What do you think about the Tim Sweeney presentation in which he claims to be movint to a software rasterizer in UE4? He seems to imply huge bandwidth would be needed. However, I suspect that a software rendering path might be designed in order to exploit data locality.
Rather than thinking of EDRAM as it was implemented in Xbox 360, I believe we should discuss whether future graphics techniques justify fast main memory or they will be better able to exploit data locality. In the latter case a ulta-fast local memory to assist a not-so-fast main memory would probably be quite effective in terms of both performance and performance/cost with respect to particulary expensive main memory. I am no graphics expert and I would like to hear your opinions about this, but I suspect that lack of data locality is not something inherent to rendering, but rather related to the current rasterization approach.
Rather than thinking of EDRAM as it was implemented in Xbox 360, I believe we should discuss whether future graphics techniques justify fast main memory or they will be better able to exploit data locality. In the latter case a ulta-fast local memory to assist a not-so-fast main memory would probably be quite effective in terms of both performance and performance/cost with respect to particulary expensive main memory. I am no graphics expert and I would like to hear your opinions about this, but I suspect that lack of data locality is not something inherent to rendering, but rather related to the current rasterization approach.