[PS3] Demon Souls

I'm about to start the assassination quest. Does anyone know if I'm requested to kill person B, and then I watch him killed by other enemies, do I still get reward for his death? Do I still get to proceed to the next assassination target?

I read in GAF that some guy lured a group of monsters to kill
. That way his Character Tendency didn't change (He wanted to stay White). He didn't mention the assassination quest though. If you want, you can tell me all the details and I can ask there. There are a lot more DS experts on GAF compared to B3D.

Regarding the lock on camera swing etc., I think choosing when to toggle lock on and lock off is seen as an important skill to master in this game. Well, at least the wiki and a guide says so and I agree. ;)

Yeah... targeting can be frustrating in 2-* because of wandering NPCs. 4-* is dangerous because of flying enemies. The player has to be very careful in managing the targeting wherever he goes. But it's helpful when fighting fast enemies.
deathindustrial, I saw a screen shot of the bow reticule on GAF today:


Press L1 to enter this view (After pressing L1 to equip it).
You'll need a strength of 12 to wield one. The better bows will require higher strength.

Your arrow count is at bottom left.

It's very similar to the new controller's archery demo.

EDIT: The compound long bow is pretty powerful when upgraded. You can kill some bosses with it if you don't want to get your hands dirty (like me !). The game won't let you shoot at leisure, so you'll have to dodge incoming danger. Nonetheless, it's much safer than tackling them toe-to-toe.

If you were to lock on to something in real life with a sword and shield, chances are that you will never be able to keep up with yourself and get killed if the enemy moved to evade your death blow.

Basically lock on should not mean forever lock on, thats cheating, aka cheap.
The problem though is that the controls are too clunky (especially combined with the camera) to be able to reliably target the enemies. Presumably this is why they decided to toss in the autolock function - combat was too frustrating and random without it.

I played a few more hours last night and I died more than once due to forgetting to trigger the target lock and this causing my attack to miss. Combine that with the camera having major issues in confined spaces and you get some cheap deaths for happening sure. When a monster is directly in front of you and you shoot magic at it or swing your sword but the animation and camera causes you to land far to the left, I call that cheap.


My point is not that I necessarily want target lock, it is that the game is designed around it and I feel the implementation is not the best. I would personally prefer it if the game was first person so the camera issues would be less pronounced and so that the character animations would not cause the unpredictable targeting they do now (if you haven't managed to get the target lock enabled).

Maybe once I figure out how to reliably change the targeted enemy it will be less death inducing when I am being mobbed.

On an unrelated note, where are your experience points shown in the HUD? The Wiki and manual (I think) mentions them but I have been unable to find them in game.

The problem though is that the controls are too clunky (especially combined with the camera) to be able to reliably target the enemies. Presumably this is why they decided to toss in the autolock function - combat was too frustrating and random without it.

Like most posters in the GAF DS thread, I actually like the controls. ^_^
It's smooth and intuitive. Also didn't use autolock for slower enemies.

Autolock is helpful for fast enemies, but necessary for ranged attack (except in FPS view).
It works very well for boss fights so far. The system can get into trouble if you have many small enemies running around though. In which case, you need to manage your fight carefully, or solve the problem in other ways.

I played a few more hours last night and I died more than once due to forgetting to trigger the target lock and this causing my attack to miss. Combine that with the camera having major issues in confined spaces and you get some cheap deaths for happening sure. When a monster is directly in front of you and you shoot magic at it or swing your sword but the animation and camera causes you to land far to the left, I call that cheap.


You can call it whatever you want.

Which level are you in now ? The camera does block my view sometimes, but it's not a big problem so far, even in a confined space. In fact, I don't die from camera issues at all. My deaths are mostly caused by rolling off a cliff while dodging attack; or got chopped into pieces because I lost stamina or someone broke my guard. ^_^

My point is not that I necessarily want target lock, it is that the game is designed around it and I feel the implementation is not the best. I would personally prefer it if the game was first person so the camera issues would be less pronounced and so that the character animations would not cause the unpredictable targeting they do now (if you haven't managed to get the target lock enabled).

Hmm... but I want to see my armor and character design in third person view. First person view may also be more frustrating since I can't see the enemies behind or around me.

The current view allows me to manage fighting better.

Maybe once I figure out how to reliably change the targeted enemy it will be less death inducing when I am being mobbed.

Why are you getting mobbed in the first place ? When you saved Ostrava, I remembered you jumped into the group of Dreglings to fight them ? I saw a video where some guy did that, he was able to lay down the entire group very quickly. For me, I simply Soul Arrowed most of them to death and then took down the remaining 1-2 guy.

