Resistance Fall of Man PS3

Weren't the uptake numbers for Resistance and Motorstorm something in the neighbourhood of 60% and 50% of the total user-base respectively? Both these games deserve to be anyway, they are really awesome.
No idea what the numbers are... I myself have not gotten MotorStorm (Delayed it at the last minute). Decided to wait for Dirt to see how it compares, and how MotorStorm online fare. Now with the second patch and the new RGB "Full" option, I'm convinced. Plan to buy it in my next shopping trip.
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Weren't the uptake numbers for Resistance and Motorstorm something in the neighbourhood of 60% and 50% of the total user-base respectively? Both these games deserve to be anyway, they are really awesome.

Indeed. Resistance and Motorstorm are pretty much sold out in many stores I ve visited in my area and they are waiting for more shipments
I have the same question too ! Am checking various forums several times a day.

Something caught my attention:

Congratulations Insomniac ! You definitely deserve it.

Certainly deserve it. People were debating if it could break even.

By the way, from the link:
"For a global manufacturer to recreate the interior of any religious building such as a mosque, synagogue, or in this case, a cathedral, with photo realistic quality and then encourage people to have gunbattles in the building is beyond belief and in our view highly irresponsible," Govender said Wednesday.

This Church thing is probably the best publicity SCE had recently. :)

let them finish R&C first!

According to some EGM guy, Insomniac is targeting Resistance releases every other year (R&Cs in between). So they probably started already.
This Church thing is probably the best publicity SCE had recently. :)

:LOL: Ironic but I can go with that. The first time I read it, I had to scan up and down the article for hints that Sony is behind this. Didn't really find anything. So after all the negativity, they get a break from God it seems. ^_^
Wow @ 2 million copies of Resistance sold!

Looks like Insominac is coming out a big winner regardless of how lukewarm PS3 sales might have been up to now.
So these are Sell or Sell through numbers?

I think the number corresponds to copies sold to the retailers as that is what Sony knows. It is where money comes from anyway.

the whole church fiasco bumped Resistance from 40 on UK Full Price Charts all the way up to 22!!

I came here to post this. Though the actual effect may be minor, definitely shows the publicity was positive.
Finally ! The belated "May" Resistance patch will be out tomorrow. There is an official note on the Playstation Blog.

New features (in the form of official FAQ :) )

What does the “MUTE/REPORT†menu from the in-game start menu do?
The “MUTE†menu from the in-game start menu is now the “MUTE/REPORT†menu. Selecting a player from this menu will allow you to select either “Muteâ€, to mute all voice chat from that player, or “Report for abuseâ€, which will notify an in-game moderator that the player is being abusive by cheating, glitching, or otherwise violating the EULA. In-game moderators will then be alerted, and may observe the player to verify that he/she is being abusive. We reserve the right to kick players we have observed being abusive out of any game and/or ban them from playing Resistance: Fall of Man for any length of time, as per our anti-abuse policy outlined in the forums on

Why is voice chat coming through my speakers?
Voice chat from other players will now play through your television speakers by default unless you have a headset plugged in. There is a new option in the “Multiplayer Options†menu from the lobby called “Mute Voice Chatâ€. Setting this to on will start all players muted when you join a game. Players may then be selectively unmuted from the “MUTE/REPORT†menu if you so choose. The “Mute Voice Chat†option only has an effect if you do not have a headset plugged in.

Why is it telling me I have to wait X minutes until I’m allowed to play another ranked game?
Repeatedly failing to finish ranked games (either by quitting or disconnecting) will now incur a time penalty wherein you will not be allowed to join another ranked game immediately after failing to finish one. The time penalty begins at 0, and will build up to a maximum of 15 minutes if you fail to finish a high percentage (30%+) of your ranked games.

How do I transfer leadership of my clan to another player?
Clan leaders now have the option to transfer clan leadership to another player from the clan menu. Connect online and go to the “Community†menu, then to the “Clan†menu. Highlight another players name and press “X†to bring up the menu for that player and select “Transfer Leadership†to make that player the new clan leader.

Can I promote someone else to be a co-leader of my clan without transfering leadership to them?
No, there can only be one leader of a clan at a time.

