[PS3] Demon Souls

Had some great games this weekend between helping, being helped and being invaded have all been exciting..you really feel like a warrior. I also feel more confident in my Barbarian character...magic helped out alot.

The hardest part in this game is trying to figure it out and Iam learning it is deeper than I thought something you can't see until you put a few hours into it and dying countless times:LOL:
Finally got a chance to play it. Seems like a good game. Out of the gate, the game was a lot easier than I expected. I was able to rip through the first area, and beat the Phalanx boss without much difficulty. Probably only died three times (once to a dragon, once to a guy I never revisited). Then I went to the nexus, bought a couple stat upgrades, and headed off to continue from where I'd killed that boss. A little bit of frustration set in quickly.

I'll spoiler some of this stuff so as not to ruin anything for people that haven't played, but the basic gist of my gripe is that the game can get pretty boring if you die at the same spot. Trudging through mostly easy and mundane hallways over and over again is not my idea of fun. The game is fun when you're making progress, but if you're walking the same hallway, dispatching the same easy enemies over and over again, boredom can set in quickly.

The scenario for me, was this:
I fought some of those shield blobs after the Phalanx boss' chamber and made my way up to the stone path the top of the wall. The dragons swoop down and breath fire, so you have to time running across the wall so that you won't get killed. My character couldn't survive the fire. I'd clear the first rampart, make my way through the tunnel in the wall, fight the dogs, come up in the next rampart, finish off the remaining enemies and then prepare to avoid the next segment of dragon fire. Avoiding the dragon fire wasn't hard. I'd get to the other side, wipe out the crossbowman and then square off with the shielded knight. The first time I wasn't expecting him and he killed me. So I went back through the whole thing again, fought the knight and just as I delivered the killing blow, and second knight unexpectedly stabbed me in the back.

Ok, so I do the whole thing again, get to that fight and die because of a screw up with the targeting system, which I do not like. I'd prefer to have a button to hold. Still, human error. Once again, I go through the whole thing, only this time I get burnt up by the second dragon. While I was waiting for the dragon to swoop down, I was standing quite a distance back preparing for my run. For some reason the fire killed me anyway, wiping out all of those demon souls I had collected. That was the first death that really bothered me because I lost a lot of souls that I was carrying, and I hadn't even done anything wrong. Do I want to grind and get them all back? Not really. There's no fun in going through areas that are easy just to grind for "money."

Ok, so I put that aside and decide to go through it all again. This time, I die twice at the first dragon. What is going on? Suddenly my guy is getting tired half way to the rampart and the dragon is wiping me out. I figure some of the big stuff I'd picked up recently like shields, halberds etc are killing my endurance. So is there a way to drop that stuff? Not that I could figure out. I can't sell it and get money for it either, so why would i keep it? I went back to nexus, dropped of all my extra stuff with that storage guy, even though I'd rather not fill up my storage with junk, and tried again. Made it back to those two knights, screwed up the targeting again and died and decided to take a break.

My problem was that after repeating an area a few times, it stopped being fun. All of it, leading up to those two knights, was incredibly easy. Then I'd have thirty seconds of fun trying to fight them, and then back to five minutes of boring trying to get back to them.

I have mixed feelings about the design of the game. I appreciate that there are real penalties for death, but treading over the same ground, fighting the same enemies in the same spots etc wasn't that much fun. There is some better balance between save/load and retreading long segments of the game. I guess that segment I was playing wasn't that long, it just wasn't fun after the first few times. It becomes a chore to get back to where you were. I want to see new things, new places, not repeat the same set piece over and over. If every inch was a challenge for me, it would probably be better, because I'd have fun fighting my way through. Maybe my complaint is that it was too easy at times? I don't know.

I think I had to grind a little bit more and be more mindful to go back to nexus and spend my souls instead of carrying a huge sack of them with the potential of losing them all. I'm still considering picking it up, because it's a style of tactical sword fighting that is rare in games, and I enjoy it. The block, parry and attacks really work well. The only thing I don't like is the targeting. I died a number of times trying to back away from an enemy, thinking I had them targeted, only to turn my back on them and get killed.
That was why I killed
the red dragon
in the first segment right away. Never had to replay the bridge level at all.
It's up to you. It's not a mini-boss, just a living environment hazard so to speak.

You can pick up a short bow at the top of the first bridge tower. You'll need at least a dexterity of 14, I think. You'll also need 100-200 arrows depending on your stats (About 20-30 minutes :(). Shoot from the top of the first tower.

If you are a magic user, you can also Soul Arrow the red dragon to death from the ground floor (Stand behind the barrel at the end of the bridge).

