While a single anlog stick isn't ideal it was the standard during the 32bit era with the saturn and n64 having a single anlog and some of the best games were made using a single anlog stick.
So... 3DS: Welcome to 1996.
Seems the exact same senario as last time. Yes the NGP has a second anlog stick and rear touch screens but this hardly means anything if the software isn't there and it wont be because experiances like RDR and GTA5 are not meant to be had in minute long sprits of play time
Yeah, the exact same, except for all the difference and you pretending there won't be any games.
Why would nintendo need Nicole Kidman playing New Super mario brothers on a comercial ? It sold like 20m copies without wasting money on a celeb.
Sure, Mario sells the same 20 million copies whether it's on an installed base of 30 million or 140 million. That's kinda my point.
If people bought a $150 + system to play just Brain age or just picross cause nicole kidman did a comercial then they will buy whatever nicole kidman tells them to buy the next time she does a nintendo comercial.
Or they'll already have their Smart Phone they play games on and won't see the point any more.