Remember this post by Tommy McClain about XBox2?

Paul said:
Besides you MISSED the entire point of the post, it was centered around proving this wrong.

It seems that these TFlops are intended to be available in
distributed game servers

This I proved wrong.

I dunno can't find anything more than that quote . Although if he is talking about multi tflops as it sounds like (tflops is plural) then i guess he is right . Your quote said that the ps3 system will be capable of 1tflop. heh don't u hate the little details and how they can be twisted .
Yes the console. That does not mean the cell chip . They can be adding in sound performance and graphic performance. Once again show me where it says the cell chip in the ps3 will be capable of 1tflop .

As long as the console can do 1TFLOPS that's all that matters in the end.

Sound FLOPS? Wtf are you talking about, Graphics performance? Maybe if they retain the design of Visualizer with the APU's, if not than no.

Your basically looking at PS3 when you look at Figure 6, infact the patent says Playstation 3 right in it.

Just found this.

So the cell patent does not equal the ps3 patent. No matter how much some people want to claim that it makes the ps3 1tflop.)

. Although if he is talking about multi tflops as it sounds like (tflops is plural) then i guess he is right .

Nope, because you can stack a hundred Cell's in a server and have a 100TFLOPS class super computer. This is not distributed over the net now is it.
Hmm thinking back, I never even claimed PS3's Cell would have 1tflops performance, just the console.

Here's what he said.

Don't expect TFlops on the playstation itself anytime soon.

And I proved him wrong. Or should I say Okamoto did.
Paul said:
Yes the console. That does not mean the cell chip . They can be adding in sound performance and graphic performance. Once again show me where it says the cell chip in the ps3 will be capable of 1tflop .

As long as the console can do 1TFLOPS that's all that matters in the end.

Sound FLOPS? Wtf are you talking about, Graphics performance? Maybe if they retain the design of Visualizer with the APU's, if not than no.

Your basically looking at PS3 when you look at Figure 6, infact the patent says Playstation 3 right in it.

Just found this.

So the cell patent does not equal the ps3 patent. No matter how much some people want to claim that it makes the ps3 1tflop.)



Yes , a sound card like the audigy can also have a flops rating. :) Some very old cards like the awe 32 from sb have a flops raiting .

Nope, because you can stack a hundred Cell's in a server and have a 100TFLOPS class super computer. This is not distributed over the net now is it.

Well then the p4 can also be a 100tflop class computer .
Well then the p4 can also be a 100tflop class computer .

What does this have to do with anything? The guy I was arguing with said that Cell's multi TFLOPS performance would come from networking them over the internet, this was clearly wrong as you can stack 100 Cell's together.

As for your Sound FLOPS thing, no console this gen PS2, Xbox, GC has a sound processor that has any power measured in flops. And this won't happen next gen either.
Paul said:
Well then the p4 can also be a 100tflop class computer .

What does this have to do with anything? The guy I was arguing with said that Cell's multi TFLOPS performance would come from networking them over the internet, this was clearly wrong as you can stack 100 Cell's together.

As for your Sound FLOPS thing, no console this gen PS2, Xbox, GC has a sound processor that has any power measured in flops. And this won't happen next gen either.

What your saying is that sony can make what u want happen no matter the cost. So i'm saying intel can make the same thing happen. If they can make a single cell chip capable of multi tflops is in question. That is why he said it would require networking to achieve.

If they can make a single cell chip capable of multi tflops is in question. That is why he said it would require networking to achieve.

It seems that these TFlops are intended to be available in
distributed game servers

Just because there is an s on the end of TFLOP doesn't mean more than one. S means second.

Trillion Floating point operations per SECOND.

This is why when people want to say more than a tflops they use 'multiple tflops'

Multiple trillions of floating point operations per second.
That Sony initially wanted a microprocessor capable of 1 tflop is obvious from the patent. But, as time passed they may have realised that such a chip is impossible, and changed their plans. Such a claiming that a PS3 can achieve 1 teraflop by connecting to a network.
And WHERE is your evidence Bbot? You have NONE, and anything you brought up I already proved wrong. Get a grip and face reality.

The whole Cell = 1TFLOPS from network thing I already proved wrong, don't you get it? Do you READ?
Why has yet another Xbox thread turned into a Sony/PS3/Cell thread? We already have gobs and gobs of those threads (actually, too many). Keep the related talk to those threads.
Well, as they say "all roads lead to Rome..."

...not that this has anything to do with the tangent shift. I guess it's mainly because there wasn't anything else to say on the original topic, and there's ALWAYS something to speculate/dream-up/bitch-about with the other. ;)
DeathKnight said:
Why has yet another Xbox thread turned into a Sony/PS3/Cell thread? We already have gobs and gobs of those threads (actually, too many). Keep the related talk to those threads.

I've not really paid much attention to the Console forum myself, and I'd heard a number of complaints about this sort of thing previously. I'll have a chat with jvd and Sonic.
DeathKnight said:
Why has yet another Xbox thread turned into a Sony/PS3/Cell thread? We already have gobs and gobs of those threads (actually, too many). Keep the related talk to those threads.

It is bound to happen.....a console thread where you are discussing FLOPs and all....CELL/PS3 is bound to get mentioned; not that anything is wrong here....atleast it is better and more imp than ATI vs NV stuff!
Also, all the console talk is pretty much firmly butting heads with their competitors, so expect things to swing wildly between them. You can rarely talk about Topic A on Console X without bringing someone bringing Console Y comparisons in as well. (Especially since there are those who feel it is imperative to knock one console or extoll another.) 'taint going to stop, so it's usually just easier to "go with the flow." ;) I certainly don't think over-moderation would help anything...

Some threads talk about 2-3+ different things at the same time. Confusing, it can get, but the people who are WANTING to talk about said things find a way to sort it all out anyway.