Last year after Peter Moore's departure, I was not sure if MS has a strategy at all for going forward. Many of the games coming this year, be it Too Human, be it Fable 2, we all know them way before at his tenure (2006). The only new game we learned this year is GeoW2, but I guess it is no surprise to anyone and its existence is also a no-brainer.
However, after seeing the press-conf, I now believe they have a strategy at least moving the console beyond the hard-core audience and we will see if it is gonna be successful or not. I still think they did not show everything last week. They started the buzz by new and a lot more familiy friendly dashboard, new causal games and Netflix. They will probably start to introduce other elements (motion-sensor controller) sometime in August and September, and make a price-cut when the time is right, which is when the games/new dashboard and the controllers come to the market. The 20 gig model is already 300$ now. Do they need to announce anything further before these models are depleted?
Btw, there is an interview with John Schappert at GTTV. Although it is boring mostly, there are two things that are really interesting. Geoffery asked about two things that are not annouced at E3. The first one is the motion-sensor controller. He said "we are a hardware company and always work on new things" and did not deny existence of it. The second one is more interesting. Although Shane Kim totally denies any activity on this, he did not deny existence of a Bluray 360: I am not saying he acknowledged its existence either, but despite Geoffrey asked many times repeatedly, once quiet forcefully with "can you say that no Bluray equiped 360 is coming to market?", he did not say "no Bluray 360 is coming". He merely states "downloadable content is future" again, but not denying is I guess a good indicator that something is cooking about that one.
This fall is certainly going to be an interesting one.