Resistance Fall of Man PS3

Do they have an official board where you can request stuff?

Like Mouse + Keyboard support, and Mouse + Keyboard players seperated for other players in the multiplayer games.

Yes, i am having an incredible hard time coming to terms with the Console FPS... argh

but dont bother. I ask them to include them twice, half a year before the release, and a few weeks before.

the first time they said nothing was decided yet.
The last time they said it would unbalance the game.
either way:

UT3 will support ms-kb though, out of the box
I just reached my first Stalker in Manchester. Niice. I like the battles preceding, first the small streets and then into the wide open.

Ah I'm just going through the streets myself, first time in the game I felt there was a war going on - really really nice! Managed to get myself killed tho.. better get back to it :)
I restarted the game on hard and don't think I reached the first checkpoint before I went to bed. Man I suck.

Ultimately, as a launch game, Resistance has held my attention through at least two play throughs already and I have no sign of stopping yet. The harder difficulties provide enough of a challenge to keep me going for quite some time (as well as a few more skill points if I can finish hard.) It seems obvious that a lot of effort to refine the game’s experience has paid off, and despite one half hearted attempt at using the Sixaxis controller in a novel way (if an enemy grabs onto you, you have to shake the controller till you are freed; unfortunately, you are never sure if you’re really having an effect), it feels like it is not necessary in making Resistance: Fall of Man an excellent shooter, and a must by for PS3 early adopters. It is a great game, and I am inches away from giving it a higher score than I am doing, but with the potential the Playstation 3 has, I don’t think we should set the bar too high too fast, despite my full recommendation of the game.

From the new Boomtown review.
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I reluctantly stopped playing Resistance for a short while, as I have some (hopefully unrelated) trouble with my left hand. But I had been progressing nicely with this game - somewhere underground again now, the bit after discovering the large unearthed structure and the Southern Command bit, and I find it highly addictive.

I came across another interview, which doesn't contain much news. Even this bit isn't really new, but I like it when devs mention technical stuff and I like seeing this confirmed - you don't hear devs make comments on this kind of stuff 'officially' nearly enough, imho ;)

The bit I bolded is interesting though. said:
8. The PS3 has 256MB of fast video RAM and 256MB of normal RAM. But I’ve heard that all memory can be used either by the Cell or the GPU anyway. Is this split an issue? Does it hinder or help? Would a unified memory architecture have been better? Do you have any clarifying comments about that?

Al Hastings, Chief Technology Officer: In practice, the split memory architecture hasn’t caused us many problems. The GPU can access main RAM at high speed and with very few restrictions. And while there are some restrictions when you want the CPU or SPUs to access video RAM at high speed, so far they’ve been easy enough to work with.

For the PS3, I think the split memory architecture was the right way to go. It allows the Cell and the GPU to both do heavy work on their local buses without contending with each other. It should really pay dividends a few years down the road in the PS3’s lifecycle when everyone’s code has gotten more efficient and bus bandwidth emerges as a one of the most important resources.
I've played the hell out of it and the more I do the more I appreciate it. One of those rare games that although linear is worth playing over and over.
When? (I skimmed the link, must have missed it)
As Patsu said, sometime next week, apparently waiting for Sony certification.

Another update to Resistance:

Global servers, XMB and PSN integration, in-game moderator, etc.

Also include chargeable Map Pack.

I was really hoping single player goodies.
And no free maps? I must have missed that part. While I am really interested in the new maps I doubt they will be popular when charged for, can make my purchase less valuable as well.

Unfortunately I am very skeptical about contact integration if they are going to populate my XMB contact list with resistance ones. I think XMB contacts should be visible from any game but game contacts should be second class by default, lesser privileges or something, and subgrouped under the main contact list.

I like that they are doing something(?) regarding quitters issue, but they should somehow fix party imbalances as well.
I was really hoping single player goodies.
And no free maps? I must have missed that part. While I am really interested in the new maps I doubt they will be popular when charged for, can make my purchase less valuable as well.

