So there's an internet poster claiming that they have a contact in AMD who is privvy to some notable chip and plaftorm details for two competing customers, and that contact speaks as if the various groups in AMD have been comparing and ranking two separate projects for two competing customers.
The very similar CPU core elements to Xenon and the PPU coming about because they stem from a common project aside, I was under the impression that IBM had much better compartmentalization than this. I don't recall anyone in IBM blabbing to that level of detail and to the detriment of a paying customer in the leadup to the current gen.
It may or may not be true. It doesn't look good to me when two separate projects and the organization itself leak like that, and leak together.
I'm not sure that's a positive factor if there is to be a next next gen and if AMD still exists at that time.
Similarly, AMD is trying sell itself as a design company that can help many customers build their custom SoCs and include their own IP and design ideas, but when working with two massively important customers it can't keep its cards to its vest and there are gossips trading information between them.