The Way It's Meant To Be Played and Gaming Evolved are both developer relations programs. I cannot claim to know the fine points of contract details, but what they both offer is the option of working with one GPU vendor preferentially to ensure optimum game performance on that vendor's hardware. Thus, TWIMTBP titles typically favor NV at launch. GE titles favor AMD.
Neither program prohibits vendors from working with the other company on post-launch optimization. Thus, you will see the performance delta between Vendor A and Vendor B typically close over time. This happened with Tomb Raider and Tress FX where NV caught AMD, and it happened with Batman: Arkham City, where AMD eventually caught Nvidia.
GW is different because the licensing terms under which developers can even see source code prevent them from sharing that code with AMD. So AMD cannot work with a developer in the usual fashion to bring the game up to snuff on GCN hardware. It's important to understand that GW is specific and impacts particular libraries. If a company licenses GameWorks for HBAO+, then they can't share that function. If they license 4-6 GW libraries (as both Arkham Origins and Assassin's Creed IV do), they can't share *those* libraries.
Some people have argued that because AMD can still perform *some* manner of optimization through driver snooping and assembly-level coding, that this isn't a substantial change to the balance of power. I disagree with this. Any situation in which Company A can use high-level tools and Company B is forced to use much lower-level tools is not balanced.
Some have argued that AMD has the ability to implement its own libraries and its own preferential solutions that developers would be unable to share with Nvidia. I agree that this is possible, but do not find it preferable in any sense. I do not believe this helps the end-user in the long run, and it forces the developer that wants to support both companies to juggle two different sets of license restrictions and two entirely different libraries of code. I believe the system functions best when developers are free to optimize by working with both AMD and Nvidia as they see fit.
Some have argued that because AMD has Mantle, GW is essentially the same. I disagree with this because Mantle does not harm NV's DX11 performance or its ability to optimize its DX11 performance by working with a developer. A developer who wants to use Mantle is still free to work with Nvidia to optimize its DX11 code paths by sharing that code. A developer that wants to use GameWorks (or is forced to by the business decisions of a publisher) cannot share GW code with AMD for optimization purposes.
It is possible that Mantle will be a long-term competitive problem for Nvidia. Unlike some, I do not assume that NV can simply adopt Mantle. AMD has suggested this is the case, but I strongly suspect that doing so would require too many changes to the Kepler architecture to be practical. Were Mantle to become the dominant GCN paradigm, on an equal footing with DX11, then I might see the issue of Mantle vs. GW differently -- but with Mantle's success and adoption far from assured in the long term, I believe it's important to maintain a balanced playing field *in* DirectX.