[PS3] Demon Souls

Wow xbd, :oops: you must be a hard core RPG guy to play Demon's Souls without any external references.

You can look up the wiki to see if there is another higher level priest NPC to teach you the miracle. Or is the top guy dead, and all his followers hate your guts now ?

A magic user is extremely powerful in-game but may be weak against higher level player BPs who use anti-magic equipments. Be careful and remember to use the blue stones where appropriate. Another way is to ambush the intruders and blast them off the cliff.

my copy finally arrived and I have played a bit of
the Boletarian Palace. Even found the Cling ring without any hints :) .

I must say so far it is great, I had not enough time to sunk completely into the game as I had to watch the spent time...

Choosed Temple Knight as my origin and I have problems knowing how far my halberd can reach and often hit obstacles instead of the enemies :) . Will probably start 1-2 new chars to see how they play. Especially looking forward to play a magic user :) .

Now, I do not want to read any hints etc. until I really run into unsolvable problems, because the atmosphere and story so far is great.

Looking forward to play with all of you I run into... BTW, Patsu what soul level do you have, so I know how much I need to improve to play with you :) .

Wow xbd, :oops: you must be a hard core RPG guy to play Demon's Souls without any external references.

Oh I'm hard core alright - ever since Dragon Warrior landed on the NES waaaay back when; I refuse external assistance. I mean I pick things up by osmosis of course, which is how I know that everyone is always hanging out at 'x' locale, where said item would easily have been grabbed. Actually knowing everyone loves that place sort of had a negative feedback effect on me and probably kept me away longer than it should have! But for my character - and I do create personas for them - the stuff going on in 'y' level was a philosophical priority.

Man what a black phantom hangout 'x' is though. I win some fights, I lose some fights - I do like the aspect.

Anyway no the 'top' church guy isn't dead, because I haven't found him yet. I don't know what his fate will be when I do, but I'm looking forward to finding out. The NPC dynamics in the game are pretty awesome, and I expect/hope I'm just at the tip of the iceberg.

my copy finally arrived and I have played a bit of
the Boletarian Palace. Even found the Cling ring without any hints :) .

I must say so far it is great, I had not enough time to sunk completely into the game as I had to watch the spent time...

Choosed Temple Knight as my origin and I have problems knowing how far my halberd can reach and often hit obstacles instead of the enemies :) . Will probably start 1-2 new chars to see how they play. Especially looking forward to play a magic user :) .

Now, I do not want to read any hints etc. until I really run into unsolvable problems, because the atmosphere and story so far is great.

Looking forward to play with all of you I run into... BTW, Patsu what soul level do you have, so I know how much I need to improve to play with you :) .


Last night I was Level 56. ^_^ Went to farm @ 4-* and forgot about the game's mission. Had too much fun digging up skeleton warriors and sniping ghouls. I went back to 2-* to continue my game only yesterday.

I'll be more careful with spoilers. xbd and you sound like "free and easy" adventurers. Would love to hear your lore some day -- when you survived them :p. Good luck !

Anyway no the 'top' church guy isn't dead, because I haven't found him yet. I don't know what his fate will be when I do, but I'm looking forward to finding out. The NPC dynamics in the game are pretty awesome, and I expect/hope I'm just at the tip of the iceberg.

Oh lord, I hope this one lives. I'm guessing the
assassin you saved murdered your people ?
That bloody Tower Knight is doing my box in!!!!! 3 deaths...........so long Souls, i held so many of you 8(. I don`t know whether to lock on to his ankles or keep the camera free moving? Any thoughts chaps on your best method?
Last night I was Level 56. ^_^ Went to farm @ 4-* and forgot about the game's mission. H

I'll be more careful with spoilers. xbd and you sound like "free and easy" adventurers. Would love to hear your lore some day -- when you survived them :p. Good luck !

Darn, I see the spoilers when quoting you :) . Anyway, on B3D spoilers are really no problem, you all are great... Doubt that I will be able to finish the game without help...

56? You are good! I hoped you're level 20 or so, don't know that I will be able to catch up -10 lvl to you, even with my legendary "no life" value.

What tactics do you use? Up close and personal? Magic? Mixture of both?

Thanks again for your help and everything!

