Playstation 5 [PS5] [Release November 12 2020]

Lol, I thought the new console was supposed to be cheaper.
Yeah, they are riding the high demand wave so well they are maximizing their profits. They dont expect that any price reduction will have enough increase in adoption to be worth it in terms of revenue.
It is kind of a shame though. It is very likely that they can sell it at the original price if not less. But they increased it.
I wonder if, in light of the current situation of lay offs across the industry, Sony is desperately trying to get as much revenue as possible to finance its studios.
I don't like the signal they are sending.

But comparatively, one of the great things about their consoles back in the PS1 and PS2 era, was that they they managed to sell a product that was becoming more and more affordable and the form factor was becoming better and better in time. The consumer could only be delighted. They were communicating to the consumer that they were caring, providing a product that was aiming to be affordable for every middle class household. Not because they are good guys of course. They were still money hoarding corporations. Yet the image of PS 1 and 2 had everything.
They both started as the ultimate next gen consoles at a high but still good price and were gradually adapting to become the perfect family console for everyone.

The PS3 ruined this image from start to finish, the PS4 just nailed it with the launch price although we never saw good price reductions and form factor later. The PS5 sits in the middle between PS3 and PS4 in my eyes.

It's been 3 years and the price is around the same if not more expensive. Someone might bring the argument that it sells like hotcakes or adjusting to inflation the price is great therefore it is a very affordable product. Well it kind of is and it kind of isn't. The economic situation of most families has worsen. I believe we still buy them in large quantities because consoles have become a standard product for most households in this digital age. Even if such expenses are felt more.
I still contend that with global economic conditions the way they are combined with foundry costs not significantly decreasing that Sony may have seen a slim model as the only way to avoid selling the console at a loss. I'm still fairly certain that while at launch the original PS5 wasn't selling at a loss that it is possibly selling at a loss right now.

This isn't about Sony "screwing" consumers, IMO, as much as it as about Sony not wanting to sell the PS5 at a loss.

I still contend that with global economic conditions the way they are combined with foundry costs not significantly decreasing that Sony may have seen a slim model as the only way to avoid selling the console at a loss. I'm still fairly certain that while at launch the original PS5 wasn't selling at a loss that it is possibly selling at a loss right now.

This isn't about Sony "screwing" consumers, IMO, as much as it as about Sony not wanting to sell the PS5 at a loss.


That tracks with the latest PS5 fat that use the same 6nm apu as PS5 slim.

Sony maybe simply need to aggressively cut costs, to keep their margin
And yea, the new one looks cheap. Way to go Sony, probably saving a bunch of money on all this, while also raising the price. smh Scumbags. Stuff like this really puts me off ever wanting to buy one. It's not just that I'm being a cheapskate(though I am), it's also simply pettiness. I would feel dirty giving in and buying this crap and giving them my money knowing their intention to exploit us instead of passing at least *some* cost savings onto us like consoles have always done in the past.
Nothing that I have oversight that we need to produce is getting cheaper to produce over time, everything is getting more expensive. I don't what know the situation is with Sony but they don't exist is economic or manufacturing vacuum.

Just look at global inflation rates!
That's so funny - looks so large there!

Discdrive really nicely designed pop-in. Somewhat overengineered for a part that's going to be redundant in 5 years or whenever this thing is discontinued. I guess that's entirely for the assembly line and not the convenience of post-sales consumers wanting to upgrade. Very nice experience for those users though, offset by a really ugly bump to support that drive addition!

Horizontal 'stand' is shocking. PlayStation's worst industrial design ever. Edit: I mean, it's even undergraduate level bad. If someone showed me that vacuum formed lump and those plastic clips and said this was a high-school project, I'd believe them!

Cooling is curious as he says. Were the other cooling solutions excessive? Or is this running closer to thermal limits to cheap out? Maybe designing to use the same on future shrinks that'll run cooler?
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so... still using LM...
seems best bet would be to buy 6nm fat ps5 (12 series?) as it has been battle-tested in real life and seems to have more cooling than this one thus probably lower fan speed?

oh and it looks better
oh and fat ps5 in the market is around 50 USD cheaper than PS5 slim. at least in my region
holy molly PS Plus price is so expensive
what the heck the digital games are almost 2x the price of physical games
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CMOS battery is easily accessible again in this model compared to the 1200 one, nice. They greatly improved the cooling design here as this one consumes the same as the previous model.

As expected still 6nm + Liquid metal. I don't think we'll see another Sony console without liquid metal at this point. They must save plenty of cooling materials overall. The back of the APU with this very smooth and slanted piece designed to touch the shield in that way has probably still a role in the overall cooling. Why would they spend so much engineering on the whole thing?


Very disappointing, I was hoping that it was going to be a smaller node for reduced power consumption.

I guess the original was drastically over engineered in terms of cooling and form factor if they can achieve this size reduction and maintain almost the same noise performance.
So not one whiff of a price cut? There must be cost reductions by now?
Any cost reductions of the hardware are helping limit cost increases due to spiralling inflation. Nothing.. nothing.. is getting cheaper. Materials are more expensive, manufacture is more expensive, shipping is more expensive. Even if Sony could save $20 a unit, that's not offsetting the all cost increases impacting everybody on Earth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Any cost reductions of the hardware are helping limit cost increases due to spiralling inflation. Nothing.. nothing.. is getting cheaper. Materials are more expensive, manufacture is more expensive, shipping is more expensive. Even if Sony could save $20 a unit, that's not offsetting the all cost increases impacting everybody on Earth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well that would be a departure from all previous console designs then.

Because they usually count on big cost reductions over the life of the console generation, along with price cuts to sustain sales.