This answers one of the questions I starting having after the initial leaks for Neo.The most interesting is GPU. It is not Polaris-based. In fact it is GCN 1.1 with some functions of Polaris.
What functions it might inherit from Polaris are unclear. The Neo slides did mention new "instructions" although instructions for what is unknown.
Scalar memory operations were significantly changed and might represent an area that could not back-port.
Some of the wavefront and FP16 instructions would be nice to have, but whether there's a place they could fit in the ISA or how much hardware would need to change could have impeded that.
Delta compression would be a significant win, but the full use case would require hardware changes.
Various power-saving measures might be left to Polaris, which could explain some of the power difference. Some of the low-level circuit optimizations would be agnostic to the GPU version, so some could still carry over.
The process difference could be another item that breaks the applicability of Polaris as a reference.
There seems to be an impression that GF's process is less optimal. On the other hand, yet another process jump might mean that Neo isn't as optimal as it could be.