I invested points into my Magic stat, so I could Soul Arrow the dragon to death relatively quickly (15-20 minutes).

If you want a stronger bow (Compound Long Bow), you may want to visit 4-1 first. I think it needs a dex of 18.
Ok so tonight is the first time I've actually played the game online for any significant amount of time. Despite the fact that I've never had any PvP experience before this, I think I did ok. I'm lvl 143 btw.

out of about 10 PvP duels so far, I've won 6, and out of those losses only one encounter I feel like I really got outclassed. That person sent me a msg afterwards saying "can you say noob." I sent him a msg back saying he's a tool and acting out online prolly because gets beat up at school - he didnt get a reply back :LOL:
6 out of 10 is good. ^_^

What PvP weapons are you using ? I play it offline these days for WT quests.

I'm using a temple knight build and my weapon of choice is a +5 Blessed Mirdan Hammer. The important stats are 40 faith; 50 end (so I can wear full gloom armor w/ no penalty) 35 str; 32 dex. I currently deal out 396 dmg.

Its funny that all that all these "invaders" actually spent most of the match running away from me after I hit them with my hammer a couple times. One loss for me happened when an invader was running away for dear life and lucky for him he ran towards a bunch of skeletons which ended up killing me :LOL:

My one loss where I had no chance of winning.. this guy (or chick) killed me in 3 hits before I could do anything. I think he was using north regalia... it seems extremely powerful :mad:
Wow, your character is stronger than mine. I am collecting Faintstones to build a blessed weapon too. I heard the Mirdan Hammer is a great PvP weapon.

The Northern Regalia is indeed powerful (480 - 600+ split physical and magical damage). I am building a Dark Purple Flame to experiment if it's effective in blocking magical weapons like the Regalia. It's hard to say because the BP may be too agile to block in real combat situation.

The Regalia swing animation is a little slow.

At this moment, I believe the Makoto with the Clever Rat ring is more damaging. I heard it also has a fast jab animation when used in certain way. According to some posters, there are finer grain controls that varies the weapon's speed and motion.

For high level players like yourself, I think all weapons that scale with stats are dangerous, even the Sticky Compound Long Bow:

Dexterity 60 + Sticky Compound Long Bow (+5) + White Arrows + Morion Blade + Clever' Rats Ring + :love:0% health = the most epic 1-hit arrow kills.


someone invaded me in 1-4, he was wearing Thief's Ring but had a buff on so i saw where he was running, i free-aimed with my bow and bam, the arrow hit him and over 1000 dmg no way in hell did he see that coming lol. i can't believe i hit a moving target like that, very lucky shot but so awesome.

also, someone summoned me to 1-3, and i one-shotted all the red-eye knights etc with my arrows, and Penetrator went down with FOUR arrows it was quite funny. the host sent me a msg saying "you're my hero and i admire you". (ridiculous i know). i told him it's just a trick so hopefully that person reserves his hero worship for someone who deserves it lol.
Ok, just found out I can buy a Japan PS Store card from online sites like
gaminglue.com. They will email me the code in one hour. The Japan PS Store does not accept foreign credit card info.

Demon's Souls dynamic theme... here I come !
played another stretch of pvp where I fought one black phantom and as soon as the match was over, I'd get invaded again. This time I didnt do so well. Several of my losses were due to extremely bad lag. In fact I had a blue phantom helping me (who was a black phantom who killed me earlier) and this guy with a dragon mirdan hammer destroyed both of us. It looked like his hammer was shooting fireballs! I think I went 5-5 this time around.

Based on what I've seen in PvP, I doubt that you can successfullly fight an experienced high level fighter with just a bow. Players typically have heavy armor on and can move around very quickly. I lost to one guy using the DBS and he had full armor and a purple flame shield and he could roll around with no penalty!!

Some players are cheap, others can be cool. One bp after I congratulated on his win over me came back as a blue phantom and helped me. He gave me 48 ephemeral eyes!

Patsu, are you trying to get the platinum in the game? Let me know if you need any particular stones to forge weapons. I have extra pure bladestones (which are supposedly the hardest item to get).
Based on what I've seen in PvP, I doubt that you can successfullly fight an experienced high level fighter with just a bow. Players typically have heavy armor on and can move around very quickly. I lost to one guy using the DBS and he had full armor and a purple flame shield and he could roll around with no penalty!!

For PvP bow use, it depends on how the BP approach you. There was one time a BP shot arrows at me from across the moat in 1-3.

Rolling with Purple Flame and Dragon Bone Smasher *plus* armor is definitely insane ! I still can't wear a full Gloom armor yet (Missing the helmet and the hand guard).

