Let's try to guess what the leap will be graphicly between games graphicly next gen from this gen. Post screenshots of what the current game looks like then a screenshot of what a future sequel could very well look like on next gen hardware. I'll go first, feel free to critisize.
Current: Grand turismo 3 for ps2.
Future: Grand turismo for ps3.
Current: Final fantasy 10 for ps2.
Future: Final fantasy for ps3.
Current: PDO for Xbox
Future: A PDO game for Xbox2
Current: metal gear solid 2 for PS2.
Future: Metal gear game for ps3.
Current: grand theft auto for ps2.
Future: Grand theft auto for ps3.
Please don't just use the screenshots for comparasions if you actually played the game, because alot of the games look better than the screenshots. Also, do your own if you want, so we can all critisize
Oh and I know some of these games may not even come out on next gen hardware, they are just examples.
Current: Grand turismo 3 for ps2.

Future: Grand turismo for ps3.

Current: Final fantasy 10 for ps2.

Future: Final fantasy for ps3.

Current: PDO for Xbox

Future: A PDO game for Xbox2

Current: metal gear solid 2 for PS2.

Future: Metal gear game for ps3.

Current: grand theft auto for ps2.

Future: Grand theft auto for ps3.

Please don't just use the screenshots for comparasions if you actually played the game, because alot of the games look better than the screenshots. Also, do your own if you want, so we can all critisize