News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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No he didn't. He responded only to thescott117 who asked about esram he ignored the guy who mention the downclock. Stop trying to spread misinformation.
I've only seen one tweet. If there's another specifically against the downclock, I'll take that as debunked, and attribute the rumour to a 'downclock' from a target. Actually it still doesn't help, does it? I've lost track of the rumours, but was the supposed downclock rumour tied specifically to ESRAM overheating, or was that offered as an explanation?

The rumours I recall that need proving/disproving

1) XB1 has had downclocks (due to overheating) to 800/900 GFlops (~25-30% clock reduction)
2) the ESRAM is overheating causing 1
3) the ESRAM is causing manufacturing difficulties.

I'm obviously not following this as closely as others. ;)
No he didn't. He responded only to thescott117 who asked about esram he ignored the guy who mention the downclock. Stop trying to spread misinformation.

That's not that way it looked on the twitter app but I suppose that could be the flow of it. But still, he was asked about the esram rumor on gaf and said it was false, there's only one esram rumor on gaf anyway isn't there? (Regardless of chicken/egg with regards to yields or downclocks)

Also, I'm not trying to spread misinformation or act like some undercover agent, so stop being an ass, please. That's two posts now directed straight at me with similar claims and its not appropriate behavior.
I know one of my friends is pissed as all out doors right now.

No more LAN parties for him.

He would have hated my 25# plus rig and all the associated items that I had to take along with it. Making sure the water cooling was ok, etc. :LOL: Good times way back then, now I can barely walk! *rofl*

I have a friend now that takes his 360 with Kinect to the races, his pack for it is neatly done to hold everything. He will tether it to his phone, through his laptop when we are racing away from big centers.
Ok so, I put Richard onto this on the 5th and he hasn't heard anything in two days of chasing it up.
His theory is that small issues MS may be having "are all snowballing into one big one in a cascade of Chinese whispers'

So I think we can put the downclock rumour in the unlikely pile again as he is very well connected and if he hasn't heard anything from devs, who should know about downclocks by now, they aren't happening.

He hasn't heard anything about issues relating to ESRAM either, but that could still be true as devs might not know that. Either way the issues aren't big enough for devs to be making noises and he's not hearing anything.
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I hope those hardware issues (if they exist) are going to have a work around even if it means limited (more than usual) availability at launch. It would be a disaster at this point if one company find it-self in a close to monopole situation, temptations...

Overall whereas MSFT has done a dreadful job at communicating about it, the move from owning a physical copy of a game to a license scheme is set to happen, the industry at large will play "all in" for a chance to make it happen (that is why I think Sony will have to match MSFT policies, they won't be in a situation to resist the pressures of Activision, EA, Ubisoft &Co).

The conditions they set for the move to that license scheme are pretty reasonable, it looks better than what the music industry does or what we have for your standard software. Though it is the first step once the scheme is in place... the conditions of the deal can change with following products...

So to me what MSFT has been doing is weird they both got the balls to go that way but they shied away from communicating properly about it. That kind of shift needs the greatest transparency and honesty as for a such a sensitive subject, negativity, fud, etc is likely to insinuate it self in any communication loop hole.
If I were at MSFT at least wrt to used games/ownership/etc. I would let Major Nelson do a 20 minutes video explaining and why not demoing how it works, they need to get as transparent as it gets, otherwise it will be perceived as schemier than it really is.

To tell the truth I'm more bothered with online requirement for games (not the online check of your game ownership which is once a day, not latency or bandwidth bound), I can not longer play D3 where I leave it is too laggy :(
Now to be honest, if we move to license, I would have preferred if MSFT managed to land an agreement with EA, Activision, etc. and everybody follows the same rules for example:
you can sell your game when it is no longer in its launch windows (1 month for your average game, 2 for big AAA). There is a reasonable fee to pay, but it is a known quantity. Either way the fee is higher during the launch period.
Rental conditions have been negociated with Gamestop and other companies in the business.

