Chap said:You can pack em all tightly and unpack them during installation for PC games, while console games are play direct from the disc.
Sure. You forgot to mention that console games also save data on discs as uncompressed as possible to further prolong the load times. Not only they don't compress, they use wide characters, save textures in 32FP formats and geometry data as extended doubles. And if that isn't enough to bring the load time to 1minute and fill the disc, they'll use movies saved as sequence of raw 32bit BMP files.
All the while PC games will ZIP their files 60times over(why do you think installs are so slow?) using one of those magic algoryhtms that can losslessly compress random data sequence as many times as you want each time making it 50% smaller.
DVDs like all other optical media read faster on outer tracks - which is why in cases when you don't fill entire disc you might use dummy data as "padding" so the important data will be placed on outermost possible track for optimal load times. For the same reason you'll normally place FMV and other streaming data on inner tracks since they only require a fraction of minimal reading speed of the drive.So i guess that is why we can see certain games, that have dummy data almost as much as game data.