I popped my blu-ray of Quarantine into the PS3, and under the games menu, it showed that their was a Resident Evil XMB theme for my PS3 on the disc. Anyone know of other movie discs with PS3 content?
What, you mean like the Final Fantasy VIII demo on the FF: Advent Children BluRay release? (and to a less extent that John Woo game which was a sequal to Hard Boiled if I remember correctly, which was included on the disc, though it wasn't viewable I think as a proper DVD or BluRay, only through a gimped player in the game or something.
Just to clarify, Pineapple Express only comes with a Wallpaper as the "theme", there are no icons For shame! It's also pretty hard to read everything, it's a poorly designed wallpaper, IMO.
I agree though, I think this is an excellent feature!
The RE theme on Quarantine was the whole XMB, including icons and wallpaper. I can't remember if it had customized sounds. However, I think the same theme is available on the PSN store.