PGR2: confirmed 30fps only.

TD:LM DC runs at 30fps too.

Again, i am not justifying 30fps <>= 60fps, just that can we play the game first? And of course, drop the whole, OH MY! XBOX GAMES GOOD RUNZA 30fps< PS2 MORE 2X FPS!!
Guys, lets face it, you're all making it up. It is obvious that the game has been played and despite all evidence of past and present experiences of 30/60fps racing games, it is clear that this game is the MAGICAL EXCEPTION as there will be NO DIFFERENCE noticable. After all, Microsoft made a RESEARCH in which it clearly proves so - and that the press didn't outrightly complain about it proves it again. And lastly, if you do feel priviledged to have noticed a difference, remember, the average consumer doesn't notice it (whoever that is), so chances are you're just making things up anyway. Who really gives a fuck what you think? [/sarcasm]

Quincy, DeathKnight - once the game's out, we'll have this talk again and then we'll see who's sceptism was justified from the very beginning and how credible all those people were that apparently thought it was running at 60fps, ok? Unless PGR2 team is doing the impossible, I don't see why past experiences can't be used as hard evidence to raise some valid concerns. After all, why should PGR2 be any different?
I'm mainly in agreement with earlier comments that indeed they WANTED to hit 60 FPS consistently, but needed to switch positions with Halo 2 in the roster, so had to be content with locking 30 instead. But if that's the case, I'd rather not see publicity going on about the "special features" that will make 30 fps somehow magically play like 60. I can't really see how double the refresh will make a 30 fps game play faster, nor can I see a 60-input controller making a difference if the changes can only be posted 30/sec anyway. I'm certain it WILL look great and play well, but I'm just as certain the 30 fps will be noticable to anyone attenuated to those types of games, and plenty noticable with side-by-side comparisons and spending some time with both.

Ultimately what will "John Q. Public" care about advanced AI and physics or any of THAT, either? But if these racers are meant to be the pinnacle, sim-class driving games for their appropriate systems, it's a shame to see gameplay take a backseat to eye candy.
But if these racers are meant to be the pinnacle, sim-class driving games for their appropriate systems, it's a shame to see gameplay take a backseat to eye candy.

I consider 60fps to be in the eyecandy catagory. I certianly doesn't make a bad playing game fun to play.
Qroach said:
I consider 60fps to be in the eyecandy catagory. I certianly doesn't make a bad playing game fun to play.

NOTHING makes a bad game fun to play, with the exclusion of receiving money or sexual favors while playing it. :p

NONE of us are also coming from the angle that any of these games are remotely "bad" either. But are you seriously trying to say that, with great-playing games otherwise, a 30-to-60 solid FPS jump is the same sort of "eye candy" that visual enhancements are? I would find that rather baffling...
chaphack said:
TD:LM DC runs at 30fps too.

Again, i am not justifying 30fps <>= 60fps, just that can we play the game first? And of course, drop the whole, OH MY! XBOX GAMES GOOD RUNZA 30fps< PS2 MORE 2X FPS!!

Hope that you stick to that.....
framerate being in the eye candy departement ???

it is too often sacrified for eye candy (bump mapping, more texture layers, effects => nice screenshots..)
and you don't see framerate on sceenshots.

framerate and eye candy are totally antagonistic !!

i'm glad that on most of the games i play framerate was given an higher priority. can't stand bad framerates, especially on a console.
I consider 60fps to be in the eyecandy catagory. I certianly doesn't make a bad playing game fun to play.

Hmm, that's true, but I consider 30 fps can ruin a good racer for me. Not too mentioned I get motion sickness from 30 fps racer, like the original GT for example.
Any fanboys trying to make the claim that xbox games run slower than ps2 games ought look no further than Soul Caliber 2. The game was made on ps2 hardware, yet xbox SMOKES it. GC smokes the ps2 version as well. They run at the same and higher framerates with much sharper graphics, higher resolution. Same goes with even the EA ports games. All this thread is, is a bunch of fanboys trying to call attention to a non issue in an attempt to make xbox look "bad". If the input is at 60 fps you won't be able to complain about the gameplay. If it is LOCKED at 30 fps you will never see a dip, which is better than running at 60 fps, but with dips. You'll all be old men by the time we have "reality" in video games, so don't be so picky. All Bizzare did was decide the eye candy was > than the frame rate, AFTER much research on the subject. I guess you all know more than they do :rolleyes:
That's a fact, not a lie. Fanboys spread lies/misinformation, normal people tell the truth. I know which one I am, what about you? OH yeah, I forgot, I guess you work for Polyphony, eh? You must since you know how to make a racing game better than Bizzare does. :rolleyes: ......oooo, maybe you're really Yu Suzuki instead!
big reality check for everyone here:

the argument of ps2 having more 60fps games than xbox wasn't a "ps2 is more powerful than xbox". jesus do we still have to go through that?
it was more about the choice of the 1st party developers of each platform to focus on how the game plays reather than on how it looks. and it was discussed in a "gameplay" environment, since frame rate affects gameplay more than everything.

