They will get the 8TF from the customizations. AMD+Xbox = Gotenks
The original xbox 360 press release claimed the! system had a total of over 1 teraflop FP performance. They'll find some way to claim 8x
Actually they said the box was capable of 1 trillion instructions per second. It takes many instructions to calculate a single flop
With more than one teraflop of system-floating point performance, a three-core PowerPC-based CPU for the most-advanced artificial intelligence and physics processing...
SSJ1 or SSJ3
It wasn't the other way around?
The earliest rumours for PS4 were simply steamroller and a GPU, and then there's that document for Xbox strategy with the APU/GPU config (Yukon) and then the patent stuff surfaced (related or not, it at least puts different ideas into different camps).
What, 8 TF you say?
Is hd 8800 the desktop variant ?
Anyway - good news
I don't really like VR stuff. And never really understood the hype for it. Just seems like the next wave of 3D type gimmicks.
Why would someone wear a giant headpiece for gaming instead of just on a monitor/tv?
I don't really like VR stuff. And never really understood the hype for it. Just seems like the next wave of 3D type gimmicks.
Why would someone wear a giant headpiece for gaming instead of just on a monitor/tv?
Unlikely, the GPU is going to quite weak in pure flops, 1-1.5 TF, nowhere near a HD8800
Karak mentioned last he read the edram (escram?) amount was supposedly 300MB, which I'm not sure is accurate or feasible.
Heh, if only you knew...
Interesting. Two pieces of information I had not seen anywhere else. I'd say his source is legit. (And it's not me )
Your not an insider...are you?
We keep getting conflicting information from one side and the other, so to definitively say that the GPU will be weak..
No. I stated that someone on Beyond 3d in one of their posts had done some calculation for what edram would be needed. It was in this thread I think. Couple days/weeks ago.
Would be needed for...
Someone posted a question about how much was needed if durango had sdram. I remembered reading something here so I pointed them to the forum here and said what I thought I remembered be written. That was about that.