Resitance Fall Of Man First Look Article + Gameplay Video

I like this part the best
<Loads of detail described>
All of which I've missed in the game! Seriously, I've watched through the gameplay movies and felt none of this. When it cqme to explosions I just saw a few Bugmonsters fly up. I was wondering why the sandbags never even moved. I kept an eye out for wiggling pipes and saw none of it. Someone ought to do a video of slowly walking through and demoing these features, 'coz in the heat of battle where everyone's just blasting around, it gets lost - at which point I wonder if it's even worth putting in :???:
GamePro has some impressions up now - not very insightful, but they seemed to come away very impressed:

Resistance: Fall of Man, Insomniac's launch title for PlayStation 3, was a crowd-pleaser at E3 with some fantastic eye candy and a lot of promises based on the developer's excellent reputation. The curtain finally fell on Resistance in Insomniac's Burbank offices, and early indication is that those promises have been fulfilled -- and then some.
Good read. Very promising indeed. And throw in SONY's ability to hype monkey sh*t and make it seem cool, this should be a very successful launch title!

But man, that just makes the wait feel even longer for us, unloved & rejected PAL-onians!

No more than any other company!

Or you thought the Halo generated so much hype just because it was a good game? :LOL:

I feel what shifty geezer is saying tho..
I watched the videos and didn't see much of the details they mentioned in the article but I guess it'll be something to look out for when I get the game and the console in March.. (bastard PAL territory..:cry: )
WOW..the lighting seems so much better than even 3/4 weeks ago. Also they seem to improved about everything else. Technically very impressive game.
All of which I've missed in the game! Seriously, I've watched through the gameplay movies and felt none of this. When it cqme to explosions I just saw a few Bugmonsters fly up. I was wondering why the sandbags never even moved. I kept an eye out for wiggling pipes and saw none of it. Someone ought to do a video of slowly walking through and demoing these features, 'coz in the heat of battle where everyone's just blasting around, it gets lost - at which point I wonder if it's even worth putting in :???:

I saw some indication last night here:
The left, upper Chimera death sequence has a wriggling pipe.

As for the explosion effect... I am still waiting. In one of the Catheral clips, the wooden bar on the floor was thrown around a bit when the sealed exit blew up. I am not sure if there are explosions near sandbags yet... but so far they do remain fixed..
All of which I've missed in the game! Seriously, I've watched through the gameplay movies and felt none of this. When it cqme to explosions I just saw a few Bugmonsters fly up. I was wondering why the sandbags never even moved. I kept an eye out for wiggling pipes and saw none of it. Someone ought to do a video of slowly walking through and demoing these features, 'coz in the heat of battle where everyone's just blasting around, it gets lost - at which point I wonder if it's even worth putting in :???:

Really? the game is pretty fast paced, but after replaying the videos I was able to notice a bunch of the stuff GameDaily was referring to. theres parts where shooting at the cars make them explode, glass shaders in large chunks or smaller peices depending on the weapon. Same thing when applying that to killing the chimera, depending on where you hit them, they either fly back, go face forward, flip around till they land, hunch over a pile of sandbags, etc. And it all looks pretty damn good in the animations, even when they are not dead and trying to get back up.

I've seen bits of the pipes swaying around in one video when he was using the shotgun, steam started coming out. I did not get a good look at was the howler's animation, but that was due to my video being kinda muddy and the player wasnt that up close to him. The soldier animations look pretty damn good. They have a nice sense of weight to them, and the things that should be moving were moving. In one video you can see the backpacks they carried jumped and swayed realisticly as they ran down the street. Unfortunately, I havent seen the sandbags move either, they seem pretty static, but everything else seems pretty dynamic. I like the leapers part where the silver shelves fly up in the air, and land realistically, the doors are flat on the ground how they should be and it doesnt look odd at all.

But yeah, I hope insomniac has a unlockable cheat where you can slow down time (not just with the sniper) so you can get a better sense of all the things occuring, its really quite amazing when it all comes together. But the game is pretty fast, so you kinda loose some of the things going on. While your playing you dont go 'hey look at that glass shattering', you go 'oh shit im about to die, need to get some health'. :LOL:
All of which I've missed in the game! Seriously, I've watched through the gameplay movies and felt none of this. When it cqme to explosions I just saw a few Bugmonsters fly up. I was wondering why the sandbags never even moved. I kept an eye out for wiggling pipes and saw none of it. Someone ought to do a video of slowly walking through and demoing these features, 'coz in the heat of battle where everyone's just blasting around, it gets lost - at which point I wonder if it's even worth putting in :???:

I agree with above. It's mostly all there it just happens way fast. Are you really a geezer? ;)

Good that it happens fast. The OWNER of the game will eventually notice it. When they dramatize features just so people will notice them on the E3 floor it's a sign of weak headed designers.

