DeanoC said:
Jaws said:
Performance between Xe GPU and PS3 GPU will largely depend on the Process used and die size (same would apply to CPUs, although CELL has an inherent advantage from a clean design). If equal in die size but Xe GPU is on 90nm and PS3 GPU is 65nm, roughly scaling, you should be able to get twice as many transistors at 65nm that would roughly equate to twice the performance.
First, how do you know that Xenon CPU isn't a clean design?
By 'clean' if you mean efficient, custom CPU design, then yes, I have no doubt, it will be a great multi core CPU compared to curent CPUs with neat custom features. Heck, I also have a Mac and if someone told me a triple core G5 @ 3.5Ghz ~ $300 would be available Q4 2005 in a console, I would be impressed.
However by 'clean', I was referring to a 'clean sheet' design, starting with a blank sheet of paper and 400 engineers at your disposal from STI and dedicated design centre type of 'clean'. If they haven't f%£ked, it should inherently perform better for a given process and die size. This was always STI's goal stated throughout the project.
Secondly, how do you know there is a process advantage?
Well, with the scaling calcs I did earlier with leaked specs etc,
Xe CPU(tri-core) = 84 GFlops @ 3.5GHz, 65nm (IBM)
Xe GPU = 240 GFlops @ 500Mhz, 90nm (TSMC)
PS3 CPU(1 CELL) = 294 GFlops @ 4.6GHz, 65nm (STI)
PS3 GPU = 480 GFlops @ 500MHz, 65nm (STI)
Of course, change clocks, cores, process etc. accordingly scale depending on your POV. These process assumptions were based on existing discussions on these boards and what was expected in the release timeframe. However reading this below,
There's a chance that TSMC will have 65nm ready for late 2005. If that's the case then the GPUs should be similar in performance for a given die size. However, I would be extremely impressed if Xe is totally at 65nm for Q4 launch and matches PS3 at 65nm for H2 2006 launch and would suggest questions at STIs fab strategies and heavy investments to be ahead of the curve. But that would also hint at PS3 launching on 45nm in 2006 as Sony+Tosh have stated to have 45nm sampling by Q4 2005.
Jaws said:
This applies equally to Xenon as much as PS3, Xenon has been built with good connections between CPU and GPU.
Yes, this was inferred in the leaked specs with L2 cache being read by GPU etc. but I didn't mean to imply the contrary. If you followed my post, I was trying to show two different ways to scale CPU+GPU, i.e. where [...]=IC,
Onchip IC,
Separate chip IC's (PS3),
Just curious for opinions, which RAM config would be better for PS3,
A) Off CPU,
B) Split CPU|GPU,
| |
Say for a total of 512MB which would be better, A or B