Pictures of new PS3 console [CECH-4000]

Good to see a couple of USB slots at the back for a change... especially impotant with Sony pushing Move hard. Norhing looks more untidy than a USB cable snaking out of the front.
Toploading is crap. Never that a hideous turd like that will come over my doorstep... Not if it was the only console left on earth.

Toploading belongs in cheap portable music systems. Not in livingroom audio/video gear.

Toploading is actually better for maintenence when the lense gets dirty.

Motorized top loaders are actually quite cool...even the non-motorized ones can be designed to look much better than slot loaders. Industrial Design says hello...



I love SONYs of old...

If SONY made a $1000 highend version of the PS4 that looks like one of the above designs I'd buy one at launch for the industrial design alone...
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I wonder how the 16 GB of flash is going to handle games with a required HDD partial install? How large are partial installs usually? Smallest? Largest? Going to guess Sony will sell an official HDD addon?

If this hits 99 USD, I may be interested. Then again, I haven't really gamed on my X360 much lately. And only thing on the horizon that is console only that I'm terribly interested in is Halo 4. So while I'm slightly interested, it probably isn't worth that much to me.

... guessing 199 for 16gb if you're lucky. then 249/299.

the gen is winding down, hardware sales are extremely slow, i dont see a point in pursuing aggressive hardware price points for sony right now.

good on them for being aggressive though. i imagine microsofts refresh will follow maybe in 2013.

Why would they introduce a cost reduced version of the hardware and not drop the price of the hdd models at all? That makes no sense. The whole point of a flash storage sku is to drive the price under $199.
I wonder how the 16 GB of flash is going to handle games with a required HDD partial install? How large are partial installs usually? Smallest? Largest? Going to guess Sony will sell an official HDD addon?
16GB should be sufficient to install at least a couple of games. Installs are often around 2-3GB, but there are many games which don't have an install at all, or just a very small one (less than 1GB). Bigger installs are usually around 6GB.
Unless Sony doesn't change this with the new model an official HDD addon shouldn't be necessary. Normal 2,5" HDDs work perfectly fine in the PS3.
Surely the 16 GB model will support USB or SB card sotrage of some form? Maybe even Vita memory cards. Because 16 GBs is really constrictive. The OS takes a load in itself. I put hardly anything on my 40 GB model but it still got tight in the storage department. Saved game-data can take up alot of extra room that you aren't away of which installing/uninstalling.

I'm sure it'll take an HDD though, so find any old SATA 2.5" and chuck that in when things get tight. There must be quite a few PS3 upgraders with an old HDD they'll sell on eBay.
I do not see any USB slots on the back....

Sorry, when I was first quickly scanned the images I saw the the 2 USB ports and thought that was the back of the machine. Can't understand how I made that mistake :/

So let me now say that it's a shame that it looks like there will be no USB ports on the back. Seems like a huge oversight to me. Still, maybe it's something they'll rectify with the PS4.
Its ugly... and top loading disc tray? wow how sad, Sony's rushed launch PS3 (imho in terms of having to make it to market to the rival console) was and still is a technological marvel jam packed with so many features and quality, extremely high quality components (5 real copper heat pipes and multi RPM fan system that revs up and down depending on temps), not to mention how it was shipped as a swiss army knife type tech in terms of PS1/PS2/PS3/DVD/BR/CD/SD etc.

It really is sad that consumers did not respond back then even though its ancient history... it seems to me that really is the reason why next gen consoles will not be so great with manufacturers having fear and uncertainty in console and software sales...

I don't care the excuses its a games consoles and plays movies... somehow I don't think this is the last revision but how sad it is that due to lack of initial consumer demand (not to mention economic issues) we are going downhill here.
Its ugly... and top loading disc tray? wow how sad, Sony's rushed launch PS3 (imho in terms of having to make it to market to the rival console) was and still is a technological marvel jam packed with so many features and quality, extremely high quality components (5 real copper heat pipes and multi RPM fan system that revs up and down depending on temps), not to mention how it was shipped as a swiss army knife type tech in terms of PS1/PS2/PS3/DVD/BR/CD/SD etc.

It really is sad that consumers did not respond back then even though its ancient history... it seems to me that really is the reason why next gen consoles will not be so great with manufacturers having fear and uncertainty in console and software sales...

I don't care the excuses its a games consoles and plays movies... somehow I don't think this is the last revision but how sad it is that due to lack of initial consumer demand (not to mention economic issues) we are going downhill here.

The Grownups had there fun with the PS3 now it's time to make it a console for the kids while the grownups save up for the PS4.

I think this is a smart move the 1st PS3 was too big & too nice looking to buy for kids because you wouldn't want them moving it around because you would think they would break it.

The new model you would have no trouble letting it go into a kids hand.
A ~149€ 16GB model would be a good replacement for my loudashell 320GB phat ps3 provided there is a hdd dock.
Its ugly... and top loading disc tray? wow how sad, Sony's rushed launch PS3 (imho in terms of having to make it to market to the rival console) was and still is a technological marvel jam packed with so many features and quality, extremely high quality components (5 real copper heat pipes and multi RPM fan system that revs up and down depending on temps), not to mention how it was shipped as a swiss army knife type tech in terms of PS1/PS2/PS3/DVD/BR/CD/SD etc.

It really is sad that consumers did not respond back then even though its ancient history... it seems to me that really is the reason why next gen consoles will not be so great with manufacturers having fear and uncertainty in console and software sales...

I don't care the excuses its a games consoles and plays movies... somehow I don't think this is the last revision but how sad it is that due to lack of initial consumer demand (not to mention economic issues) we are going downhill here.

Wow, there's way too much drama in there.

They're manufacturing the console's chips using more up-to-date process technologies, which renders a 5 heat pipe + multi-RPM fan useless. They save money on the cooling system and increase energy efficiency in the process.
To still implement an overkill cooling system like that on 28nm chips would be stupid from any reasonable point of view.

PS2 BC was scrapped because people don't play PS2 titles anymore. They weren't going to keep putting an EE + RS chip in there just because some 0,05% of the PS3 customers want to play Final Fantasy X, even though many of them still keep a functional PS2 unit.
BC that requires dedicated hardware made sense during the initial stages of the console, where the added portfolio came as a true advantage. The PS3 now has a very large game line-up with many great titles as it is. BC compatibility with ~10 year titles isn't that important anymore.

And just because you have the (very) subjective opinion that it's ugly, it doesn't make it an absolute truth at all.
I don't think it's ugly and I don't mind the top loading disc tray.

What is immensely more important than any of the factors you mentioned is to broaden the console's user base, increasing the number of customers from which the game developers depend on.

Cheaper consoles -> more consoles sold -> more PS3 gamers -> more people buying PS3 games -> more money to developers.
It could be a brick with a power plug, HDMI port and blu-ray disc tray, for all I know.

In case you didn't notice, we don't live in an era of luxurious and short-lived electronic appliances anymore. Except for smartphones/tablets (which are really eating into the PC market, so it's more like an "investment shift"), things are getting smaller, cheaper, more efficient and therefore available to more people.
And I find that to be good.