Resistance Fall of Man PS3


Im thinking of getting this on the PS3 UK Launch as its recieved good reviews so far. Anyone here played it or want to comment before I shell out the big bucks?
The search button says great things about it!

It's hands down the best PS3 game. I enjoy it a whole lot. I wish I actually liked FPS games because then I'd likely be totally smitten with it. Overall I'd say the game is highly underrated.

And welcome aboard. Don't be shy with that search button.

It's definitely the must-have PS3 game, but that's not necessarily saying much at this point. I had some fun with it, the story was interesting enough, the controls were great, the weapons were interesting, and the graphics were pretty good.

I'm not sure why I didn't enjoy it as much as other games in the genre. Perhaps it was the weapons. Shooting through walls means that you don't have to form a strategy for getting to enemies in tough spots. Seeking weapons means you can take out enemies without even seeing them. I tried to not use these weapons, but there were parts where I just wanted to advance the game (which, to me, indicates that there are boring sections). If it wasn't the weapons, then perhaps it was the level design that didn't keep me interested (though the later levels were awesome). Whatever the reason, the game was just mediocre IMO.

RFoM definitely picks up near the end though. So, if you do buy this game, and you're getting bored, keep in mind that the last couple of levels are worth the chore of making it through the early levels.

I haven't played it online (none of my buddies have a PS3, and I tend to only play online with friends), so I have a feeling I'm missing some of RFoM's awesomeness.

I give it a 8/10
Some of the FPS freaks over at GAF seem to think the online component is peerless in the console area. Better than Halo/GRAW etc etc because the online is so smooth and lag free even in the huge games that can be played in Resistance don't lag or stutter.
By console FPS standards online multiplayer is excelent. It does not have the depth you will see in PC fps games. But it has a very solid core mechanic. Ironically I think it has the strongest appeal to hardcore Halo players.

For me, the what the game really excels at are the large scale battles with dozens of combatants fighting in the same zone. But in the SP game it is also paced in a very balanced fashion. So you only get full on war every once and a while in the SP game. In MP ranked games you can't choose the number of players so you often get put in small 8P games. Non-ranked games you can jump in a 40P game and it will get crazy but still manage to run at a solid frame rate with out noticiable lag penality.

Visually, the game is technically excellent. But astetically it's a bit depressing. Nathan Hale as a character is also kind of depressing. But the supporting cast are a bit more interesting.
I'm not sure why I didn't enjoy it as much as other games in the genre. Perhaps it was the weapons. Shooting through walls means that you don't have to form a strategy for getting to enemies in tough spots. Seeking weapons means you can take out enemies without even seeing them. I tried to not use these weapons, but there were parts where I just wanted to advance the game (which, to me, indicates that there are boring sections). If it wasn't the weapons, then perhaps it was the level design that didn't keep me interested (though the later levels were awesome). Whatever the reason, the game was just mediocre IMO.

RFoM definitely picks up near the end though. So, if you do buy this game, and you're getting bored, keep in mind that the last couple of levels are worth the chore of making it through the early levels.

I haven't played it online (none of my buddies have a PS3, and I tend to only play online with friends), so I have a feeling I'm missing some of RFoM's awesomeness.

I give it a 8/10

Play the game on "Hard" and "Superhuman" if you think the game is easy. For me, "Hard" is more fun than the default level. I'm not sure if you can play "Hard" right away though.

The Auger (which can fire through walls) works both ways. The enemies can also flush you out of your hiding with it (and you're usually out-numbered). The AI is pretty smart and has out-flanked me successfully (I thought I'd flank them, but one of them sneaked behind me). Some will charge at you if you hide for too long (e.g., when recovering health points). They are also smart enough to avoid getting hit (Auger or not), and they can work well together with different weapons.

As for seeking weapons (The LAARK and HailStorm special firing mode), they are useful in tight spots at higher difficulty levels. If you use them up too quickly, you'll regret later on. ;-)
I find the LAARK multi-homing missiles not that effective against bigger enemies (Manual mode/direct hit is more powerful).

You can also lay traps/mines using the Sapper gun later on.

In Hard, you get to use new weapons (1 more new grenade, and 2 new guns not found in default difficulty).

As for multiplayer, it's better to join a Clan. I joined the GAF clan and recommend this title. Read the 93 page thread here: :)
The game has evolved to such a state that clans are using different group strategies to win.
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In Hard, you get to use new weapons (1 more new grenade, and 2 new guns not found in default difficulty).

You get the new guns on your second play through regardless of difficulty. I have not played on Hard yet but my second time through Medium I got 4 new weapons (dual pistols, flamethrower, arc charger, and the splitter) plus the backlash grenade.
Hmm.... I think I got the flamethrower and arc charger in the first play through... oh nevermind, I can't remember anymore. But the reaper and splitter are definitely in the second playthrough.
the games great to any standards imo. online is great and very intense with lag free 40 man servers. clan and buddy systems as well as stat tracking. single player is great and decently long. decent replay value in unlockable weapons, difficulty settings and skill points. great sound, awesome weapons, and good graphics.
Resistance, Motorstorm, Oblivion, and VF5 should be must haves for euro launch for most people imo.
I don't think you can go wrong with picking up resistance one bit. Truly great game.
Probably the best next-gen FPS right now imho, online and offline.
If you have a PS3 and don't have this game, you're missing out.

It got underrated by the press after Gears (in graphics, especially). It's online is quite fantastic (probably some of the best online shooter action you can get) and it's single player run through is enjoyable enough to complete 2-3 times (at least once, if you're not the type to play a game more than once). Co-op is pretty fun too.

If you like shooters at all, there isn't any reason to skip this game. It's a very polished product all around.
One of the best FPS experiences I've had.

If you have a PS3 this is a game you should have. If you like FPS, this is a game you must play.

Difficulty scales as you progress by the mid point and latter levels the game changes and is exhilirating.

The way the game saves are oganized and the scale of some of the enemies is also great.

Overall, a great game by it's own right. The multiplayer is awesome, for those complaining about map size you can restrict yourself to smaller maps or you can practice by yourself to learn them.

The number of mobs coming at you at once and different kinds of mobs is when things gets interesting. Some games may have better graphics (Gears) but they don't have the number of monsters and variation of species types.

I'd give this game a 9.5 out of 10. Decent story, great gameplay, awesome multiplayer and very good visuals with top notch sound.

One of the best FPS experiences I've had.

If you have a PS3 this is a game you should have. If you like FPS, this is a game you must play.

Difficulty scales as you progress by the mid point and latter levels the game changes and is exhilirating.

The way the game saves are oganized and the scale of some of the enemies is also great.

Overall, a great game by it's own right. The multiplayer is awesome, for those complaining about map size you can restrict yourself to smaller maps or you can practice by yourself to learn them.

The number of mobs coming at you at once and different kinds of mobs is when things gets interesting. Some games may have better graphics (Gears) but they don't have the number of monsters and variation of species types.

I'd give this game a 9.5 out of 10. Decent story, great gameplay, awesome multiplayer and very good visuals with top notch sound.


I agree. Best enjoyed on an HDTV, the game being displayed at 720p makes a pretty significant difference.
I just reached my first Stalker in Manchester. Niice. I like the battles preceding, first the small streets and then into the wide open.
Do they have an official board where you can request stuff?

Like Mouse + Keyboard support, and Mouse + Keyboard players seperated for other players in the multiplayer games.

Yes, i am having an incredible hard time coming to terms with the Console FPS... argh
Just make the investment. ;)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Unreal, which is supposed to both support mouse and keyboard AND make good use of the sixaxis controls (as I understand it for pointing your gun/camera, which I think should work really, really well).