Grall... catch a breath while posting...
What are you babbling about now? The EE bus is there to feed the EEs execution units. It's not as if it's being "burdened" by it or anything, the bus exists to serve the execution units, not the other way around!
babbling ? First, tone it down, I am not using this kind of paternalistic tone of voice with you, so you should at least grant me this favour...
still,... babbling... sorry mr. Bernard Shaw if my wording is sub-optimal... sub-optimal might be the time you spent reading my posts in their whole too though...
The bus has a finite bandwidth... part of it is used to feed the execution units of the EE and part of it is used to feed the GS... and if you wanted to be a... I mean precise all of it is used to feed EE's units, with the GIF counting as one of them...
If you increased ( I said IF ) the GIF-to-GS bandwidth with everything else staying the same and you decided to stream more texture data to the GS you would use more and more of main RAM and EE's bus bandwidth for data that is not processed by either the RISC core or the VUs... thus increasing the GIF-to-GS bandwidth in itself is not worth the effort ( considering cost, etc... ).
The funny thing is that the reason I posted here in the first place was because the GIF-to-GS bandwidth was blamed as the cause to blame, as THE PlayStation 2 bottleneck and I disagreed... of course in the parallel universe that online forums are suddenly it seemed that I was advocating for the GIF-to-GS bus to be widened or clocked higher... :?
I don't see your point at all. You set up a supposition, but there is no conclusion. Your example is flawed and incomplete.
I agree with you, it is incomplete, you quoted like half of it and understood half of what I was trying to say too...
Assume 30 bytes per vertex and a quarter million vertexes per frame, you still have some 12+ megs of texture upload bandwidth PER FRAME AT 60FPS. That's over a third of the machine's RAM capacity!
First, my point was NOT advocating simply more bandwidth to the GIF-to-GS bus ( as it would cause more problems than it would solve ), I know TOO that the situation is more complex and increasing bandiwdth there would proove it... still you want to throw around numbers...
[church lady]Let's do some more math shall we ? [/church lady]
15 MVps at 60 fps yelding 250K Vertices/frame and no multi-texturing ?
Assuming 3 layers of textures we can cut that per-frame figure by 3 and we get ~84K Vertices/frame for actual geometry ( multi-pass multi-texturing here we come )... if we wanted to have a bit higher polygon-count ( say 150K Vertices/frame with 3 layers of textures/pixel )... we would have to send over to the GS 150K * 3 = 450 KVertices each frame and that would mean ~810 MB/s leaving ~390 MB/s for texture transfers... that would mean 6.5 MB/frame of texture upload bandwidth assuming 100% utilization of the GIF-to-GS bus...
We would like to have more... simply increasing the GIF-to-GS bandiwdth would not help... supporting something like on chip HW VQ decompression ( or maybe 8 nice little IPUs

) would do that and would also reduce the bandwidth stolen for texture transfers from main RAM bandwidth ( assuming we want to send the same amount of textures, just at a better compression ratio ) and bandwidth stolen from the EE bus...
If the GIF-to-GS bus was 2.4GB/s, what exactly do you think would improve? Remember, REAL developers have already said the machine is rarely if ever bottlenecked at that point.
I will repeat again, that is not the way to go to improove performance... not with everything else being equal...
Having S3TC or VQ, even decompressed by the GS, would lower the over-all bandwidth used to transfer textures
...But that's not the limiting factor, as testified by actual developers. So stop flogging this dead horse already, okay? It's getting tiresome hearing this myth repeated over and over again.
You're not making any sense. You're not "stealing" main RAM b/w from anything, we need that b/w to fetch our textures!
In some occasion it might also become the limiting factor, still the GIF-to-GS bus utilization is not the only thing affected by using Texture Compression ( something that yelded better than CLUT results )... the textures do not magically pop in the GIF-to-GS bus, they come from main RAM, pass through the EE bus and then they get to the GIF-to-GS bus...
the EE is not applying textures, those little things are sent to the GS and they are processed there...
Let's assume we had better texture compression something that let's say instead of 1:4 had something like 1:5 compression ratio...
Let's use again our 1 GB/s number...
1 GB/s = 4 GB/s of effective data transfer
4 GB/s / 5 = 800 MB/s
This way we would take 200 MB/s of less bandwith used to transfer the same amount of effective texture data... 200 MB/s we would not take away from main RAM bandwidth leaving more bandwidth for the EE...