Thanks Ink, thanks Rys.
It's very very sad. Again, my condolences to his family and friends. He was way too young and he had so much good to do for the community.
It sure as hell made me think about myself. I too am in a risk group for complications with H1N1 infections but so far, the whole thing seemed "far from home."
Live healthier people. enjoy life. Bickering about video cards and politics probably isn't going to help us in the end. We lost someone great with Chris and I don't think anyone here didn't have the utmost respect for his approach to the community.
Thanks Chris, we'll miss you.
The highlighted part for the obvious vanity of sooo many things each of us deals with on a daily basis.
I intended to write a small write up about all the fun and good times I had personally with Chris especially when we tried to set up 3DEclipse or the endless hours we chatted about personal matters etc. but I couldn't find the strength to even start. I still use after all those years the epsilon plus three slogan of that project and the site's logo as an avatar on other boards. I was thinking of getting rid it some time ago but now it'll stick with me to remind me of him.
Personally I wish I could believe more in things like the afterlife. However if I should be wrong on that one too, I hope he can sense our feelings from where he is....