Just a comment on the multiplayer part of this game:
I played a lot, and got all classes and second abilities and the monsterful revolver and all this stuff and bought all the DLC (which doesn't help me much as no one seems to play the new maps).
The biggest flaw for me is (and it is so obvious that I really wonder why this game has this flaw) that despite this very well made different classes and the different second abilities and the possiblities to combine them to create new classes, the game basically only rewards "killing".
Most of the other abilities don't give you points. For instance:
throwing a spawn grenade...they should give you points, if someone spawns at your grenade. When he survives the first few seconds, or leaves the spawn area with a certain distant you should get points (this ensures that you take care where you throw the spawn grenade, and maybe take care of guarding it). If someone uses your spawn grenade and immediately gets killed, in consequence you should loose points, because it is your task as a Tactician to find smart spawn locations (this would easily sort out all "bad" Tacticians).
repairing stuff...if someone uses your ammo boxes, you should get points. if someone kills with your ammo, you should get assistance points. If you repair a turret, you should get assistance points if someone kills with it.
Of course this needs a new point system...at the moment you get basically 1 point for kills (sans HS and other stuff) and 3 for a objective. Why don't they give you 100 points for a "personal" kill and maybe 50 points if a bot of yours kill someone and 30 for an assistance. Give you 1000 points (or more) for an objective so that people really have a reward if the go for the objectives (up to now, it seems that most of the people playing just go for the kills because this gives you maximum points)
When you revive someone you should get 100 points if he survive the next few seconds, if he immediately gets killed you should loose points in consequence. Healing with medi packs (up to now gives nothing) should give 20 points or something like this and 0 if you heal yourself (medics use their medi packs just for themselves and not for others it seems)
If you are a Saboteur you should get more points if you kill someone in disguise (after all, it is his special ability). As a sniper, if you mark and spot people for the others, you should get a reward as well.
The list goes on and on, as there are a lot of specialities and abilities, which in the end don't get rewarded at all. So basically people choose the classes to maximise there kill number and ignore the rest (this is maybe the reason, why the assault class with the rocket launcher is hated so much, as it gives easy kills and thus easy points).
This is what I wonder so much...they allocated a lot of time to build this classes and all the abilities, but they don't build a reward system so that the classes and different abilities are rewarded. Team play and self-sacrifice doesn't work when you play with strangers, it only works when you get rewarded!
As I already like this MP part so much, I wonder how this could have turned out...