If this rumor is true, then I would tend to think that the most likely scenario would be that they would do one of a couple of things:
1. Go ahead and launch with a top-end part somewhat overpriced to compensate for the low volume. The reasonable-priced part will be a 448SP part.
2. Launch with a 448SP part as their flagship product, holding onto good 512SP parts until they have enough volume down the line for a more full release.
My reasoning is basically that at the current time, they're already late, and they're losing potential sales for every further month that it takes to release the GF100. So they're likely to release whatever they can release in volume as soon as they can.
Obviously I do hope that this rumor turns out to be wrong and the 512SP parts are available in volume (which might be the case if, for instance, nVidia has been saving the good 512SP parts for a little while).