What is the difference between “Free Maps Only†and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)†for the “Map Vote†game option? (Custom games only)
The “Map Vote†option has changed. There are now three settings: “Noâ€, “Free Maps Onlyâ€, and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)â€. Setting “Map Vote†to “No†will allow anyone to join who has the map that the game is being played on, setting it to “Free Maps Only†(not available if you begin the game on a map from the Map Pack) will allow players to vote for any of the free maps and allow anyone to join the game, and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)†will allow players to vote for any maps, including map pack maps, but will require anyone attempting to join the game to have the map pack. “Map Vote†will default to “Free Maps Only†for any of the free maps and “All Maps (Map Pack Required)†for any of the map pack maps.

What is the “Map Packs†filter on the Custom Games list?
There is a new filter on the “Find Games†screen for custom games: “Map Packsâ€. It has two settings, “Free Maps Only†and “All Mapsâ€. “Free Maps Only†will show only games that do not require the map pack, and “All Maps†will show all games.

What does the “Worldwide Play†option do on the multiplayer options screen?
The “Worldwide Play†option is a new option on the “Multiplayer Options†screen. Setting this to “Worldwide†will allow you to play games against other players all over the world. Setting it to your local region (North America, Europe, etc) will restrict your games to only allow other players from your region to join, and will guarantee that any players you are matched against when playing ranked games are from the same region as you. If you create a party, your party will use the Worldwide Play setting from your multiplayer options (ie, if you are set to “North Americaâ€, only north American players will be allowed to join your party, but if you are set to “Worldwideâ€, anyone can join). Players who are set to “Worldwide†may still join games created by players who are set to their local region only as long as both players are from the same region.

In the custom games screen there's a flag next to the game names, but it's not always the flag of the game creator's home country. What gives?
The flag listed next to the custom game names in the custom games screen is the flag indicating the home country that the game server that is hosting that game is located in, not the home country of the game creator.

How do I purchase and download the new downloadable Map Pack?
To make purchasing and downloading the map pack quick and easy, there is now a “Purchase†button on the main online menu. Going to the “Purchase†menu will allow you to select, purchase, and download the map pack from within Resistance. You can also purchase the Map Pack through the PLAYSTATION Store online.

Help! I already bought the map pack but I didn’t download it or the download failed, how do I download it?
From the Playstation 3 XMB, sign in to the Playstation Network and select “Account Management†from the rightmost menu on the bar. There will be a “Transaction Management†option, which will take you to another submenu with an option for “Download Listâ€. Select “Download List†and then scroll down until you find the Resistance: Fall of Man Map Pack to redownload it.

How do I play the new maps from the map pack in a Ranked Game?
There is a new ranked game type available called “Map Pack Mayhemâ€. This game type includes all team and FFA game modes, and allows parties to join as well as individuals. Later we may roll the map packs into the normal ranked gametypes, but for now we’re giving people who purchased the map pack a way to guarantee they’d be playing on those maps.

How do I open my PLAYSTATION Network Friends list from in-game?
From main online menu, go to “Community†and select “Friendsâ€.

How do I access the new character customization options?
The new character customization options will be unlockable by a code made available to players who have registered their PS3 accounts on, in a similar way to the Cloven skin. We will provide more info at a later date.

There is another release note circulating somewhere that has a longer feature list (e.g., lip-sync of in-game characters with voice chat). Someone post it if you find it. :)
So instead of getting completely destroyed by local people I can now get destroyed even more by worldwide elites?

LOL... In that case you should join a clan. It's easier to play seriously. GAF is pretty good. We are a casual group of people who game together, drink beer, listen to "broadcasted" music, share tips or doze off (Some of us are too busy and are still playing at late nights). :) A few are talented enough (or too stupid :devilish: ) to join the upcoming Resistance tournament.

Some chat in the XMB chat room too.

I ran into Betan twice I think. He's pretty good at it.
Smart integrating of the PSN network downloads service within the game, it seems. This is a great move. Searching through downloads can be made easier with categorized content and search engines, but when everything appropriate to a game is accessible within the game, you never need worry about that!

Does Live! support this as well?
Incidentally, since I upgraded to 1.82 I haven't been able to connect to the Resistance lobby. Dammit, just as I was getting better too!

PSN and the browser work fine. Haven't checked Folding yet. Are the Euro servers down or something?

There's probably a ready answer somewhere but I'm being lazy...

EDIT: Ok, ignore me. Just checked - d'oh.