[PS3] Demon Souls

meh. I think starting as royalty is good only if you intend to build a magic heavy character. Otherwise I think Knight is a better first time character to use. Your starting armor and weapon is pretty good and you have balanced stats across the board so you can focus on melee and some other skill since lvl 10 is still very early. At lvl 10 you have a decent amount of hp so you wont die as easy as a royal. Also if you want to cast magic, you will find a catalyst pretty early in the game.

Curiosity had the better of me.

I started NG+ instead of playing R&C. Was able to complete 1-1, 1-2,
Miralda sidequest
, and 2-1 rather quickly. Only died once. I'm trying to do a speed run just to see how far I can go. Trying to build a Northern Regalia asap.

I am level 120+ now (low 120s).

At later levels, it doesn't matter which class we started as anymore. I think once the player gets used to the game, playing knights (essentially, melee) can be more fun. Ranged attack and magic help to speed up the game where appropriate.
This is a contender for my game of the year for sure. (Even in the same year that had so many games I loved like Uncharted2, Batman, Infamous, KZ2, RE5 etc)

Haven't finished it yet but I've played a good amount. I'm at Soul level 40 right now. Just beat the Dragon God.

I really like the atmosphere, the sense of being terrified, but also the sensation of feeling like a bad ass when you beat some hard monster to the ground. Great risk / reward system. I like the MP aspects even just the leaving of notes and stuff. Even with how dangerous much of the world is, it is paced fairly well and I never feel I am rushed into a battle.

I think the boss battles could have been better. They are not terrible or anything by game standards. But they are not on the level of Monster Hunter or some thing like that. With almost all of the boss monsters so far there is some really cheap solution to killing them usually involving ranged attacks and exploiting the relatively poor AI. The couple fights where you have to actually go toe to toe with something really really dangerous are the ones I love the most.

Audio is terrific. Especially with the ambiance. My favorite is the Tower level. The sound in that level makes it so scary! And whenever you hear "ding ding ding" you go into survival mode!

Graphics could be better but they get the job done. I think the Boss creatures models and animations are not up to par with something like a Monster Hunter game. I think they could have used more behavior animations and idle animations. Not just their 4-5 attack animations.

But still it is very addicting. I haven't even bothered finishing the MW2 story line because DS has totally consumed my interest for the moment. It's like one of those rare games you keep on thinking about even when you are not playing it. I think because the fear of dying is so high, it heightens my desire to get better at the game and continually improve my character. I think that is why it is so addicting.
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I think the boss battles could have been better. They are not terrible or anything by game standards. But they are not on the level of Monster Hunter or some thing like that. With almost all of the boss monsters so far there is some really cheap solution to killing them usually involving ranged attacks and exploiting the relatively poor AI. The couple fights where you have to actually go toe to toe with something really really dangerous are the ones I love the most.

Yap ! That's how I made it in my first playthrough. In my second playthrough, I started to engage some of the bosses directly. There is one I will avoid extended confrontation though :).

Since you completed World 2, did you melee the 2-3 boss ?

After reading your post, I'm curious about Monster Hunter now.

Audio is terrific. Especially with the ambiance. My favorite is the Tower level. The sound in that level makes it so scary! And whenever you hear "ding ding ding" you go into survival mode!

Heh heh, that's one of my favorite levels in DS. I completed 3-1 yesterday again. Didn't die in my first playthrough, but I died once in my second. Should never have let my guard down in this game. Got killed by small guys. >_<

Nearly fell through holes a couple of times too. My heart nearly stopped when my character lingered at the edge.
I just started a new character to play NG even though I had a fairly strong character in NG+. Using a temple knight and the halberd he starts with is pretty powerful. Since I'm quite familiar with the game I'm powering through it at a fast pace and my goal is to get all of the PB and PW WT events in my first playthrough. So far the only PWWT tendency event that I haven't completed is in world 5.

This game is truly addicting.
Ha ha, I saw your posts on GAF. Great to see you made through the Tower Knight. Did you melee him ?

I cleared World 3 in my NG+ last night. Screwed up the pure white world tendency because I died once.
I want to get Rydell's key :(
I'm so annoyed with myself. I accidentally used rage of god in the nexus and got stockpile thomas mad at me and was forced kill him. So basically all the time I spent on NG leveling up my temple knight to lvl 70 just went to waste since I cant finish the game without the locker :cry:
Oh sh*t, that's sad. 8^(

I try to stay away from NPCs in general. Sometimes I roll in the Nexus to try out my gears. One time, I rolled into the BlackSmith. He basically said, "You're lucky it was me. If it were the other crazy [bumps ?], you'd be in deep trouble". ^_^
I'm so annoyed with myself. I accidentally used rage of god in the nexus and got stockpile thomas mad at me and was forced kill him. So basically all the time I spent on NG leveling up my temple knight to lvl 70 just went to waste since I cant finish the game without the locker :cry:

Wow that sucks. And unfortunately since they locked the save game there is no easy way to backup/restore it.

I've accidentally attacked several NPCs, but they just complained about it. It never got to the point where they were fighting back. Probably I will just hit the reset switch on my machine to avoid the game saving that condition.

patsu said:
After reading your post, I'm curious about Monster Hunter now.

You should give MH3 a try (assuming you have a Wii) once it comes out in English. If you like DS you might like it. It shares similar ideas with regard to game design. It seems pretty clear to me that some of DS design was influenced by MH.

In both DS and MH your weapons/equip/stats do matter, but not nearly as much as player skill and game experience. A newbie player with great gear in the game is still going to get killed quickly by even low level stuff. It's not like a JRPG where the outcome really just comes down the stats math.

In DS you get ingredients from random drops to upgrade weapons/armor. In MH you get ingredients from random drops to upgrade weapons/armor and forge new ones.

In DS you have 1 life per level. If you die you have to start from the beginning of the level.
MH you have 3 lives, on the third death you have to restart the mission from the beginning.

This idea is really not seen in western games anymore, except maybe in some MMOs. Most devs these days really want to pamper their players with generous save points and regenerating life bars etc. They are so afraid of "pissing" of the gamer, or more importantly, the "game reviewer". I know many people will say they don't want to go through "punishment" during their leisure time. But I feel you lose something lot by removing any real form of punishment.

I think even a Diablo2 style level of punishment (corpse run if you die) is frowned on by most western devs these days. But it is nice to see DS get received so well by gamers and reviewers. It says to me that at least some people are saying going back to this style of game play is refreshing. And people are realizing how much more rewarding victory can be when you feel you really earned it.

Something MH has that DS doesn't is "Time" pressure. in MH each hunt is on a timer. The timer could be anywhere from 15-50mins generally. In most of the early to mid missions it is pretty rare to run out of time. But in later missions, if you turtle too much or use cowardly poke and run style tactics you have the real risk of running out of time and failing the mission. Sometimes you are having this really epic hour long fight and you know you only have a few more mins on the clock, you have to make a decision between continuing to play carefully, or using a more aggressive risky strategy that are will do more damage to the monster but potentially get yourself killed. And that can really add to the tension.

I think DS could have benefited from this idea, at least during the boss fights. Because as it is right now, it is too attractive to find a nice sniping spot where they can't reach you and just pick their life bars away with arrows or other ranged attacks. Another idea is maybe they should just reduce the number of arrows you can carry to like 50. That way you would be forced to engage the monster in real combat as designed one way or another.

Another idea in MH that I hope they borrow for the next DS game is that in MH monsters have no life bars. Instead of life bars there are visual indicators to show what state they are at. Like you will start to see wounds/gashes and torn/smashed/cracked body parts indicating you have done extensive damage to them at that body part. Also when they are close to death every monster goes in to an injured state where their animations change a little. Some of them visibly start to limp when they move around etc. Also there are things like rage mode where a monster will temporarily go in to this state where they are very angry at you. And you have to be extra careful around them when they are that way. Also this purely from visual indicators or from the monsters animations that you recognize this. It's not shown on the HUD or as a life bar etc. For me just seeing a life bar pop up kind of takes me out of the game a little.
Then does MH have the reputation of being "difficult" ?
If not, why ?

Something MH has that DS doesn't is "Time" pressure. in MH each hunt is on a timer. The timer could be anywhere from 15-50mins generally. In most of the early to mid missions it is pretty rare to run out of time. But in later missions, if you turtle too much or use cowardly poke and run style tactics you have the real risk of running out of time and failing the mission. Sometimes you are having this really epic hour long fight and you know you only have a few more mins on the clock, you have to make a decision between continuing to play carefully, or using a more aggressive risky strategy that are will do more damage to the monster but potentially get yourself killed. And that can really add to the tension.

I think DS could have benefited from this idea, at least during the boss fights. Because as it is right now, it is too attractive to find a nice sniping spot where they can't reach you and just pick their life bars away with arrows or other ranged attacks. Another idea is maybe they should just reduce the number of arrows you can carry to like 50. That way you would be forced to engage the monster in real combat as designed one way or another.

Gah, this may make it too hard for me. ^_^

EDIT: Tried to buy the Demon's Souls dynamic theme but it wouldn't accept US credit cards. :mad:
One more question.

How does Monster Hunter work on the Wii ? Does it use the traditional game controller or the Wiimite ?

At first, I thought it would be a good idea to use Sony's new controller on Demon's Souls (e.g., the archery demo). However after playing the game, I am not so sure if it's possible to do a better motion sensing control scheme than what they have today.
I believe it supports both, but not to scare away the usual fanbase of MH they even created a special classic controller that is a lot like the Dualshock in terms of shape, which they released in bundles with MH3 in Japan.
I'm so annoyed with myself. I accidentally used rage of god in the nexus and got stockpile thomas mad at me and was forced kill him. So basically all the time I spent on NG leveling up my temple knight to lvl 70 just went to waste since I cant finish the game without the locker :cry:

This is where the game is most brutal IMO. It will be difficult but I hear that people still manage to finish the game and reach the next game cycle to get their stuff back. It may be too late for this question, but did you try turning off your PS3 after you used Rage of God (without touching in game menu)?
This is where the game is most brutal IMO. It will be difficult but I hear that people still manage to finish the game and reach the next game cycle to get their stuff back. It may be too late for this question, but did you try turning off your PS3 after you used Rage of God (without touching in game menu)?

I didnt even think about that. I thought that if I left the nexus for a while that stockpile thomas would cool off and he would get over it but nooooo. when I came back he was still mad at me and assaulted me :cry:

I know I could finish the game even without the locker... but it would really screw things up for NG+ since I'm trying to get all the WT events in my first playthrough and upgrade my weps as much as possible for NG+
Traded it today for Uncharted 2. Too much frustration and not enough fun. That equation would have shifted over the other way if the controls and camera weren't so totally borked as the survival horror aspect was pretty cool.

Truth be said, I never understood the fascination with Castlevania SOTN either which in some ways seems to be this game's spiritual ancestor.


I wonder how many people are playing this game and realizing they aren't as hardcore as they thought... Must be a real wake-up to all the gamerscore kiddies. I think this and Mega Man 9 are the only hard games this gen. Not including fighting games like SFIV that take a lot of skill to master.
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Hah ! And also surprised people who thought (still think) they are casuals, but fell in :love: with a hardcore RPG :p

If the game shares some ideas with the Monster Hunter series, then I can understand why the combat mechanics is great. Afterall that game took over Japan.