Purely because although the GPU side might be comparable in performance, the CPU side of the next generation of consoles will likely be vastly superior to what any desktop could offer by the end of this year..
Superior is a difficult word. In what respect(s)? Cost effectiveness? Bandwidth to GPU? Bandwidth to main memory? Vector floating point capabilities? Cache size? Integer IPC?
I think the only thing that can be assumed is that the CPU will be tailored to the application, and not (like the original Xbox) be a typical low end PC chip of the time.
In the spirit of the thread title, as far as prediction goes, generally speaking I'd assume that keeping costs and power draw down from the outset will be more highly prioritized by Sony and Microsoft, given their respective issues, and the success of the Wii. But what would that mean?
I'd guess that the PS4 will do a relatively straightforward scaling of the BE, maximizing retention of assets and tools. It is designed for scaling, after all. GPU - difficult to predict, but it will be capable of rendering and outputting full HD with antialiasing.
The Wii, in all likelyhood, will get a small, cheap, capable processor. Quite likely still a single core, or possibly dual. There are candidates, but it could also be an upcoming core. GPU - impossible to predict, except to express my doubt that it will be a scaling of the existing GPU. A completely new design is likely, but just as this generation, I'd guess that Nintendo will go for a cost and power effective design.
The difficult one is the XboxNext. The CPU doesn't really lend itself to extended parallelism, an 8+core SMP UMA system is a horror to get reasonable utilization from. I'd assume that they would be conservative on the CPU (increase clock somewhat, possibly add another core, beef up IPCs somewhat, improve data paths), but they could also scrap the existing design completely and start over. Backwards compatibility may not be counted for much.
The GPU is another issue again. I'm not terribly knowledgeable as far as the internals of GPUs go, but as with the PS3, supporting rendering in, and outputting full HD with AA seems a given. Will they go the external ROP+memory route again? Will they coordinate with the Direct3D flavour of the day (probably)?
Just as SD resolution was a fixed target for the previous generation of consoles, the next generation will all go for HD, and by that time it will be more readily accomodated using relatively inexpensive hardware. I doubt that any of the players will be inclined to push the envelope in terms of hardware. That makes for less exciting fantasy systems, of course. But I just can't see that there will be any strong market forces that encourage the manufacturers to move strongly in that direction. There
will be strong forces in favour of cool, quiet and inexpensive.