On an unrelated note, where are your experience points shown in the HUD? The Wiki and manual (I think) mentions them but I have been unable to find them in game.

You mean your Soul Level ? Or the amount of Souls you gained to upgrade ? If it's the latter, it's at the bottom right.
You might want to check out this video Yemeth posted:

It shows you the important items to get when starting out.

He seems pretty good at managing the camera. The camera is controlled by your right thumbstick anyway. You can adjust it if you don't like the view. If you press it down, you lock on. Press it again if you don't want locking. When autolock is on, you lose camera control. Give it up to get the camera back.

At 3:00, He jumped into the horde of Dreglings to save Ostrava. Look at how he take them down without autolock.

I remember you're using a Royal. Your primary weapon would be the Rapier. It has piercing action instead of swinging. So your damage area will be smaller. This may be the problem. If you prefer to swing your weapon like the gentleman above, then you might want to change your weapon. I'm using a Falchion now. I am also a Royal.
If you want, you can tell me all the details and I can ask there. There are a lot more DS experts on GAF compared to B3D.

Thanks a lot.:smile: My problem is this:
I know one of the assassination targets is Biorr, but I also know he will help distract the blue dragon in 1-4 and make my life easier there. As I understand it, he either dies in the process or disappear from the current game after that regardless. So, I'm thinking if I can get the best of both worlds. Can I first take the assassination order, then go to kill the blue dragon and see Biorr dies in the process of helping me, and then go back to Nexus to collect reward? If I can't get the reward without killing him myself, can I still get the next assassination job after he's gone, or will I be stuck?
Damn it, I got invaded by 2 Black Phantoms tonight.

Just finished off the 2-1 boss, got my body back and continued exploring.

I didn't see the first invasion message. So I thought he was an in-game BP. He appeared with 2 other in-game enemies I had not seen before. Was able to dispatch all of them relatively quickly.

The second BP invasion message appeared almost immediately after I killed the first one. I was worried about the possibility of a third BP, and decided to call it quits.

I fired up the Evacuate spell, but it didn't $^&#^$# work ! May be that spell doesn't work when invaded ? I paid 20K to learn it. Tried 2 more times; still nothing. I was losing precious time.

I hurried back to the Archstone on-foot and not surprisingly, met the new BP in a narrow tunnel head-on. My weapon setup was all wrong because I was trying to cast the Evacuate spell. I also suffered from bleeding from the first encounter. Took a few hits immediately, but fortunately missed a Soul Arrow. I had over 20K on me and had to wave goodbye to them now. [Ph*ck !]

I rolled forward clumsily to pass him and avoided more attacks. Was determined to make a dash to the Archstone. It's about 30 seconds away. Also trying to heal and change my weapon config like all at the same time while fumbling around. My hands were cold, and I felt feverish (!). Didn't even have time to scream or breathe.

He was running behind me, swinging his sword. I bumped into him after barely equipping my Falchion. For the first time, I was able to see his outfit (Fluted armor with long sword ?). No wonder I had a chance to re-equip; fluted armor must be heavy and slow.

While that thought lingered in the air, the fight was over.

He got careless and I got lucky. I rolled into him while his shield was down.
Had enough stamina left to dish out a few rapid slashes. I just upgraded my Crescent Falchion too.

The screen read, "The Black Phantom was Destroyed !"

Screw you, I don't want to stay any longer... going home now.

[patsu made it back to the Nexus to change his pants]
I always use poison daggers on black phantom, throw one and then avoiding their attacks until they die from poisoning... I wonder why they didn't carry antidotes....
Ha ha... now I have to worry about incoming poison daggers too. :devilish:

It was fun anyway. Was planning for future BP invasions as I drove home. The Evacuate spell (actually, a miracle) was my original plan for handling unwelcomed BP encounters. I wanted to go home early tonight. I think it worked out okay in the end. Earned extra souls to spend. Am a little more confident with BP encounters.

I got another scare in 4-2 yesterday. Was sandwiched between 2 Shadowmen as they revived. Couldn't roll pass the Shadowman behind me. He's too big (or the tunnel was too small). Panicked and suddenly forgot which button was "Attack". :LOL: My fingers kept mashing the [] button as a reflex. Wasted 20 half-moon leaves :D but I survived long enough to remember R1. Killed the Shadowman in time, and escaped with a sliver of health.

