where that WMD existed. Information such as this should have been passed to the Weapons Inspectors in order to verify it. Colin Powell showed Sat Photos of the alleged WMD producing labs. Why wasn't that information given to the Weapons Inspectors for corroboration?
Where does this leave us now? We have a situation in Iraq that we cannot fail at, and we cannot abandon. We are there for the long haul, no matter what any politicians, democrat and republican, state. We had massive intelligence failures in this regard, just the same as 9/11. It is telling, however, that no one was fired because of the 9/11 failures, and those same people are in power at the CIA, overseeing the Iraq failure. When will the CIA be held accountable?
On the other hand, the Administration shares a tremendous amount of the blame as well. There are many documented instances where our Intelligence informed the Administration that certain things, such as the Niger claim, were patently false and/or misleading and/or suspect and/or uncorroborable. Yet the Administration still used many of these "facts" to build their case for war. It was a case of willful denial and "head in the sand" syndrome in order to push forward to war. The Administration had a chance to give its intel to the Weapons Inspectors for the sole purpose of checkmating our "friends" at the UN (France, Germany, Russia). Maybe they knew that their intel wouldn't hold up under scrutiny. Maybe not. Either way, there were ways of handling this war that would have been far better and far more preferrable to what we got.
Both the Administration and the Intelligence Community must share in the blame for this failure. However, it disgusts me that the Administration is now trying to whitewash it all onto the CIA when it is patently obvious that there were times the CIA tried to reign the Administration in, only to be overruled.
DemoCoder said:I still dispute your Paul O'Neil claim. Day 1? You mean, after Bush's oath of office, they were already committed to a war, even before 9/11? I mean, come on. Do you know how absurd this sounds? Oh, I suppose they knew WTC was gonna happen to, and let it happen, so they could go to Iraq, which was their real goal in the first place?
DemoCoder said:Natoma, you let your anti-Bush agenda go too far. Like I said before, Bush should be thrown out of office for an unneccessary war unrelated to the war on terrorism (which I do support, including Afghanistan). If they wanted to move Saudi Arabian troops out to satisfy Bin Laden, without losing face, they could have just moved them to Kuwait, Qatar, or even Afghanistan, which needsa more troops.
DemoCoder said:Bush also thoroughly trashed all the support and sympathy for our cause after 9/11. On those grounds alone, he should fail reelection, not to mention his Democrat-esque spend-o-mania (oh, did you hear, he's including spending to the NEA as well?) Like a Saudi Ruler, he is bribing everyone with pork to win reelection.
He failed as a statesmen, and he failed as a executive.
DemoCoder said:On the other hand, I think all these nutty theories about Bush wanting the Iraq war even from the very beginning of his presidency are absurd. There was ZERO hint of this before 9/11. In fact, Bush seemed way more worried about his dosmestic agenda, not foreign policy. Can anyone find any Bush speech even mention Saddam or Iraq before 9/11?
DemoCoder said:It would be fair to say that the Pentagon, and even some of Bush's cabinets may have dreamed of Saddam out of power, but who hasn't? We also dream of a collapse of NK's government, of the Ayatollah in Iran falling from power, and other despots, and people study various plans to do this all the time.
But all of this other prattle is simply irrelevent to the fact that for who knows how long, the leaders of the world's great powers have been getting thoroughly bad intelligence data and making policy decisions on it.
There needs to be a massive investigation and reorganization of the intelligence community.
Natoma said:Where does this leave us now? We have a situation in Iraq that we cannot fail at, and we cannot abandon. We are there for the long haul, no matter what any politicians, democrat and republican, state. We had massive intelligence failures in this regard, just the same as 9/11. It is telling, however, that no one was fired because of the 9/11 failures, and those same people are in power at the CIA, overseeing the Iraq failure. When will the CIA be held accountable?
Natoma said:My Paul O'Neill claim? Uhm, Paul O'Neill is the one who said it, in his own book. He's the one who provided the documents and the minutes from the meetings in his book in which it was clearly stated that the President was looking for a reason, any reason, to go to war with Iraq.
Because it's still too early for it to have maximum impact on the election, just wait.DemoCoder said:If O'Neill's claims are so strong, why don't the democrats and the media have Bush's head on a platter?
DemoCoder said:You theory falls flat, because the British, French, Israelis, and Russians also produced intelligence that Saddam had WMD. So you're telling me that the French also produced what they were told was desired?