Nokia's Present & Future

So motorolla and lg's phone divisions posted losses along with htc who posted losses two quarters in a row. I believe the only andriod handest maker not posting losses is Samsung. So how exactly would adopting andriod work for nokia .

You are funny. HTC posted losses two quarters in a row? Linkage please.
(you do realize that lower profits != losses, right?)

With Asus making the Nexus 7 I expect profits to be back in growing mode this quarter.
The iphone 4 is still a larger seller , costs twice the price of the nokia 900 , has a smaller screen and a smilar spec cpu/gpu and no one complains.

The iphone 4s and galaxy 3s all cost 4 times the price of the lumia .

Look, neither of these statements is even remotely true. They're a bit absurd, actually

Even the Lumia 800 costs well above 1/2 the price of the most expensive 4S.

Maybe you're comparing carrier subsidized prices but that's completely inaccurate for comparing prices. You pay a small amount upfront and then you pay the rest for 18/24 months.

So motorolla and lg's phone divisions posted losses along with htc who posted losses two quarters in a row. I believe the only andriod handest maker not posting losses is Samsung. So how exactly would adopting andriod work for nokia .

Do you know how much more Nokia lost than all the other Android makers combined?

Yeah, "everyone else is losing money on Android so who cares"?

Afaict HTC didn't post losses two quarters in a row. It posted lower-than-expected profits of ~$250M.
LG's mobile division posted losses of $59M. Motorola posted losses of $223M.

Nokia posted losses of over $1 billion dollars. That's 3x more than the losses of LG and Motorola combined.
And they posted these losses in the same quarter where they sold Vertu for $200M, shut down factores, shut down research centers and fired thousands of people.

It's ludicrous to think Nokia wouldn't have been better off with Android by now or.. heck, even if they scratched MeeGo and decided to keep going with Symbian they would be better.

Android would'be allowed them to:

1 - Keep the deal with Intel -> the most powerful chipset manufacturer in the world

2 - Use their own factories to build Android smartphones, since Google doesn't dictate "factories with special needs" to build Android devices (unlike Microsoft, apparently)

3 - Load an Android ROM into the MeeGo devices and it's done. Almost no delay required, no changes to the hardware whatsoever.

4 - Use their most advanced camera modules in their smartphones

5 - Use up-to-date SoCs troughout 2011

6 - Use up-to-date screens/resolutions

7 - Eventually, just port the Swipe UX into their Android devices

8 - Most importantly, sell devices, make profits, not firing people, not closing factores, not closing research centers, not selling patents.

And I don't even think Android was the best solution. I think the Symbian->MeeGo transition would've been perfect, as long as they solved their execution problems.

It's too bad that the finns seem to hate everything about Symbian and MeeGo though. I don't really get why, I wish my country had been birthplace of those platforms.
In Windows Phone 7 tombstoning is something you need to write code to handle. You choose how the app handles being closed and restarting. If the iPhone is doing something similar you will probably have details of it in the SDK.
Regarding the normal application lifecycle they're really not that different.

Both Android and iOS notify background applications when the system is running low on memory (onLowMemory, applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning) so they can free as much memory as possible without terminating, e.g. release caches. Though I believe they issue this notification at different times.

iOS has a restricted set of operations which may run indefinitely in the background. In Android you can create services which run in the background and won't be killed unless there really is no other way (i.e. because higher priority services need more memory).
From what I see on the iphone it looks like it does (very well I might add) hmmm thinking about it now perhaps it doesnt but there is definitely some pause from switching back to my app, so its not true seamless mulitasking, there is paging of memory in/out. & my app has a low mem footprint (like 20-30mb)

um No & no (and all your follow up answers I'll answer now to save time, "no, no, no, not quite, not bloody likely, is the pope catholic"
can someone show me where I can get a lumia900 at 1/4 of the price of a iphone 4s or galaxy 3s?
hell can anyone show me where its even 1/2 the price?

NOkia lumia 900 $49.99

iphone 4s $199.99 to 399.99

Galaxy S III $199.99

$200 / $50 = 4

Uh, exactly what are you hoping to show with those links?
The first says it's possible that HTC might show losses as it launches new handsets - it does not say they lost money.
The second is about share losses - i.e. a drop in share price - not fiscal corporate losses.

Have to say that's a big swing and a miss.
Until you can give us a link for HTC having two consecutive quarters of loss-making your prior claim needs to be retracted.
BTW, this is where eastmen is supposed to post something like "My bad about HTC losses as they haven't happened - BUT some, myself included, believe they will move into the red later this year."

...or something like that.
Regarding the normal application lifecycle they're really not that different.

Both Android and iOS notify background applications when the system is running low on memory (onLowMemory, applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning) so they can free as much memory as possible without terminating, e.g. release caches. Though I believe they issue this notification at different times.

iOS has a restricted set of operations which may run indefinitely in the background. In Android you can create services which run in the background and won't be killed unless there really is no other way (i.e. because higher priority services need more memory).

Thanks. Yeah you're right, you can make apps do the same stuff on all three. AFAIKS onDestroy and applicationWillTerminate should allow you do exactly the same thing as tombstoning on WP7 (drop to zero resources and restore from there).
BTW, this is where eastmen is supposed to post something like "My bad about HTC losses as they haven't happened - BUT some, myself included, believe they will move into the red later this year."

...or something like that.

Here we go.

