NPD December 2006

This is absurd. I will be very surprised if the PS3 outsells 360 in North America for any single month in 2007. Nothing Sony could do can change that, only a monumental screwup by Microsoft. (E.g. trying to keep the current price juuuuust for one more month over and over again.)

Actually, if PS3 doesnt outsell the X360 in any single month in 2007 (aspecially Nov07 and Dec 07), the PS3 is doomed in the US. Because that would mean that the PS3 demand is far from good enough at its current price, and even thought there will be price drops, there is no way in hell Sony can do a price war vs Microsoft and their endless supply of cash.
the NPD numbers don't include the 2 biggest video game retailers in the world.
Wal-mart and Toys-R-Us.They don't count sales in canada either.

Nintendo also says they shipped 600,000 Wiis sold in November, while NPD says it's 480,000. Perrin Kaplan recently said that their December shipments were significantly more than NPD's estimate, although she didn't say by how much. It must be a reasonably large number for her to say something.

I heard from a friend who works at Wal-mart that they sold way, way more Wiis than NPD accounted for, although I can't personally confirm it. I think it's quite plausible that Nintendo allocated proportionally more Wiis to Wal-Mart than they did with Gamecube, since they weren't really going after the "1337 g4m3r" audience.