PowerVR VS 3.0 Demo!!!

I just got this reply from nVIDIA concerning the errors in the demos:
These demos were written to the current DX9 runtime, and many details
have changed in the past year (more specific discussions should really
happen on Betaplace).

After modifying Voxel to validate under the new runtime, NV40 and
RefRast results match (neither looks like the results under DX 9.0b).
Cloth does not; however, the NV40 results look like either a driver bug,
or an app issue that I missed... I didn't spend a lot of time trying to
get these working.
Ante P said:
991060 said:
You can use 3danalyzer to extract ASM.

In all the Pixel SHader 3.0 output I get this before each shader:
///////////////Pixel Shader - start//////////////
ps_3_0 not supported yet...

Or "vs_3_0 not supported yet..." where applicable.

But there still is output in there.

I have uploaded the 1 MB file in case anyone wants to have a go:

To me this sounds like its not running on Direct X 9.0c.. We may have to wait to DX9.0c before it can this topic is a real issue or not. Also if the demo detects the ID of video card for special effect - then they maybe never the same.
SegaR&D said:
overclocked said:
I know we have a couple a guys from the company here soo can´t you hint something, plz...

There's a better chance of george bush giving you a tour of Area 51

and shapeshifting in front of you...

man those people do love their jobs :)
At least both give different images on the refrast than on the nv40 / 61.32(which has sometimes a known performance bug and the latest HLSL isn't also free of bugs, so maybe it's a little bit early to do some real benchmarks). The Cloth demo is nearly working, after some small mods(only minor stuff, driver-bug/prob. releated), VSDisplayPhaseB.vsh seems to be like the problem shader - so no cloth in the final image :(

3D-Analyse isn't 3_0 ready yet, but I'am working on it.

Mintmaster said:
Kristof said:
Well it works on the refdevice... :D
Kristof, can you confirm what NVidia was saying above? Is the refrast giving you incorrect images with your updated voxel demo?

We assume that NVIDIA modified an old version of Voxel themselves to work on the new runtime and as part of those modifications broke the demo. The conversion we did (just replace texld with texldl) works just fine and looks exactly as before as far as I know. I definitely know that cloth should be working fine.

Basically if you download the new voxel version from our pvrdev website it should be working correctly on refrast and any hardware which supports SM3.0. If anyone thinks a result obtained on the refrast is wrong send a screenshot to devrel and we'll look into it.

tb said:
The Cloth demo is nearly working, after some small mods(only minor stuff, driver-bug/prob. releated), VSDisplayPhaseB.vsh seems to be like the problem shader - so no cloth in the final image :

Any changes other than the texture format change to R16G16F ?

VSDisplayPhaseB contains the actual vertex texturing instructions so that is pretty much the base functionality that is falling over then ? Could be driver issues with multiple samplers, I use 3 samplers (textures) in that demo. The only other thing I thought of is that I am not setting the actual filtering mode myself, D3D default is point sampling though so it should not be an issue.

I changed every clear(D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER) / clear(D3DCLEAR_TARGET) to clear (D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER|D3DCLEAR_TARGET) and D3DFMT_R16F to D3DFMT_G16R16F.

hstewarth said:
... Also if the demo detects the ID of video card for special effect - then they maybe never the same.

hstewarth we provide source code for that demo so you can see exactly what is being done, and there definitely is no video card ID detection code in there... AFAIK all PowerVR demos released so far are written for standard APIs and will work on any card that meets the minimum caps spec required.

Kristof said:
Hmmm... <shrug>

setteing the render tagets do D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F helps a little bit, the cloth is now displayed, but a little bit wrong....

tb said:
Kristof said:
Hmmm... <shrug>

setteing the render tagets do D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F helps a little bit, the cloth is now displayed, but a little bit wrong....


Thats odd... a waste of storage space and bandwidth then ? Or are you redistributing the data ? Anyway definitely sounds like driver issues.

Do you have any screenshots to illustrate the "little bit wrong" ?

Just changed the format and the clear's, nothing else.


Interesting effect. Definitely looks like the normals are wrong, the position is hard to say since all kinds of accuracy effects could come into play especially since we have been fiddling with the texture formats.

Actually out of curiosity could you check using caps viewer under adapter formats, any of them, and then subcategory texture formats and then check for which formats they expose D3DUSAGE_DMAP. I wonder if NV40 can only do vertex texturing from a very small subset of textures, possibly they must have 4 components for the vertex texturing to work ?

Bit more work would be to use the following :

An application can query if a format is supported as a vertex texture by calling IDirect3D9::CheckDeviceFormat with D3DUSAGE_QUERY_VERTEXTEXTURE.

Still if you'd try to use an unsupported format why is the call not failing ? Unless I am not checking the return code but even then it should still show up in the debug stream when you enable full dx debug level. Anything showing up there ?

D3DUSAGE_DMAP isn't supported on any format. D3DUSAGE_QUERY_VERTEXTEXTURE is only supported for D3DFMT_R32F and D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F.
