PGR2: confirmed 30fps only.

Phil said:
This isn't about platform comparison - it's about not being happy with a framerate with the given game. If you are implying that a consumer who owns a Xbox and is disappointed by framerate issues everytime he pops in a 30 fps title into his most technlogicly advanced gaming device should feel better just because it would probably run slower on x console? That's absurd, not to mention not being much confort to the one playing the game anyway. :?
If all you complainers would stop and actually play the game when it's released, maybe, just maybe you'd see why they can only get this game to run at 30fps. Do you want jaggies instead? Do you want the same halved framerate car reflections? (mind you they have to re-render the scene 8 times to get the reflections on cars.. or at least that's how much they had to in the first game)... Do you want less impressive everything resulting in it being less of a leap over the first title just so you can get your precious 60fps framerate? People were complaining left and right about these things that weren't in the first game. They put these things in to make the fans happy and the same complainers are complaining again when they have to make the framerate tradeoff.

Get real folks. It's a tradeoff that had to be made. Do you honestly think M$ would allow these tradeoffs for one of their biggest titles if the end product showed bad results? No way in hell. Do you see people that have actually played the game moaning and groaning about the framerate.. "Oh dear lord, it's the end of the wooooooorrrrrrllllld!11!1"? No. What you see is their praise because the game kicks ass.

So, until the game is released j-u-s-t s-t-o-p.....
Yeah, let's just all shut the fuck up, because god forbid some stupid bastard would prefer a fluid framerate and controls with fast response over shiny car reflections... I mean, that's just idiotic!

I have to agree with the framerate camp on this one. Racers demand fast, fluid graphics - it has a direct effect on gameplay. There's simply no excuse for anything less than 60fps on consoles of this generation - especially the much-ballyhooed Xbox ("three times the power of PS2!").

When it comes to speed vs. eye candy in a racing game, there's no contest. Speed wins hands down.

Deepak said:
Imagine Burnout2 with 30 fps...

no need to imagine, i just have to play multiplayer, it feels really less fluid and less responsive than solo.

it's the GC version, i read that there is no loss going multiplayer on the xbox version.
Grall said:
Yeah, let's just all shut the fuck up, because god forbid some stupid bastard would prefer a fluid framerate and controls with fast response over shiny car reflections... I mean, that's just idiotic!

Have you played the game? If you haven't then you don't have the jurisdiction to complain about the framerate not being fluid. Go watch the Yokohama videos over at IGN. Framerate is fluid, everything runs smooth, there's no jerkiness... Have you read any comments from people who have played the game? It's fluid, smooth, and runs nicely. The controls are updated at 60Hz, which means you'll have 60Hz control over your car.

The only people complaining are the people who have not played the game. What a surprise.
cthellis42 said:
DeathKnight said:
The only people complaining are the people who have not played the game. What a surprise.

Wouldn't that be basically everyone here?
You missed the gist behind the comment. Not everyone is complaining about the 30fps framerate. However, the people who are complaining have never played the game.
You kinda missed my point. Has anyone here on ANY side actually played the game? Not seen videos, not read reviews... PLAYED the game?
I've seen the game running up close at E3, but I couldn't play it as the line was huge.

however I certianly didn't notice that the game was running at 30fps or that it was slower than the last version in any way. it looked great.
Pretty hard to judge that way, though, I would think. Something one needs to play and feel and spend some time with.
Meh, I'm going to have to say that the difference in 30fps and 60fps is quite apparent to me nowadays. One of the biggest contributers to this ability to see the difference was back when the original Gran Turismo was released. The game ran at 30 fps throughout the entire game until you completed all of the races and was awarded a "special" mode that I was completely ignorant to. I didn't know what "framerate" really meant and couldn't tell you what it would mean to have 30 frames per second over 60 frames per second.

However, by playing this special mode (which unlocked Special Stage Route 5 or 11 I believe) I noticed that playing the game now seemed a lot "smoother" and more responsive along with the fact that a lot of the background had been removed. But even then, as a person that had NO idea what 30 and 60 fps difference meant, I could still clearly feel the difference when I played it.

I think that's the difference. To me, the only titles that should be ran at 30 fps are turn-based RPGs/strategy titles as timing isn't really essential for button input. I'm not condemning PGR2 in any way at all; all I'm saying is that at the end of the day, the chance at having a smoother, more intuitive gameplay will work to keep the player interested a lot longer than a strip of 'bumps' that run 3 imaginary meters along the track.
While following the path to the roller coaster i noticed numerous slow downs.
What the hell?! OK, so it's *definitely* your PS2. I have replayed that part over and over at least ten times when I had the demo. There wasn't absolutely a *single* place where it slowed down even for a moment.

Lets also admit the fog and darkenss aren't cosmetic entirely Marc. Please.
Er, who was talking about that? Obviously they aren't, so what? They work in the function of what game wants to be in the first place (claustrophobic) and in the same time help speed up the rendering. Btw, volumetric fog isn't exactly a cheap effect, so it's questionable how much it helps o begin with.

at least those who are impressed by Silent Hill's 60 fps ?
Silent Hill 3 runs at 30FPS. Slow adventure games don't really *need* more than that (although it's always welcome). It's fast moving and/or twitch games like fighters, racers and shooters that really benefit from higher framerates.

You missed the gist behind the comment. Not everyone is complaining about the 30fps framerate. However, the people who are complaining have never played the game.
You can go play Apex, or Burnout 2 in multiplayer mode on PS2 or GC if you want to see an example of 30FPS racing game. Not exactly a nice feeling, after playing BO2 singleplayer at 60FPS, IMO.
Right, LogisticX! I remember that in GT. Sure enough, it was the special 60fps mode, and it was smooth as silk.

Namco did a similar thing with R4 - they included a bonus disc with a special 60fps version of the original Ridge Racer track. The difference between this and the original game was stunning.

Not only did the game run at twice the frame rate (which itself made an incredible difference), but I think the game may have gotten a boost in resolution as well.

MSR (the original PGR) on DC ran at 30fps, controls were fine (PGR was better), but it didn't stop me from playing the hell outta it.

Both were extremely good controlling games.
True enough, the fact that PGR2 will run at 30fps won't stop me from playing it. That stupid "kudos" system, on the other hand... :LOL:
