PSP on the other hand, amazingly high. Almost two thirds of the juggernaut DS.
Basically looking at these numbers, Sony is a huge winner (great PS2, PSP, and even solid PS3 sales) while Nintendo has to be disappointed.
NA is PSPs stronghold. It has had good sales and is a huge success. The fact we can frame PSP at 66% of NDS sales in the PSPs best region says more about NDS than it does the PSP. Good first effort for Sony by all means, but NDS defies reality. I would hate to compare consoles and handhelds, but the NDS success is very similar to the runaway success of the PS2.
Anyway, I think the one big conclusion here should be that no data is 100% accurate - neither sold/shipped numbers from the console manufacturers nor sales reports from NPD. I hope we won't see anyone quoting this or that number as an absolute truth in the future.
This should be your sig

I always look at it as "trending". Later in the lifecycles being off 500K units isn't a big deal because it is only a couple percentages of total sales, if that (for PS2 it isn't even 1%). Early on being offer 100K can be as much as 10% of sales!
1.5 million Geo, 1.5...
Remember, that 2 million target is an 'out the door' target; between NA and Japan, I think frankly
they got pretty close on the shipment side where probably no one thought they would.
So they say 2M (after 4M of course), and getting 3/4ths of the way there is somehow... better than expected? You can look at it either way I guess:
Person #1: Sony has big press meeting, PRs strong claims in regards to production, availability, and sales. Fairly quietly adjusts those down (after denying it). Then misses the mark.
Person #2: Reads the PR... sees the Sony development roadmap, watches the downward re-adjustment of shipping volumes, sees the press clippings about diode issues, notes the EU delay (after big fanfair about worldwide launch just months before) and after seeing the limited numbers offered at launch in the US and Japan when Sony had many months to stockpile and realizes, "2M in CY 2006? Not going to happen".
While I am Person #2, I think I was in the minority. The majority of people only see the press clippings, specifically the big press events (4M CY 2006). Even here there have been some very stern advocates of Sony's own estimates.
Anyhow, I am not sure that "most people" expected them to miss 2M after they cut it in half from 4M and delayed Europe. I did, but I know a lot of people who disagreed. I understand the issues and don't think missing their CY marks means much outside of lost nearly guaranteed sales at $600 (which I think now becomes much more difficult now that it is not the "new kid" on the block). Companies miss sales targets. MS did earlier this year. It happens.
What is more annoying is that after multiple denials and adjustments and delays that we have to take the stance, "Well, they were 75% of the way to where they told us they would be. Good show!" I understand this stuff happens, but I cannot help but to chalk it up to Sony's PR department going through their worst year... ever. They cannot even get simple things right it seems. It is like they are copying MS's PR department (which is horrible IMO as well). At least they have something in common. But it does go to show that, at this point, the talking heads really cannot be trusted for ANYTHING until it happens.
Now the question is, did the Home & Entertainment division make a profit?
For CY Q4 maybe. For the year in the entertainment division? I doubt it. Although at those rip off prices on the controllers... about 800K of them at a little over $11 each. Assuming MS and the retailer split the profit on those wireless controllers, MS is making nearly $20 on each. That is over $10M in profits... from controllers.
Btw, didn't they change the "profit by" date from 2007 to 2008?
Yeah but I frankly just think gamers are richer at this point in their lives. People who were in college for XBox... are in the workforce now.
In the workforce... with less disposable income than they had in college and a LOT less time for games
There is the whole 199 versus 399 aspect of course. Nonetheless, Xbox360 has not approached the gold standard of PS2 sales at any similar life point.
Gold standard to an extreme.
I had not realized until yesterday that the PS2 shipped over 24M units 14 months AFTER their US release (a little over 21 total including the Japanese launch which was in March of 2000).
So by the time MS and Nintendo go a couple million units in the channels in CY 2001, Sonly already shipped more PS2s than MS would Xbox1s for the entire gen or Nintendo would GCNs for the entire gen. Amazing. Game over before they could even get to their FIRST price drop.
That is like the Xbox 360 total year to date sales at the end of 2007 outselling 5 year total sales of the PS3 and Wii (end of 2011).
This is not to say the Xbox is doing bad, or the PS3 or Wii, but I think it puts into perspective how DOMINATE the PS2 was. Not even funny. And when we discuss the impact that dominance had on exclusives, software design focus, mindshare, etc and start looking at this gen as a semi-clean slate... hard to adjust. The industry has evolved a lot. Just looking at the 3 platforms and their orientation in regards to hardware, services, software, and general design really are a stark contrast to last gen.
It is gonna be an interesting 2007 and 2008, that is for sure. By then we should have a good idea of price reductions, how hardware is scaling in cost reduction as well as developer understanding, and how software support and killer apps are playing out. The race officially starts... NOW! (Because Acert said so!)