NGGP: NextGen Garbage Pile (aka: No one reads the topics or stays on topic) *spawn*

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Even ignoring that the remaining 4 CUs on Orbis can be used for rendering, Liverpool still has 2 x the ROPs of Durango.

Durango must have some very serious and very secret sauciness to overcome that.

Or it doesn't.

Please stop it with the "secret sauce." I don't know who started that term, but they should be put to death.
There's no doubt that Orbis has a significant power advantage on the GPU side and it should lead to noticeably better visuals. I guess MS is banking on Durango being "good enough." It will definitely be much better than than 360, so it isn't the Wii case where it showed little improvement over the Gamecube. I guess they're hoping the extra features and a "good enough" improvement in gaming performance will overall win over customers. And the price difference could be significant.

I do think its quite surprising... As this is a MS that sank (read: p!ssed away) billions on the OG Xbox to fight tooth and nail to get into the console space. They then produce a fantastic console the xbox 360 that even beats Sony in the global gaming market. And now when all the stars have aligned, Nintendo have crapped out a severely underperformant POS with the WiiU, Sony went with a rather moderate design for their PS4, and MS will the big coffers could have pushed out a beastlord that destroyed all the other consoles and positioned them into total dominance of the console gaming space (and by extention the PC space - since its now just a port platform), they go Wii-like and give us this.

Baffles me... it beggers belief
I'm not saying that advances in graphics won't be able to contribute to progress in the overall gaming experience anymore.

Better graphics/physics won't hurt. Ever.

I just don't think that further progress in graphics will have the same relative impact on the overall gaming experience as it used to have when we went from spirte based games to real 3D engines. Or even from Quake to Quake II, for that matter.

Very good read - even if I kind of disagree with his love for casual games.
There's no doubt that Orbis has a significant power advantage on the GPU side and it should lead to noticeably better visuals. I guess MS is banking on Durango being "good enough." It will definitely be much better than than 360, so it isn't the Wii case where it showed little improvement over the Gamecube. I guess they're hoping the extra features and a "good enough" improvement in gaming performance will overall win over customers. And the price difference could be significant.

*checks to make sure he's in vs. thread*

If the performance difference is like I expect, I'll have no problem paying more for Orbis. If the controller improves, I may switch primary consoles next generation. I don't care for the analog stick placement and loseness of the DS3. I also prefer the live ecosystem but most of my gaming is single player anyway.

I'm not saying that advances in graphics won't be able to contribute to progress in the overall gaming experience anymore.

Better graphics/physics won't hurt. Ever.

I just don't think that further progress in graphics will have the same relative impact on the overall gaming experience as it used to have when we went from spirte based games to real 3D engines. Or even from Quake to Quake II, for that matter.

Very good read - even if I kind of disagree with his love for casual games.

It seems like Carmack isn't looking for a huge technical improvement to make it truly next gen anyway. He's looking for different ways to interface with the console.
From lherre. Strange, since he was open to several its a wash and similar comments before

people hoping they are a wash need to stop, it's obvious what the goals are with ps4 and 720, one is trying to make the best gaming console, with a decent price, the other is trying to make the best media console first, gaming second. the difference in specs is huge, if Microsoft, went with GDDR5 or a 1.8gflops gpu, then i might believe there is some special sauce, but seeing as both gpu and DDR3 are unimpressive they make a perfect fit.
Nice, unfounded, wishful-thinking conspiracy theory there. Do you really believe that Sony's approach to dealing with its professional partners in the games industry is sending them fake devkits to trick the opposition? And now MS have been duped and, the fools, under spec'd their machine because their entire business strategy was 'ask our mates at Activision what Sony are doing and up the specs a bit,' and now gamers the world over suffer?

I think from the outset Sony and Microsoft probably had very different priorities for their next consoles, and I think for Microsoft, this is as much as about Apple and control of the living room, as it is about battling Sony in the gaming arena.

You only need to look at Microsoft's product directions in the desktop, tablet and phone markets to see they're striving for vertical integration across devices much like Apple. I would be astonished, given the time the Xbox must have been in R&D, if this device was not also part of that bigger strategy - much like the PS3 as part of Sony's Blu-ray strategy.

I think it fairly likely, given Microsoft's recent direction, their pre-occupation with home server and media centre OS functionality, and recent leaks about it's functionality (server, media centre, DVR etc) that their box is design to perform all of these functions without compromising on gaming. That's not to say Sony's box won't offer this, but certainly none of the leaks suggest it.

