However, all bandwidth usage is not the same, and some processes use far more in comparison to others, like render target buffers or shadow maps, so depending on how that bandwidth is allocated it may not be fair to equate the two. For instance, if we are to believe ageis, the ROPs in Durango are not tied to the eSRAM, and since ROP processes account for a large chunk of bandwidth usage developers may feel more constrained sharing that bandwidth usage along with everything else with only ~70GB/s available.It's ~170 GB/s vs ~170 GB/s. The division in Durango's BW between RAM pools doesn't negate the working BW the processors have available. And if Durango has a clever architecture of lower latency RAM that enables better efficiency, it could come out on top. Of course, that would require considering these boxes are more than just a collection of numbers that can be compared as bigger=better...