some people just cant get enough of the PS2 vs Xbox technicalities... which by the way is SOOOOOOOOOOOO 2001...
london-boy said:
well, all the MAJOR PS2 games run at 60fps, Jak and daxter and ratchet and clank and their sequels, GT4, MGS games, and many others...

on xbox i cant think of a major game running at 60fps. i cant think of any major game at all to be honest but thats another story...

^^^^^oh yeah, I'm the only fanboy in this thread. :rolleyes: DOA3 off the top of my head. I don't really pay attention to the FPS unless they are too low, so no, I can't recall too many times worrying about the framerate on xbox games.

You just admitted that you can't think of any major xbox games so right there you are outed as a ps2 fanboy. This guy and a few others were who I was talking about a few posts above. (the one above Gralls intelligent post :rolleyes: ) I don't start things, I finish them. Notice how far down this thread was with negative comments before I bothered to post.
BigGamer X said:
london-boy said:
well, all the MAJOR PS2 games run at 60fps, Jak and daxter and ratchet and clank and their sequels, GT4, MGS games, and many others...

on xbox i cant think of a major game running at 60fps. i cant think of any major game at all to be honest but thats another story...

^^^^^oh yeah, I'm the only <bleep> in this thread. :rolleyes: DOA3 off the top of my head. I don't really pay attention to the FPS unless they are too low, so no, I can't recall too many times worrying about the framerate on xbox games.

You just admitted that you can't think of any major xbox games so right there you are outed as a ps2 <bleep>. This guy and a few others were who I was talking about a few posts above. (the one above Gralls intelligent post :rolleyes: ) I don't start things, I finish them. Notice how far down this thread was with negative comments before I bothered to post.

ok. reading lessons maybe? :rolleyes:

i said many of the major ps2 games run at 60fps. i never said it was because PS2 is more powerful than xbox. u said that.

let's not put words in people's mouths...

all the people noticing that one simple fact only noticed it as a result of the choice of the developers to get their games running at 60fps. NO ONE ever stated it was because "ps2 is more powerful than xbox". come on we are after all in a serious board.
Sometimes I wonder if freaks like "BigGamerX" actually sleep easier if people just concede the fact that Xbox is more powerful than console A or Console B. Ok ok, Sony lied, Nintendo lied....... even their next gen systems still can't match the power of the Xbox. Heh.
BigGamer X said:
That's a fact, not a lie. Fanboys spread lies/misinformation, normal people tell the truth.

What's a fact? What's "the truth" in this case anyway, that 30fps is just as good as 60? Hardly. The visual difference is IMMENSE!

Your entire spiel sounds very fanboyish and apologist, and your arguing with Londonboy over which console is more powerful etc. USUALLY, when people point out a major game for console X runs at 30 rather than 60 fps, out comes the fanboi apologists in force and attempt to explain away how the fact 60 is 100% more than 30 doesn't matter the slightest. Same in your case as well.

Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Thus, I find it kinda ironic, not to mention AMUSING, when a person like you with low post count suddenly hop into a debate out of nowhere and start accusing other people of being fanbois, using typical fanboi rethoric.

You must since you know how to make a racing game better than Bizzare does. :rolleyes:

I know 60's way better than 30, shiny fucking car reflections or not.

All I have to say for you is: F-Zero GX, BAYY-BEE! PHWOARH! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Regarding the new influx of antagonistic new member posts, my guess is that Chap has called in some of his console envy friends... Classy...
my $0.02, 30 FPS is fine. movies run at 24 FPS and they don't bother me either. I would much rather have a more detailed game at 30 FPS than trimmed back graphics just to get 60 FPS.
zidane1strife said:
Well, I personally prefer 30fps... for now. I don't mind the lower fps, as long as it is stable, and since I like playing in small screens(13-19), I've not experienced any real probs...

The added detail is usually well worth it IMO.

R U kidding 30f in a racing games makes it feel slow to me....60f is good not 30f.