NO!!! My engineering sample 9700 pro is dying!!!

No, I'd never do that to Terry. He's way too cool, no way I'd try and pressure him like that.

I have no clue what I'm gonna do, this caught me rather unexpectedly. :?
Florin said:
Time to buy that GT digi 8)
Me just responding to a similar post in a similar thread I started over at EB said:
Razor_Blade at Elite Bastards said:
*Cough 6800 GT Cough* ;)
Oh wouldn't that just take the cake in the irony department! :rolleyes:

Scary thing? From a strictly unbiased comparison on best bang-for-buck that would be an adequate replacement/upgrade for me the GT ain't exactly out of the running.... :?
Damned if viddy cards ain't expensive things and damned if when push comes to shove you just compare bang-for-buck when you start hitting the price range I'm looking at, I'm kind of surprised by me own actions.

Me over at another place hunting around for a new viddy card said:
(BTW-It's in a thread entitled "X800 Pro for $330!"
seraph said:

thats a pretty damn good price, right?
Dell said:
The RADEONâ„¢ X800 Pro 256 MB AGP Graphics Card from ATI Technologies provides visually stunning gaming experience for the avid gamer by optimizing graphics performance and image quality. It features fast and efficient 256 MB of GDDR3 memory and offers resolutions of up to 2048x1536 pixels to enhance the performance of your 3D applications. With up to 16 pipelines, high clock speeds and excellent image enhancement technology, the RADEONâ„¢ X800 provides a smooth, responsive High Definition gaming experience, putting capable gamers in complete control of even the most demanding game titles.
(Bold mine)

I thought the Pro was a 12 pipe card? :|
Ain't the pro a 12 piper? I thought that was the big advantage of the GT over it.
The interesting thing is the "up to" and then its followed by just Radeon X800 so it is probably refering to the whole line with the XT having the 16 pipes obviously.

Btw, I just found out that my own R9700Pro is dying today (the fan is making funky noises, damn bearings and damn the cheapo PowerColor parts). This comes just weeks after my trusty GF4200Ti had the same happen to it in my other computer, they must not like being on 24/7. Anyone know how easy it is to replace the fans (or have them replaced)? Of course I would love a new card but being a student I'm sort of on a non-existent budget. :(
digitalwanderer said:
Fans is easy to replace, worry not. :)

pick up a vga silencer. This happened to me too with my 8500 pro 64 meg.

What happened was the paste started to dry up and actually started to insulate (sp?) the core so it would cool very ineffective.

So i would a) upgrade the cooling to a silencer . Why not ? after all it will keep your whole system cooler or b) change the past . This is by far the cheaper of the two
digitalwanderer said:

Me over at another place hunting around for a new viddy card said:
(BTW-It's in a thread entitled "X800 Pro for $330!"
seraph said:

thats a pretty damn good price, right?
Dell said:
The RADEONâ„¢ X800 Pro 256 MB AGP Graphics Card from ATI Technologies provides visually stunning gaming experience for the avid gamer by optimizing graphics performance and image quality. It features fast and efficient 256 MB of GDDR3 memory and offers resolutions of up to 2048x1536 pixels to enhance the performance of your 3D applications. With up to 16 pipelines, high clock speeds and excellent image enhancement technology, the RADEONâ„¢ X800 provides a smooth, responsive High Definition gaming experience, putting capable gamers in complete control of even the most demanding game titles.
(Bold mine)

I thought the Pro was a 12 pipe card? :|
Ain't the pro a 12 piper? I thought that was the big advantage of the GT over it.

Buy a VIVO Pro, Dig - you can easily utrn it to an XTPE.

Keyword: VIVO ;)
digitalwanderer said:
Damn it, pink lines and funky memory-dying sparkles all over the place...I am SOOO freaking depressed! :(
Hey, at least your card's saying good-bye properly, my Ti4600 died on Tuesday, simply shutting down the PC while playing and never booting up again. :(

Lets see what I'll get as a replacement (RMA-ed it Thursday), might end up with a low-end FX or something. :eek:

Anyways, digi with a NV card would be quite a sight! ;)
Well they just don't make em how they used to. My tnt2 ultra is still working fine :) Seriously and it has been in constant use pretty much since 99 though I have passed it around a bunch.

Anyway dig I still haven't got my x800pro and if it the other thread about the price drop to $299 is correct I will be pretty unhappy about it by the time I get it. (Yes the stupid hurricane did not help it get shipped from florida)
Weirdest freaking thing, it just as mysteriously got better yesterday and I spent the day/night gaming on her trying to get her to fritz out and just couldn't. :?

My wife gave me the greenlight for a replacement at least... ;)
digitalwanderer said:
My wife gave me the greenlight for a replacement at least... ;)

Bah... an example what I don't like here in the US... :p since when women should agree on my own PC budget? :LOL:
T2k said:
digitalwanderer said:
My wife gave me the greenlight for a replacement at least... ;)

Bah... an example what I don't like here in the US... :p since when women should agree on my own PC budget? :LOL:
Uhm, mebbe since she earns the family income and is responsible for the family budget? It makes a lot of sense to me.

On a sidenote: AAAAAIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

The pink crawly lines just came back!

It just happened whilst I was cruising the web and watching TV. For giggles I tried firing up NFSU to see how it looked by I closed it as soon as possible as it was REALLY fucked up!

Damn it, it ain't just pink lines...they're crawly blinky pink lines.

My card is dying, isn't it. :(
digitalwanderer said:
T2k said:
digitalwanderer said:
My wife gave me the greenlight for a replacement at least... ;)

Bah... an example what I don't like here in the US... :p since when women should agree on my own PC budget? :LOL:
Uhm, mebbe since she earns the family income and is responsible for the family budget? It makes a lot of sense to me.

That's another thing I don't like here... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
Damn it, pink lines and funky memory-dying sparkles all over the place...I am SOOO freaking depressed! :(

I know how you feel. :cry:
My enginering sample FireGL X1 128 stopped working but if I can get two surffes mound IC's, I could fix it. What went bad was the mem voltage regulater.
Uhm, mebbe since she earns the family income and is responsible for the family budget? It makes a lot of sense to me.

Wow u must be a hot stud then to have a suger momma !!!