Teasy said:
Just because I am pro Nintendo that does not mean I will "go gagga" over every aspect of anything they release.
Pretty much everyone has come out to say the DS is pretty bad looking. I think that when it undergoes a face change you will be there trumpeting its aesthetic. Then again, now that I've poisoned the pool perhaps you won't.
Teasy said:
When have I gone "gagga" over GBA or its design/look? When have I even gone gagga over the design of GC?
Not sure though you certainly are willing to believe that seeing it in person will make it look a lot better.
Teasy said:
BTW I don't share your opinion that the final design of DS will change a lot. I'd be interested to hear how you suggest it should change to make it look so much "cooler"?
I guess I'd start first of all by changing the tint of the plastic. Frankly that is what bothers me the most about it because it reminds of me cheap Tiger-like handheld games that you find in the back of 99 cent stores. Heck, even the Platnium color they use for the GCN and GBA-SP would be miles better, don't you think? (Disclaimer my GCN & GBA SP are both Platnium

). The actual curve of the edges also don't agree with me as it once again conjures up images of those cheap hand helds.
Teasy said:
Lesson being pictures can make things look very bad indeed..
Certainly true. Then again,
every picture we've seen of the DS makes it look bad and only
one picture of the PSP looks bad. In addition the picture you linked can easily be critiqued "why" it makes the PSP look bad (over bright flash - look at her washed out hand, you can see that it's been handled by many grubby & greasy hands, and the angle of the flashed colored the LCD green). Even so, that dirty PSP picture still looks miles ahead of a pristine DS.
Can you honestly say that
http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/05/11/screens_6097113.html?page=1 looks as good or better than
Teasy said:
Well because nobody I am disagreeing with has given me a reason to do that. They're all basing there decisions purely on the same pic as I am, not on seeing it in person. I didn't say it was ugly though anyway, just that I don't understand how that can be considered sexy.
So basically you are willing to give the DS the benefit of the doubt
because you haven't seen it in person. And yet the PSP with it's sleek add-ons are dismissed
because you haven't seen it in person? I mean, don't you think it's possible the PSP add-ons will look better in person?
What did you think of Minority Report's UI? It universally got praise. The PSP addon with its "floating" UI is similar.
Your comment about @#$% in a bottle are way off the mark (to london-boy), especially for one fighting a charge of blindness himself. In other words have you ever seen him go ga-ga over other Sony products (honest question - I don't know)? The same question you asked of me should be asked of yourself. I think the statement of yours (though likely tongue-in-cheek) was simply a way of lashing out against the universally high opinion of the PSP especially in light of the near-universal disregard for the DS' looks.
Maybe I don't get some of you Brits, what with Charles preferring Camilla to Diana.
Lastly, for the record, what do you think of the two handhelds based solely on looks?