We already have 1 free map pack a couple of months ago. Subsequently, Insomniac mentioned that the new maps will be chargeable. Agree with what you said. I will buy them just because of their quality of work and past updates. I play online "alone" (without the clan) these days because of my odd playing hours.

Unfortunately I am very skeptical about contact integration if they are going to populate my XMB contact list with resistance ones. I think XMB contacts should be visible from any game but game contacts should be second class by default, lesser privileges or something, and subgrouped under the main contact list.

Yeah... will have to see how they do it. I prefer them to separate the clan list from my XMB buddy list too. They should allow a way to easily import/export/alias between lists.

I like that they are doing something(?) regarding quitters issue, but they should somehow fix party imbalances as well.

Agree too. Let's see how well their new quitter penalty works. The game is usually good at balancing the party size unless someone quit in the middle of the game.
What are those images supposed to be showing (other than someone's inability to read the forum rules about image sizes ;))? They're duplicate images with different colouring, as if showing the difference between outputs or displays.
What are those images supposed to be showing (other than someone's inability to read the forum rules about image sizes ;))? They're duplicate images with different colouring, as if showing the difference between outputs or displays.

Don't know what they are supposed to show but they show a smart physics (semi-ragdoll) engine, that bodies don't receive shadow and there are more than four characters on screen.

I think coloring difference is due to camera settings as opposed to display settings. This is certainly not the most efficient way of getting images from Resistance to compare outputs. Apparently the guy almost died in order to position the zombies correctly (probably using melee mostly and ignoring attacking Hybrid Chimera).

That was one pile of mutants, but say what happens if you throw a grenade in there, screenshots of that? :D

I'm sure Resistance can handle a single screenshot pretty well. I'm more curious about the framerate though.
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Just for info, I just caught the tail-end of a report on BBC News about (I think) a church in Manchester complaining about the "Cathedral Level"; which I think is set in Manchester?

Couple of non-verbatim "quotes" which unfortunately I can't attribute to anyone cos I was busy looking for a snack...

"Mancheter has suffered from serious gun crime" (so that level is inappropriate)

"Sony has said this is purely entertainment"

"Manchester Church has said it wants an apology and may sue"

God almighty, I mean Jesus... I mean what the heck??

I'm sure it'll turn up on the website soon enough.
C&VG is reporting it now

Church of England sues Sony over Resistance: Fall of Man

Legal action threatened after Sony used Manchester Cathedral as the backdrop to Resistance

The Church of England is to sue Sony over the use of Manchester Cathedral as the backdrop to Resistance, which the ITV labels, incidentally, "a violent computer game". It's about shooting make-believe aliens with make-believe guns, isn't it?

Back to the story and the Church says Sony didn't ask for permission to use the cathedral and has demanded an apology and the removal of the game from shop shelves - otherwise legal action will be considered. Now that's a big ask, especially as it's one of PS3's biggest sellers. Sony has not returned calls to officials from the Church, says ITV.

We don't know what's worse; accusing Sony of desecrating a cathedral, talking about Resistance like it's real-life or describing Manchester as a city plagued by gun violence. Sound off below.
so hows the law-system in england - Any chance they find a judge that can keep a straight face when listening to the accusation?
so hows the law-system in england - Any chance they find a judge that can keep a straight face when listening to the accusation?

I actually work at another cathedral in the UK where a level in a RTS on the PC featured our cathedral. 'Outrage' was expressed etc etc, but it never went anywhere. Now of course this is different in a way, it's more realistic for one thing, taking place IN the cathedral rather than around it, but I think the precedent set in my cathedral's case bodes well. Purely from a common sense pov though, it really is quite silly. Yes it's realistic, and yes, perhaps Sony should have made sure the church were happy before releasing it, but seriously, it's a fictional narrative with aliens (I think that's right - not played it myself)..If this were GTA or The Getaway, maybe i could understand, but this an incitement and encouragement of guns and gun culture than Wolfenstein was of the Nazis