P.s.: As I thought my order was lost 100%, I'm now bidding on an Ebay item, so I could end up with two Deluxe editions, talk about being persistent.
Darn, I see the spoilers when quoting you :) . Anyway, on B3D spoilers are really no problem, you all are great... Doubt that I will be able to finish the game without help...

56? You are good! I hoped you're level 20 or so, don't know that I will be able to catch up -10 lvl to you, even with my legendary "no life" value.

Ha ha, level 56 only means I'm hardworking, not necessarily talented. The initial levels are easy to raise, so you should be able to level up faster than me. I don't get a lot of play time too.

What tactics do you use? Up close and personal? Magic? Mixture of both?


Usually I stay far far away from the action. That's why I have a strong Compound Long bow, and also level up my Magic stats. I melee only against 2 enemies at any one time, at most. Most of the time, it's 1-to-1. I have been preparing for PvP just in case. Apparently, I don't have the mental toughness yet. :p

Thanks again for your help and everything!

No prob man. Glad to see another DS player.
I'm guessing the
assassin you saved murdered your people ?

Yeah - but I didn't know he was an assassin of course. Hyena boy changes his talk to warning about him after you defeat the Dragon God it seems, but by that point I had already rescued Yurt, and finished the rest of Latria... so he was just back home killing folk. Then after I finally killed the Dragon God I came back, Hyena warned me about him - it seemed I lost Freke's apprentice this time as well - and then when I went to talk to him (which I had done before), he attacked me. So, I killed Yurt, and I hope that's the end of any future threat.

If the killing had progressed to include Freke, I would've flipped out! (But it would've been awesome as well) Not sure if the game would let the killings go that far though - but who knows!

By the way, that Dragon God seemed like he should've been able to handle having some lances stuck in his arms!
Yeah - but I didn't know he was an assassin of course. Hyena boy changes his talk to warning about him after you defeat the Dragon God it seems, but by that point I had already rescued Yurt, and finished the rest of Latria... so he was just back home killing folk. Then after I finally killed the Dragon God I came back, Hyena warned me about him - it seemed I lost Freke's apprentice this time as well - and then when I went to talk to him (which I had done before), he attacked me. So, I killed Yurt, and I hope that's the end of any future threat.

I believe you have triggered a new sidequest. New NPC should already entered the scene openly.

If the killing had progressed to include Freke, I would've flipped out! (But it would've been awesome as well) Not sure if the game would let the killings go that far though - but who knows!

By the way, that Dragon God seemed like he should've been able to handle having some lances stuck in his arms!

Lucky you, I think he's capable of more. Rolf N and others who have completed the game would know more.

Yeah... I saw the video, and indeed the lances must be enchanted/cursed somehow.

I like the game because in some sense, it's very true to life even though the setting is fantasy. You need to fight and run like a backstreet fighter (There is no engagement or player protection rules), you cannot always trust the people you meet. you need to respect others or you won't get what you want, you cannot rely overly on an advantage, you need to face and manage your fears, etc. etc.
My Deluxe Edition finally arrived today! I love the PS3 being region free. :)

OK, so any tips before I start, bearing in mind I have kept a total media blackout on this title? Just things you wish you knew before you started would be great.

Be Brave. T_T

[size=-2]... and be patient. I think total media blackout may not be advisable for this game. Even if you have seen what to do, doesn't mean you can do it or have to do it the same way.[/size]

BTW, I finally got killed by a Black Phantom after 2 more encounters. I was defeated when experimenting with magic (Too slow and clumsy for me). Got backstabbed. This guy at least knew what he's doing so the fight was interesting. Now running free as a Soul... Hurrah !
One dumb newbie question:

I died my second time (first time I died after the tutorial, now I died behind the dragon fire killed by some mobs because I rushed in panic fearing the dragon breath pattern will change). Now, do I need to save Ostrava again, as I asume everything is reset? I saw that he had quite some problems fighting certain NPCs so I helped him, can he die?

Again, I am really impressed with the game so far...

BTW, patsu, I am also a from afar player, usually, so I´ll try the hunter and royal today...
Yes, you have to save him every single time :(

If he gets killed, he'd drop a key to a sidequest. If he lives, you'll see him later. Everytime you save him (in different level), he will give you a valuable gift.

got killed in 1-1 because I thought he could handle the crowd. When he dies, you need to get the key. Otherwise it's lost forever.

