Regarding your point Joshua, isnt a forum a place to give opinions and back them up with reasons? No offence, but is numerical data and huge posts really neccessary to offer up opinions? Regardless I stand by my previous points.
While you can give opinions and back them up with reasons, you have to base them on something real thats not completely subective and based upon nothing but imaginiation.
Speculating unproven ip's is like talking to a fortune teller, its worthless. Its impossible and completely pointless to have discussion about theories based upon thin air and hope.
Alot of the theories and opinions giving in these NPD threads lately are so far fetched and based upon nothing but fantasy that ive allmost stopped reading them completely aside from reading the numbers.
The discussions and arguments that follow around these far fetched theories are not very intelectual and end up with two people trying to force their furtune coockie teller abilities upon eachother or trying to spin facts in their favour.