I tell ya... this game reminds me of an old friend. He always told me, "Don't pray too hard, you might get it". I wanted to try a horror game. This one nearly gave me heart attack. :)
I fired up the Evacuate spell, but it didn't $^&#^$# work ! May be that spell doesn't work when invaded ? I paid 20K to learn it. Tried 2 more times; still nothing.

I think you can't go back to Nexus when an invasion is still going on. You can't go back even if you touch the archstone of your current area. However, Evacuate is well worth the price because it makes souls farming more efficient.

The first time I saw an invasion notice, I tried to run away as well. I was in 4-1 at the time. I knew an invader is ejected when the host runs across different areas separated by archstone. Then, I realized I haven't faced the 4-1 boss yet, and hence have nowhere to run. :D The guy was upon me when I was still thinking what to equip. Fortunately, I managed to kill the guy but I was anxious and nervous for the whole process and quit game afterward to take a breather. :p
I haven't found an amulet yet - if you learn miracles do they dish one out to you, or do you need to track one down in the world? If it's the later, don't spoil it for me as to where! ;)
Damn it, I got invaded by 2 Black Phantoms tonight.

....The second BP invasion message appeared almost immediately after I killed the first one. I was worried about the possibility of a third BP, and decided to call it quits.

I fired up the Evacuate spell, but it didn't $^&#^$# work ! May be that spell doesn't work when invaded ? I paid 20K to learn it. Tried 2 more times; still nothing. I was losing precious time.

I hurried back to the Archstone on-foot and not surprisingly, met the new BP in a narrow tunnel head-on....

I think you can't go back to Nexus when an invasion is still going on. You can't go back even if you touch the archstone of your current area.

oramay is correct, there's no running once you're invaded. You're only escape is death. :p The archstone will be inactive or behind a fog gate.

I haven't found an amulet yet - if you learn miracles do they dish one out to you, or do you need to track one down in the world? If it's the later, don't spoil it for me as to where! ;)

Once you find the component necessary to cast miracles, and have sufficient stats (one stat in particular), you can learn Miracles from certain NPCs. Some are in the Nexus at the start of the game. Others, you'll have to find (or should I say free?) in the worlds.
The first time I saw an invasion notice, I tried to run away as well. I was in 4-1 at the time. I knew an invader is ejected when the host runs across different areas separated by archstone. Then, I realized I haven't faced the 4-1 boss yet, and hence have nowhere to run. :D The guy was upon me when I was still thinking what to equip. Fortunately, I managed to kill the guy but I was anxious and nervous for the whole process and quit game afterward to take a breather. :p

Ok, I don't feel so bad trying to run away now. :p

It was certainly a nerve wrecking experience. I suspect I was higher level than the intruders if they sent more than one after me. They were not difficult to kill. The multi-arm skeleton warriors have trained me well. In fact, I'm rather grateful to them now. :LOL:

I haven't found an amulet yet - if you learn miracles do they dish one out to you, or do you need to track one down in the world? If it's the later, don't spoil it for me as to where! ;)

They call it Talisman instead of Amulet.

Yeah like Gradthrawn mentioned, it's all self-service man. ^_^

EDIT: Oh and I know why the game doesn't pause when you open the menu. It's because it can't pause a human Black Phantom. ^_^

Good thing too, since I could fiddle around with my set up clumsily/awkwardly while running.
They call it Talisman instead of Amulet.

Yeah like Gradthrawn mentioned, it's all self-service man. ^_^

Obviously it was my fault for not having played any of a certain level yet - unfortunately the 'godly' fellows have been killed off in my game so no one to teach me anything at this point. Weren't killed by me either I should add - these wacky NPC's! ;)
Obviously it was my fault for not having played any of a certain level yet - unfortunately the 'godly' fellows have been killed off in my game so no one to teach me anything at this point. Weren't killed by me either I should add - these wacky NPC's! ;)

Already? Wow. What happened?
Well Gradthrawn don't let my noob-like question throw you off - I'm soul level 48 right now and deep'ish into the game. I'm just playing completely with a minimum of outside references (how I do RPGs), so for the path my character was taking there was just no need to go "there" at the outset. No wikis or item locations or anything for me; ups the satisfaction of discovery! (I discovered it shortly after posting btw, uh that would have been simple) I actually like the fact that there are so many free floating variables occurring in the world which you don't control though. My guy's spell heavy anyway, so miracles were just a sideshow. :p

But I think I want to start another character up as well to give a different feel, which was partly what the question was about.