PARANOiA, another word of advise. Be careful with NPCs. You must not take them for granted. Sometimes, you may see them in the wild (after you met them in the Nexus). I accidentally shot one from far, thinking that he's a Black Phantom. He never forgive me. Tried to kill me every time I ran past him. Eventually he just left. That guy sells some exclusive and very useful item. Now I have to carry on with the game without him, making the game more difficult. Fortunately, I think I over-levelled. :)
I've obviously completely messed up the story and NPC experience in my game, this much is for certain. I adventure around without meeting anyone anymore, except for two certain guys. Too much emphasis on certain areas and not enough on others earlier in the game? Well, time to see if I can bring some demons to justice.
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Haha, finally beat that Tower Knight turkey!!
I tried a different tactic other than the going for feet 1st etc etc. All i did was take all the arrow guys out, then just stayed above (in any of the 2 corners) and hit him repeatedly with my Soul power (the blue one, that you start with ..royalty class). As he was leaning back to strike me with his rather hefty looking lightsaber, he leaves his head open! Thats it, did it 1st time....................never once lost any health, and can any mod please spoiler all this as im unawares how to do it....................8(.
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I really like this game but the lock on is starting to get frustrating. sometimes I'll be right in front of an enemy and it wont lock on so I have to back up and go forward to try to lock on. Other times I'm looking right at an enemy and it locks on to someone behind me... wtf makes playing a magic user that much more difficult because the sketchy lock on. Also using R3 to lock on was a terrible idea. If the game let the butttons be user configurable it would make things so less frustrating.
Haha, finally beat that Tower Knight turkey!!
I tried a different tactic other than the going for feet 1st etc etc. All i did was take all the arrow guys out, then just stayed above (in any of the 2 corners) and hit him repeatedly with my Soul power (the blue one, that you start with ..royalty class). As he was leaning back to strike me with his rather hefty looking lightsaber, he leaves his head open! Thats it, did it 1st time....................never once lost any health, and can any mod please spoiler all this as im unawares how to do it....................8(.

That's how I did it too. ^_^

I really like this game but the lock on is starting to get frustrating. sometimes I'll be right in front of an enemy and it wont lock on so I have to back up and go forward to try to lock on. Other times I'm looking right at an enemy and it locks on to someone behind me... wtf makes playing a magic user that much more difficult because the sketchy lock on. Also using R3 to lock on was a terrible idea. If the game let the butttons be user configurable it would make things so less frustrating.

That's why I don't fight several guys at once. In 2-*, I usually don't kill the
. It made the game more difficult because the lock-on would swing me around and target them instead.

I had to press O to leap back a few times, until they are out of range. Or shoot enemies from far to lure them to me. It's a limitation of the game for sure. But I have learned to live with it. Sometimes I swing without lock-on (when enemies are in front).

Right now, I am getting pulverized by the
Dragon God
. Couldn't destroy the obstacles in time. I think I will try to two-hand my falchion to increase the damage. The shield is useless at this point anyway.

I got as far as the last stage, but didn't know
his breath was lethal
. A Blue Phantom sacrificed himself to distract
the dragon
, so that I could make it that far. I felt stupid and apologetic after getting killed so trivially at the last minute. :(

EDIT: Oh yes, 2-* was Pure White. So... I got the
Dragonbone Crusher
(Yay !)
EDIT: Oh yes, 2-* was Pure White. So... I got the
Dragonbone Crusher
(Yay !)

I've been reading about world tendency on the demon's souls wiki, but I'm a little unclear on something. Getting pure black seems easy enough, but how do you get pure white? I want the platinum trophy!
I am unclear too. The world is supposed to turn 60% (?) whiter when you kill a boss (or the dragons I think). Someone mentioned that killing a boss as a Blue Phantom will shift your world whiter too but I am not sure if it's true.

However when I'm online, my WT is affected by all the players collectively. I checked my WT before every game. If it's Pure White, I'd rush there to see if I can complete any sidequest.

For Pure Black, I think it's easier to do it offline.