The emotive language here suggests an investment in Nintendo that'll make fair discussion impossible...
By "trash", do you mean achieve more technically or look better? Because these games you cite are definitely very pretty, but they're also very controlled. I can't think of any similar titles on PS3 to make a reasonably fair comparison to. Those going 2.5D tend to be pushing the envelope in other ways, such as LBP's novel lighting and dynamic materials. And obviously smaller indie titles don't have the budget or art talent of Nintendo.
Not at all, I can say with no reservation that Nintendo made mistakes with Wii and Wii U, esp. the latter. On the flipside I can see some anti Nintendo rhetoric, I mean what you're writing makes it seem like you think Wii U has no advantage over Ps3 when it clearly has a much more modern gpu and superior ram set up. With the Wii, adding enough power to make games in HD and a bigger cpu uptick would've done wonders, Nintendo themselves have said Wii should've been HD from the start.
Both really, although to be fair very few high profile ps3 developers made games with a cartoony aesthetic. Lighting and material shaders are the most obvious improvements in Wii U games over Ps3 software.
1) Why not play on the TV you have? 2) SD res on even a 32" looks terrible. 3) I've never heard anyone compliment Wii's visuals, and I heard plenty of ordinary people complain about how things looked. they did the job. Had the hardware been much better, the platform may have had a longer lifespan and not have been relegated to the drawer so quickly.
1. You can say that about any console, Why not play an N64 on a big HDTV? Well, that's not how the graphics were meant to be displayed.
2. Looks good to me on a 32". Sure the jaggies are there, but real 16:9 480p is crisp enough.
3. Anecdotal, i've heard many people praise a lot of different Wii games for their visuals. I bet the same people that bash Wii/Wii U graphics will praise Xbox/Ps3 graphics and how they were so impressive for their time, and still look good. But neither of our statements here are objective, so let's move on.
This argument has zero relevance to the technical thread and the hardware. You're arguing subjective aesthetics and art style. Panzer Dragoon Orta recreated on PS4 would look a lot better - more power enables you to do more.
More power lets you do more, but I was just pointing out that some of the techniques developers use nowadays only make games look worse than they used to. I'm not interested in hearing arguments for effects like temporal AA, excessive lens flare and chromatic aberration. Even on the technical side of things, an original game that was made with older hardware in mind may lose some of its positive aesthetic in the transition to newer hardware. But that's another long discussion.
It doesn't need quantifying. It's obvious when a game screenshot couldn't come from a previous generation. SWBattlefronts and Quantum Break are what a generational advance typically means. Wii U versus Wii is clearly a generational advance. If Nintendo were to create a next-gen TV console, running Mario in 1080p high fidelity, actual AA and AF, fabulous dynamic GI, they should be looking at a 4 TF machine coming out next year, and it'd clearly look a generation ahead of Wii U and be unmistakable.
NS is probably more like a half-step upgrade, a PS4Pro. Which makes sense in the context of its portability, but goes against your assertion that slow progress of technology means 3x Wii U is adequate for a TV console. It's not slow technology progress preventing Nintendo from releasing a 4TF next-gen machine.
Funny you mention Battlefront and quantum blur but they happen to use the standard resolution for Xbox 360 games. Nintendo's not the only one that skimped on that 1080p high fidelity goodness, haha.
But yeah, on the gpu side of things the Switch appears to be a Ps4 pro type of upgrade, but we'll see. Although again, the cpu is a massive leap, probably will be better than the current consoles on that front, and the Ps4 pro only has an extra half gig of memory for games.