I'm sorry , I was wrong its just huge revenue declines

For the first quarter of 2012, revenues are down nearly 35 percent year-on-year, with revenues of 67,790 million Taiwanese dollars (around $2.3 billion) for the period. Operating income was 5,099 million Taiwanese dollars (roughly $173 million) and profits after tax 4,464 million Taiwanese dollars ($151 million).


LG’s mobile division had a second-quarter loss of 56.7 billion won, compared with the 53.9 billion-won loss a year earlier. The analysts surveyed by Bloomberg News forecast a loss of 51.5 billion won. Sales fell 28.5 percent to 2.32 trillion won.

And motorolla

The Motorola wireless device business generated an operating loss of $192 million for the second quarter.

Its not a rossy picture for andriod phone makers not named Samsung . But of course if nokia went for andriod they would buck the trend and do much better than any of these other companys. Thats what i'm led to believe from all you guys
Those are all subsidized prices. If you want apples-to-apples (and if you're not dumb enough to buy an on-contract, subsidized and carrier-locked phone) you want to compare the off-contract prices.

Actuals (off-contract) are:

Lumia $450
iPhone 4S $650
Galaxy S3 $550

The vast majority of consumers in the united states buy subsidized phones. Also here in the united states you'd be dumb to pay off contract because the majority of cell phone plans here factor in the subsidized phone and give no discount for bringing your own phone.

So here in the states you can buy a lumia for $50 or a 4s for $200 or you can be dumb and spend the same for a monthly plan and pay $450 or $650 .

It hardly matters since I'm correct in the price diffrences.
Not to mention sometimes it's actually cheaper to buy a subsidized phone. For example my contract is 42 euro's a month for a one year contract. If I'd go sim only I would be paying around 20 euros or more for the same. However on my contract I got a HTC Sensation for only 40 euros. So even though I pay 12x20 + 40 more than on a sim only, it's still much cheaper than buying the phone as currently it's still 400 euro's. At the time probably 450 ~ 500.

Unless you want to keep your phone for a long time, atleast in my country, it's cheaper to get a contract with phone. if you want a smartphone that is.
Here we go.

I'm sorry , I was wrong its just huge revenue declines


And motorolla

Its not a rossy picture for andriod phone makers not named Samsung . But of course if nokia went for andriod they would buck the trend and do much better than any of these other companys. Thats what i'm led to believe from all you guys

Well you have to consider the products they put out as well. Don't know about motorola but LG phones are lower build quality than samsung/htc, specs arnt as good, software isn't as good and LG is utter shit at offering updates as well. Now add in that on a contract the price difference between a shitty LG phone and a high end HTC/Samsung model is really small or sometimes there isn't even a difference, and it's not surprising people don't buy LG.
Well you have to consider the products they put out as well. Don't know about motorola but LG phones are lower build quality than samsung/htc, specs arnt as good, software isn't as good and LG is utter shit at offering updates as well. Now add in that on a contract the price difference between a shitty LG phone and a high end HTC/Samsung model is really small or sometimes there isn't even a difference, and it's not surprising people don't buy LG.

Seems like few are buying motorolla or even htc and the numbers for htc continue to decrease.

So I guess they all just make shit phones ?

Nokia smartphone business underwent another quarter of transition. Demand for Symbian and MeeGo units declined, reaching levels not seen since 2005 though the company almost doubled its Windows Phone shipments from the previous quarter. Nokia’s Lumia sales were not terribly affected by Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 announcement, which will prevent current Lumia owners from upgrading to the new mobile operating system. However, Lumia sales have remained steady and key enhancements available on the new platform will eventually become available to current Lumia owners. Nokia, however, has a long path to travel before it can reclaim previous volume levels and challenge Apple and Samsung for smartphone supremacy.

So even with the windows phone 8 annoucnment sales continue to stay strong and Nokia has double the windows phones they sold last quarter. If momentum keeps up and they keep doubling sales they will be in a stable territory soon. I would expect with all the money being droped in the fall on all the windows 8 adverts that windows phones should increase in sales as well

Buy a subsidized phone every 2 years, unlock it then sell it and you're golden. Who wants the same phone for 2-3 years? Ugh!
Not content with massively trolling comment sections and forums with fabricated positive user experiences, the Nokia Army is now taking astroturfing to the next level.

A "Nokia Army" is infiltrating AT&T retail stores in order to pump up the carrier's flabby sales efforts, when it comes to moving Lumia smartphones.

Hundreds of members of Nokia's U.S. staff are volunteering to work alongside AT&T sales staff, in order to educate both them and their customers on the features and benefits of Nokia's Lumia line of smartphones—the success of which will largely determine the fate of the phone maker, according to an Aug. 6 report from Bloomberg.

Sure, everyone knows the annoyance of random strangers volunteering opinions when you're discussing a potential purchase with a sales person in a store, but next time try to muster up a warm smile regardlessly. After all, they could really just be tech employees fighting for their jobs.
Meh , it would have been smarter to just offer classes on the phone. Like twice a week have a rep in the store that will sit down and teach new owners about the phone.

Verizon does this for its two popular phones , for awhie it was the razor max and iphone 4s , now its the galaxy s3 instead of the max .

Verizon also has reps from motorolla that come in and set up a table and show off the phones that they have.
I'm fine with Nokia or anyone having reps in store. If, however, they pull the astroturf stuff they've been doing in various forums and pretend to be enthusiastic users when they're really employees, that's not okay in my book.