Some players are cheap, others can be cool. One bp after I congratulated on his win over me came back as a blue phantom and helped me. He gave me 48 ephemeral eyes!

That's like one game-worth of ephemeral eyes. :oops:

Patsu, are you trying to get the platinum in the game? Let me know if you need any particular stones to forge weapons. I have extra pure bladestones (which are supposedly the hardest item to get).

Heh heh, not a Trophy whore. I just want to build a "roll-able" character with full Gloom and Purple Flame, with a Blessed weapon. I have not decided what basic weapon to use yet. Was thinking about a Claymore, but a Mirdan Hammer or a giant axe sounds interesting also.
Heh heh, not a Trophy whore. I just want to build a "roll-able" character with full Gloom and Purple Flame, with a Blessed weapon. I have not decided what basic weapon to use yet. Was thinking about a Claymore, but a Mirdan Hammer or a giant axe sounds interesting also.

You will need at least 52-54 endurance for that build I think. If you go with a claymore go for crushing so you can enchant it. Mirdan Hammer is a good choice but only if you 2 hand it. from playing around with a great axe, I dont think its a good weapon for pvp. its very powerful and has knockdown power but its really slow and the reach isnt good at all. Meat cleaver is as fast (or faster), has more power, better reach and knockdown power.
It's up to you. It's not a mini-boss, just a living environment hazard so to speak.

You can pick up a short bow at the top of the first bridge tower. You'll need at least a dexterity of 14, I think. You'll also need 100-200 arrows depending on your stats (About 20-30 minutes :(). Shoot from the top of the first tower.

If you are a magic user, you can also Soul Arrow the red dragon to death from the ground floor (Stand behind the barrel at the end of the bridge).

I invested points into my Magic stat, so I could Soul Arrow the dragon to death relatively quickly (15-20 minutes).

If you want a stronger bow (Compound Long Bow), you may want to visit 4-1 first. I think it needs a dex of 18.

That's interesting. I never found any ranged weapons, so I never had the chance to try that out. Pretty cool that you can do that.

My brother brought it over so I could try it. Maybe I'll pick it up over the Christmas break.
Yes, the bow is extremely useful. You can use it like a (regular) third person view ranged weapon. You can also zoom in/out like an FPS sniper rifle. I used it like a binoculars sometimes.

Once I spot a breathe (Pulsating, faint white puff against a dark background), I know *something* lurks there. What happens next depends on your aggressiveness. ^_^

I got a screenshot somewhere in this thread.

You will need at least 52-54 endurance for that build I think. If you go with a claymore go for crushing so you can enchant it. Mirdan Hammer is a good choice but only if you 2 hand it. from playing around with a great axe, I dont think its a good weapon for pvp. its very powerful and has knockdown power but its really slow and the reach isnt good at all. Meat cleaver is as fast (or faster), has more power, better reach and knockdown power.

Ha ha, I just thought it'd look threatening with 2 pointy horns (Gloom Armor) and a giant axe. :)

I was also thinking you may be able to fight Northern Regalia in a tight corridor. The Regalia swing is very wide. Corridor walls hindered me a few times. In terms of swing, I like Dragon Bone Smasher best. It has a vertical stroke which is suitable in narrow as well as open space. I could kill a Crystal Lizard easily with DBS's too (even with one-hand).
Finished my new game+ yesterday, and not only that I think that this is my favorite PS3 game so far, but I rank Demon's Souls in my top ten lists of all time (next to Planescape: Torment, Super Shinobi/Revenge of Shinobi, Pirates etc.).. The art (audio+video) is something fantastic and certain ideas are so ingenious that I can still one shake my head in awe, even while seeing it for the n-th time.

What is funny is that I cannot bring myself to invade someones world, I don't want to frustrate anyone :) . So even after playing for many hours I have still not invaded any world...

As I am in an completely different timezone I had not so many invasions. When I was finishing 1-4 and fighting a very long fight, I had an invasion after being in the level for over 1h :) . Unlucky for the invader I just got into the lift before him :D . Now I am thinking about make some kind of black phantom honey pot, like sneaking behind some mobs so that the invaders think that I have not yet passed there and then welcoming him with my northern regalia (and smack his weapon a bit with the Dark Silver Shield +4).

The scenario for me, was this:
I fought some of those shield blobs after the Phalanx boss' chamber and made my way up to the stone path the top of the wall. The dragons swoop down and breath fire, so you have to time running across the wall so that you won't get killed. My character couldn't survive the fire. I'd clear the first rampart, make my way through the tunnel in the wall, fight the dogs, come up in the next rampart, finish off the remaining enemies and then prepare to avoid the next segment of dragon fire. Avoiding the dragon fire wasn't hard. I'd get to the other side, wipe out the crossbowman and then square off with the shielded knight. The first time I wasn't expecting him and he killed me. So I went back through the whole thing again, fought the knight and just as I delivered the killing blow, and second knight unexpectedly stabbed me in the back.