I don't buy Sony mis-leading developers because I'd like to think even Sony wouldn't be that dumb, but also because this sounds like an awful lot of work and Sony simply don't have the luxury of time or money. Nor do I think that Microsoft develop specifications of key products based on scuttlebutt.
*It seems like Carmack isn't looking for a huge technical improvement to make it truly next gen anyway. He's looking for different ways to interface with the console.
I agree. The graphical jump from PlayStation to PS2 was huge, ditto PS2 to PS3. I really do not expect the same leap from PS3 to PS4. What I expect (and desperately want) is that additional graphical power to be used is native 1920x1200 resolution screens, stable frame rates (30fps minimum), better textures and great lighting and shadows. And that's what we're getting by all accounts. Everything will be way better, but a lot of the improvements will be subtle - more things that you don't notice (flickering shadows etc).

Frankly that'll do it for me, graphically but I still yearn for more immersive worlds. Imagine Grand Theft Auto 6 where you could persistently affect the world. Imagine, buildings and bridges being destroyed then slowly rebuilt - dynamically, not scripted. Imagine that shop you put a rocket through the window, being closed for refurbishment. Imagine less cops out there because because you burnt down a police station. I want to feel like my being in the world can affect and that game worlds are not just a background for the action.

I live in hope.
What do people believe Durango will be able to do media centre-wise that orbis won't?

Possible cable/DVR functions. Windows service integration. Seamless interaction and sharing of content between your PC, windows phone, surface tablet and xbox.
What do people believe Durango will be able to do media centre-wise that orbis won't?

they basically have durango tailored for it, unless sony goes 8gb, which i think they won't cause it would be way too expensive, they won't match match what durango does as a media box, but i don't want a media box, i want a powerful console.
Even ignoring that the remaining 4 CUs on Orbis can be used for rendering, Liverpool still has 2 x the ROPs of Durango.

Durango must have some very serious and very secret sauciness to overcome that.

Or maybe MS is betting everything on the price of 249/299$.Honestly, according to rumor I do not see other possible selling point.
What do people believe Durango will be able to do media centre-wise that orbis won't?
I think Microsoft have very big plans for Durango. I think they want it every living room and that to make this happen they know it needs to do a lot of things concurrently, including:
  • Gaming
  • Home server (hosting media on the local HDD, USB device or NAS)
  • Media Centre streaming hosted content to other devices, like tablets, PCs etc.
  • DVR (possibly). I'm less sure about this, engineering a box to capture video from so many different possible input sources sounds like a nightmare.
I think they've been designing Durango to interoperate, easily, with Windows PCs, Windows tablets and Windows Phone devices.

I've seen nothing to suggest that Sony are thinking along these lines but given the PS3 isn't a bad media device (I use a MacMini running XBMC myself), I'm sure it'll have some capabilities. Back to the Xbox, if this is Microsoft's goal, it would very much explain these rumours of 8Gb RAM, 3Gb being used by the OS because juggling all that would be memory intensive.

Just think about it, while you're playing Gears of War 5, three other members of your family with PCs/tablets are watching movies being streamed from it.
Or maybe MS is betting everything on the price of 249/299$.Honestly, according to rumor I do not see other possible selling point.

That is their only option for me personally.
go cheaper or go home and dont pack in kinect with it..

But i think i should first wait for E3 to make a final judgement special sauce and stuff :rolleyes:
Just think about it, while you're playing Gears of War 5, three other members of your family with PCs/tablets are watching movies being streamed from it.

Well I can play on my PS3 now while my wife and her mum watch movies on their PCs/tablets.

Why does that somehow become better becuase their devices (which are perfectly capable of storing and playing said content on them) are canibalising my devices processing resources.

Nah... its more useless crap that I don't need.

My PS3 can stream content to my big screen from other devices. To me that's far more useful than the other way around.
Well I can play on my PS3 now while my wife and her mum watch movies on their PCs/tablets.

Why does that somehow become better becuase their devices (which are perfectly capable of storing and playing said content on them) are canibalising my devices processing resources.

Nah... its more useless crap that I don't need.

My PS3 can stream content to my big screen from other devices. To me that's far more useful than the other way around.

I completely agree with you, on every point, but this seems to be where Microsoft are heading. They have a Home Server product, they have a Media Centre Product, they have the Xbox. All of these things can be converged into a single device by slightly over-engineering the next Xbox to support the functionality of the other two products - which is just a software problem which they've solved with their operating systems.

I genuinely think Microsoft will try sell the next Xbox as a gateway device for gaming and media. They don't want to lose the living room to the fictional Apple television.
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