If all you complainers would stop and actually play the game when it's released, maybe, just maybe you'd see why they can only get this game to run at 30fps. Do you want jaggies instead? Do you want the same halved framerate car reflections? (mind you they have to re-render the scene 8 times to get the reflections on cars.. or at least that's how much they had to in the first game)... Do you want less impressive everything resulting in it being less of a leap over the first title just so you can get your precious 60fps framerate? People were complaining left and right about these things that weren't in the first game. They put these things in to make the fans happy and the same complainers are complaining again when they have to make the framerate tradeoff.Phil said:This isn't about platform comparison - it's about not being happy with a framerate with the given game. If you are implying that a consumer who owns a Xbox and is disappointed by framerate issues everytime he pops in a 30 fps title into his most technlogicly advanced gaming device should feel better just because it would probably run slower on x console? That's absurd, not to mention not being much confort to the one playing the game anyway. :?
Get real folks. It's a tradeoff that had to be made. Do you honestly think M$ would allow these tradeoffs for one of their biggest titles if the end product showed bad results? No way in hell. Do you see people that have actually played the game moaning and groaning about the framerate.. "Oh dear lord, it's the end of the wooooooorrrrrrllllld!11!1"? No. What you see is their praise because the game kicks ass.
So, until the game is released j-u-s-t s-t-o-p.....