Ok, so I do the whole thing again, get to that fight and die because of a screw up with the targeting system, which I do not like. I'd prefer to have a button to hold. Still, human error. Once again, I go through the whole thing, only this time I get burnt up by the second dragon. While I was waiting for the dragon to swoop down, I was standing quite a distance back preparing for my run. For some reason the fire killed me anyway, wiping out all of those demon souls I had collected. That was the first death that really bothered me because I lost a lot of souls that I was carrying, and I hadn't even done anything wrong. Do I want to grind and get them all back? Not really. There's no fun in going through areas that are easy just to grind for "money."

Ok, so I put that aside and decide to go through it all again. This time, I die twice at the first dragon. What is going on? Suddenly my guy is getting tired half way to the rampart and the dragon is wiping me out. I figure some of the big stuff I'd picked up recently like shields, halberds etc are killing my endurance. So is there a way to drop that stuff? Not that I could figure out. I can't sell it and get money for it either, so why would i keep it? I went back to nexus, dropped of all my extra stuff with that storage guy, even though I'd rather not fill up my storage with junk, and tried again. Made it back to those two knights, screwed up the targeting again and died and decided to take a break.

My problem was that after repeating an area a few times, it stopped being fun. All of it, leading up to those two knights, was incredibly easy. Then I'd have thirty seconds of fun trying to fight them, and then back to five minutes of boring trying to get back to them.

I have mixed feelings about the design of the game. I appreciate that there are real penalties for death, but treading over the same ground, fighting the same enemies in the same spots etc wasn't that much fun. There is some better balance between save/load and retreading long segments of the game. I guess that segment I was playing wasn't that long, it just wasn't fun after the first few times. It becomes a chore to get back to where you were. I want to see new things, new places, not repeat the same set piece over and over. If every inch was a challenge for me, it would probably be better, because I'd have fun fighting my way through. Maybe my complaint is that it was too easy at times? I don't know.

I think I had to grind a little bit more and be more mindful to go back to nexus and spend my souls instead of carrying a huge sack of them with the potential of losing them all. I'm still considering picking it up, because it's a style of tactical sword fighting that is rare in games, and I enjoy it. The block, parry and attacks really work well. The only thing I don't like is the targeting. I died a number of times trying to back away from an enemy, thinking I had them targeted, only to turn my back on them and get killed.
The exact same thing happened to me actually and I nearly threw the game in as a mess. I actually got past all that only to be one-hit-killed by the boss :/

I ended up moving onto 2.1 and 3.1 and had far more fun there. I have put this to the side for now but I'll come back when I'm feeling more patient. I recommend having a go at other levels rather than trying to squeeze through a bit where you're getting stuck.
what soul level are you guys? I'm 147 now. wouldt mind some help getting through ng+

I am only at 130+.

I recommend having a go at other levels rather than trying to squeeze through a bit where you're getting stuck.

Yes, that's good advice for the game.

The exact same thing happened to me actually and I nearly threw the game in as a mess. I actually got past all that only to be one-hit-killed by the boss :/

Another sound approach is to try a different tactics (e.g., Don't go near the bosses). But melee is definitely more intense/fun.

I think the game is not hard if you adopt the appropriate tactics. Do feel free to experiment or run away first, then ask around.
So many things I still don't know about this game. I didn't even know you could zoom with the bow until yesterday when I was like 40 hours in! I also didn't know the Thief ring was so useful till I went back and picked it up just today.

I've only been invaded twice so far. Probably because I spend most of my time in Soul form. First time was when I was going after the Monk, but I died due the environment and never even saw the guy. Second time just was today, and I killed him. Luckily he was a melee character like me. He had a Tower shield and some kind of buff I don't know about that made him glow white. But even so, I definitely had the upper hand over him the whole time. Took care of him pretty quickly. It was a bit laggy though.

I'm in the low 60's now. But I think I can beat my first game soon. I only have 5 bosses left to defeat now. At least according to the trophy list. Mostly in 4 and 5.

I started as a Priest class. But I primarily use melee weapons. The only Miracles I use are Evacuate and Heal. Vitality, Strength, Endurace are all up there around ~30. Faith and Dex has some points in it. But my Intelligence is low, I only have 90 mana-- enough to cast Heal 3 times or Evacuate to leave the level quickly. Magic and Luck I have never spent points in. My Luck is still only 8.