In fact Shifty, I think you whent on a tirade about that very thing in the last big HS thread.
another addition to the GameDaily preview that wasnt put into the article...

One thing I completely forgot to mention are the Chimeran cores, batteries where the Chimera store energy. If I'm remembering right, there are three cores in stored in a rack, and each core is ball-shaped. Scattered throughtout the levels, they're essentially next-gen exploding barrels.

But they're not static and boring like exploding barrels. Depending on which core you shoot, top, middle, or bottom, the other cores react appropriately to the explosion and go flying off in whatever direction before exploding. It's a cool touch, both in terms of gameplay (intelligent use of the cores can be helpful) and atmosphere (accidently nail a core during a firefight, cores go flying, explosions are everywhere, things get way more chaotic).
Ah, so, physics. Glad to see that Insomniac has invented barrels with physics, which truely makes them "next-gen" barrels.
Wow... so many responses. :D

Actually details like this help to keep the game fresh for replay. I played Halo 1 for more than a year regularly... and sometimes, I noticed things I hadn't before. Occasionally, I would change my playing style to try to uncover/explore more.
Good that it happens fast. The OWNER of the game will eventually notice it. When they dramatize features just so people will notice them on the E3 floor it's a sign of weak headed designers.
I think otherwise. You want to showcase your game, which means showing all it's amazing features. If the demo movies you run only show a quarter of those features, people won't realise it's as good as it is. Walls you can shoot away would be great, instead of indestructable cover. Why wouldn't you want to show that to everyone? Show floors are all about a sales pitch, which merans as much eye-catching dramatics as you can get.

In fact Shifty, I think you whent on a tirade about that very thing in the last big HS thread.
Not I. I don't think I've talked at all about HS's animation or effects at all. :???:

I will say, having looked at a few of those movies again, some of the features are shown. In 'Back Alley Coop' there's several windows broken. It doesn't look as real as I was expecting, but I guess it's a step in the right direction. Some of these features aren't what I was imagining them to be reading the previews. eg. In York there's some nice NPC running animation, and then it suddenly cuts into a slow walk motion without any realistic transition. The way the previews are reading, I felt the animation would be much better.

The biggest problem to date I think has been God mode demos. In the real game you'd be a little more cautious than constantly running and spinning around, giving time to notice the effects of your own actions. Also the previews may be describing the game from a current standard, whereas I'm reading previews from a 'perfect standard' POV. I read 'great animation' and think 'smooth transitions between alternative animations' whereas what they mean is 'same animation techniques as normally used but 5x as many' or somesuch.
Yeah, this is looking really good.

I pretty much have it locked down as my first purchase on launch day.

I liked how the weapons seemed to have more "bang" to them in the latest video, plus you can see how they've got physics on a lot of the stuff in the backgrounds like the breakable bus windows, and the street sight that gets shot over.

Can't wait:p
Not I. I don't think I've talked at all about HS's animation or effects at all. :???:

Oops! Didn't mean to put words in your mouth. Appologies.

Either it wasn't you or I misunderstood or both. I should go an check.
fwiw The post I was refering to wasn't talking about HS in particular.
Yeah, this is looking really good.

I pretty much have it locked down as my first purchase on launch day.

I liked how the weapons seemed to have more "bang" to them in the latest video, plus you can see how they've got physics on a lot of the stuff in the backgrounds like the breakable bus windows, and the street sight that gets shot over.

Can't wait:p

I doubt a real sign would flip over so easily in real life, but hey it `s a game and it looks cool.
Remember the discussion we had about that you cannot shoot lights in the game ? That seems so long ago now.
3 new vids here
looks better everytime i see it.

2nd vid is probably the best one out of the bunch

Agreed, very impressive. The draw-distance remains phenomenal, and there's just so much going on. Also, god-mode is off in that video, and you can see him lose about 3/4th of his life. It was good and also a bit distressing to see that Hale wasn't immune either to all the explosions that killed so many of the platoon he starts running with half-way - though I would have liked to see the screen shudder as he was impacted by a piece of schrapnel or the air-blast of the explosion (as does happen very nicely to the alien footsoldier when he blows up the car next-behind him, or to many of the other soldiers impacted by the artillery)

My favorite is probably the ropes that swing from the hovercraft and then straigthen as the guys come sliding down.

This game looks very impressive.