V3 said:You're missing the whole point. When I say extra PCB costs I'm talking about additional costs over the DC board NOT the NAOMI board. Strip a DC board of all components leaving just the PCB itself and use that as reference. How much do you think the PCB would cost? Let's say the board costed $30. Now let's say a condensed version of an N2 board was 2X the cost. That's still only $60 which is only $10 more than my original estimate.
Like I said, you're underestimating the cost of things.
...and you're overestimating...what's new? Aren't you the one who always brings up the cost to purchase a N2 board when it's irrelevent? Anyway, since you seem so confident, why don't you tell me how much you think the DC's PCB stripped of all components would cost?