News & Rumors: Xbox One (codename Durango)

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good maybe we can actually move into the future with consoles soon
Since there's no detail about what this thing is, and the previous attempt was never explained correctly, can you describe what you actually think it will be? What are your hopes?
Since there's no detail about what this thing is, and the previous attempt was never explained correctly, can you describe what you actually think it will be? What are your hopes?

up to ten xblive friends sharing each other's libraries either simultaneously or serially.
You can share games with Steam? I can't even get it to play nice with multiple users on one computer.

Yes, they (Valve) added that feature after seeing how popular that would have been on the Microsoft Xbox one console.
Yes, they (Valve) added that feature after seeing how popular that would have been on the Microsoft Xbox one console.

I read some about it, sounds nice in limited situations. I doubt it was in response to a feature never enabled on a console that does not directly compete with Steam.
Microsoft has abandoned plans for Xbox One consoles to double as dev kits

Eurogamer are reporting that Microsoft have re-thought this idea.

Probably a good move, no matter how many safeguards you build in, this had scope for abuse.
PR denied this to Kotaku. If you believe "At a later date" actually exists that is

Every article running the original story has since updated. Doesn't sound like Martin Fuller, the original source of the comments, knew exactly what their plans were.

Tommy McClain

Dunno if this is news or rumors but, I kinda want it. They always used to use fried CPU's for keychains.

Better yet the X1 chipset :D
Put the rumours of Microsoft selling off Xbox to bed.

I also want to share some additional thoughts on Xbox and its importance to Microsoft. As a large company, I think it's critical to define the core, but it's important to make smart choices on other businesses in which we can have fundamental impact and success. The single biggest digital life category, measured in both time and money spent, in a mobile-first world is gaming. We are fortunate to have Xbox in our family to go after this opportunity with unique and bold innovation. Microsoft will continue to vigorously innovate and delight gamers with Xbox. Xbox is one of the most-revered consumer brands, with a growing online community and service, and a raving fan base. We also benefit from many technologies flowing from our gaming efforts into our productivity efforts – core graphics and NUI in Windows, speech recognition in Skype, camera technology in Kinect for Windows, Azure cloud enhancements for GPU simulation and many more. Bottom line, we will continue to innovate and grow our fan base with Xbox while also creating additive business value for Microsoft.
Well, Nokia said they weren't going to sell their phone division either. Turned out they had been in talks for quite some time before the deal was made public.

But anyway, I don't think that another company would benefit from the Xbox division as well as Microsoft would. It's probably more lucrative to be a publisher anyway. So no, I don't see Xbox being sold in the short term.
Put the rumours of Microsoft selling off Xbox to bed.
Nice! I would never want the Xbox to disappear. A bit of suffering will do them more good than bad. Look at Nintendo and how patient they are with the WiiU.

This doesn't detract from the fact that while I am happy with the Xbox One -it's not bad-, it's not as good as I expected it to be after being pampered with the X360.

When things go bad, I look and return to classics, games and consoles.
Put the rumours of Microsoft selling off Xbox to bed.

Uhm - this is a letter to the employees. Read the whole thing. Given that he backs up everything they do, he could hardly exclude the XBOX without sending a clear message of impending doom.

Also note that he motivates XBOX primarily through its benefits to other divisions. Take a guess at the internal discussions motivating his phrasing in the letter.

The real test of course is investor sentiment over the coming year to year and a half.
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