sweetvar26 quote....
This is what I thought would happen with Sony and Microsoft launching at the same time with basically the same specs.
sweetvar26 quote....
Personally, I think it is just not Microsoft but Sony as well. So both the companies will launch simultaneously, will launch anticipating each other's launching period.
The thing that made PS3 debut at a later date was the Blu-ray, it had something different from the other consoles out there claiming a significant hardware advantage.
However with the 720/PS4, both of them will release at very identical specs and price point. It will be a tough decision for the consumer to choose which one to pick. So the fan base goes the either way and I am expecting MS to do better in North America while Sony does better rest of the world.
Everyone wants a next gen console right now, at least most of them. The ones who want are also waiting to see the PS4 and the 720. So the first one that releases will have a significant advantage. Neither of the companies can afford to wait 6 months to an year from the other console. Hence we will see launch at a similar interval too.
This is what I thought would happen with Sony and Microsoft launching at the same time with basically the same specs.