Ok I do get that is bad for a lot of people though it is clear, you deal with it or not. Now what are we supposed to expect when every publishers can act on its own will? How MSFT can handle communication properly when what they are selling outside of the games they are publishing them-selves is indeed unknown even from them-selves... Bothering though what big money wants... it usually gets and if a more coordinate move would have been better they won't shy away from it either.
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No he didn't. He responded only to thescott117 who asked about esram he ignored the guy who mention the downclock. Stop trying to spread misinformation.

But he probably cant touch any clock talk at all. Because saying there was no downclock from 800 mhz would in effect confirm 800 mhz, which apparently MS (and Sony, and Nintendo) dont want to reveal any clocks.

That's why I wouldn't expect him to touch DF's tweet.

The best he could do was deny ESRAM issues.

At this point it's almost certainly false, all we have is thuway, no real insider has stepped up to confirm despite endless opportunity, and the evidence the other way keeps mounting (Nelson's tweet, bkilian's posts, Interference's post about Leadbetter, lack of CBOAT confirmation despite he's in every thread about it, etc).

Maybe we'll hear more at E3, maybe not.
I'm sorry, the same thing could be argued about the burning of books. Reading books was a first world problem, nobody should care if we're burning books. Right?

Hey, if the kind of games you play have no more artistic value than cheap reality TV, I'm not going to stop you. But I played another game of Journey, and it definitely had value for anyone living, whether they have a lot of money or none at all. If that game was to disappear for business or political reasons, I'd be very angry. However I wouldn't feel a thing about the latest sports game or shooter.

First world problem my ass.

Book burnings? Are you serious? LOL
My theory is that they didn't mention a clock so how could it possibly be down clocked.

Personally I believe there will be a down clock but not as drastic as the one suggested its also entirly possible the ps4 has one although as they have given the flop count its going to be harder to do without causing some internet backlash.
Microsoft's mistake was not showing if games to distract people from the ugly side of all this. And I would find it extremely hard to believe if Sony doesn't have a similar system. Keep in mind that they instituted online passes in their first-party games so they are keenly aware of the situation.
All this negativity yet they are apparently breaking pre-order records, just goes to show really.

Just checked the "best sellers charts" (as referred to in that article):

As of now, Xbox One sits @5th place in "PC & Video Games" (PS4 is 4th).

In Germany (, XBox One is 20th in the "Games" category (PS4 is 4th).

In France (, Xbox One is 167th in the "Jeux Vidéo" category (PS4 is 63th).

So, yeah. Make of that what you want. But "breaking pre-order records" seems to push the truth a little (at least in the EU).
MSFT has a bad day in the gaming media if I go by Eurogamer and Kotaku, titles like "MSFT kills game ownership and expect us to smile" or "Xbobx One just had a very bad day" backed with a picture of a Xbobe in flames... MSFT is managing to pull a PR disaster, it is out of control...
FUD is spreading, they are not clear and have let people in the dark since the reveal event on pretty critical choices they made, they did nothing before that when negativity was growing, etc.

It's not just limited to gaming forums or amazon's own customer forums but mainstream media here. Yet another bad article on (top MSM site in germany) about the latest XBox One developments. It's full of negative readers comments and these are the middle class 25-50 year olds casuals with/without family.

Imho it is amazing to get it that wrong. At this point whoever that doesn't follow the gaming news that asks a friend about the next Xbox is likely to receive a pretty underwhelming answer about the state of the whole affair. Disastrous PR... They already have an uphill battle to overcome the negativity that build... before launch... No matter the merits of the design, their online policies and how they are legitimate or not at this point in History, or people being... well people over-reacting,etc. The way they managed it has been so far dreadful, to the point that Sony PR are mostly silent and I guess laughing their asses off while eating pop corns...

You can't blame what happens on "accidental bad PR" anymore. It's an agenda at work. Either a strategical one or a few personal careers. Neither will mean they'll change their modus operandi until the bitter end.
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