I wish some Analyst would ask them how they expect to compete with an area efficient design when superscalar processors have been spending ungodly amounts of area for minimal CPI increases for nigh a decade, and when the lack of eDRAM increases the power needed for memory interfacing by an order of magnitude while decreasing available bandwith by more than that.
I dont understand what Microsft is thinking, they could not have been spending the amount of money needed to develop competetive CPU tech without telling their stockholders. Unless someone has been doing some stealth R&D on massively parallel general processors I just dont seem any option for them to compete on this front ... as I said long ago, the only people who I think would have had the balls to do this was NVIDIA, or maybe AMD or both, but without Microsoft fronting a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars I dont see them having done it.
Their lack of eDRAM will probably again mean their specs cant rival Sony in GigaPixels, unless they support something ridiculous like 16X multisampling and report it in GigaSamples or something (will help the numbers, but wont do much for games). This time they cannot make up the difference by supporting better shading IMO. Especially for things like shadow maps this will hurt them in games (a tiler could even the odds BTW

. They might be able to make up a bit of the lack in processing power in the shaders, but I find it doubtfull ... and that still lacks the power to compete in physics/AI/etc.
What we have is a console for which it will be nearly impossible to compete on general purpose processing and rasterization if Sony did their job well this time.