Well, looks more and more, that the iPad3 ( 2S? ) is going to be a Cortex A9 design, like the iPad2.
A picture of the logic board showed up on some Chinese Forum, and does not look to be faked ( or they did a good job at it ).
Referring to the SOC as
Cortex A9?
This is in line, with the identification numbers they used:
30X => A4 ( Single Core A8 ). A8 Serie
40X => A5 ( Dual Core A9 ). A9 Serie
45X => A5X ( Quad? Core A9 ). ? Serie
Given the fact that this same number also showed up on the boot screen, with a quad core threat setup, only strengths the basic idea, that Apple is probably going for a A9 Quad Core setup.
The Numbering already made the speculation rather close that this SOC, was not going to be a radical architectural change, like going to a A15 setup.
And this new "evidence" showing A5X, seems to indicate this again.
Dual Core?
Sure, nothing prevents Apple from releasing a Dual Core A5 "upgrade", with maybe a 1.4 a 1.5Ghz Dual Core setup.
But does it make sense to release, lets say, a 1.4 a 1.5Ghz A9, assuming they stick to something like 40nm, when you already have 1.3Ghz Quad Core's on 40nm?
The problem with the ARM design is, the higher you clock, the more you run into voltage problems. Unless they go to a smaller manufacturing process, and try 1.5Ghz+ ( on 32/28nm ), they will run into power problems.
Quad Core?
But, lets go back to the fact, that we have, that supports a possible Quad Core:
1. Current Market Examples:
* Nvidia Tegra 3 (
40nm ): Quad Core A9 at 1.3Ghz ( Technically its a 5 core setup ).
* PS Vita (
45nm ): Quad Core A9 at ??? Ghz
Please note that Samsung is the manufacture of that PS Vita there SOC. Is Samsung also not the one manufacturing the A5's for Apple?
In other words, if they can make the Vita's SOC, they are more then able to make Apple's A5X as a Quad core. As they already have the experience.
2. We have the BGR pictures showing possible Quad cores.
3. Don't have the link anymore, but there where also changes last year, showing a Quad Core profile.
Manufacturing process?
This is actually a bigger question. Is it going to be made at the same manufacturing process like the Tegra3 / PS Vita, or at a lower 32/28nm process.
The Tegra3 was released in December. The PS Vita was released in November.
The SOC on this released picture seem to be from November 2011. That is a lot of months from when Nivida & Sony started production on there Quad Cores.
In other words, it looks like Apple started mass production around the time, that the other started to bring out there 40/45nm based Quad Cores.
That begs the question: Is Apple able to use 32/28nm process because of the months difference, or did they also stick to 40nm ( stick to what works ).
Numbers Game?
One argument that i have seen people use time and time again. But the iPad/iPhone are plenty fast, there is no reason for Apple to go "high tech" on the CPU.
Yet ... Why did they even bother to include a SGX543MP2 in the iPad2. This was overkill in every sense of the word.
It took other Manufactures up to this year, to be able to catch up to the iPad2's GPU. This is something that is overlooked in those discussions. They where able to go from a SGX535 ( iPad1 ), to a SGX543 while doubling there GPU's performance. Yet, they decided to go overboard with a SGX543MP2.
Also, is a Quad Core really going overboard? We already have 2 manufactures at 40/45nm making Quad Cores. Its not that Apple is ahead of the curve if they release a Quad Core setup.
Heat Spreader:
What we also see on that picture, is that the Chip is not "naked" anymore, but seems to have a heat spreader on top of it.
If we look at the PSVita's SOC, it also has some kind of metal heat spreader over its SOC.
Makes me think more 45nm again...
With this constant numbering information, a A15 Dual Core looks less and less likly. A A15 Dual Core, by logic, will have been called S5L89
50X, not S5L89
45X. As it was another generation jump from the A9 S5L89
Looks like Apple A6 SOC is reserved for the A15 in the future ( next year? ). The amount of Quad Core A15 is not for this year. Dual Core A15's are more Q3 / Q4 2012 it seems. Unless you also consider the Krait ( but that is a different ballgame ).
My bet is, that we are going to see a Quad Core 1.3 a 1.4Ghz A9 based processor, with a possible SGX543MP4. In other words a similar same setup like the Vita.
What i'm unclear about, if its going to be at 40nm, or 32/28nm. That heat spreader makes me think more 45nm ( love to be wrong ).
In other words, this is my conclusion with the present evidence. And i stand by this until there is very compelling counter evidence, or until Apple said so them self on 7 March.
Try arguing your way out of this people ( will not take long for people to rip me a new one ). *hehe*