Did you watch the Oculus + 3 Kinect video?
I for one didn't. Is it on Youtube? Gotta make a search. I hope it works 'cos I am getting a gazillion failed attempts to see youtuve videos, and this webpage appears
https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com .
Google seem to want me to use Chrome, and it ain't happenin, I don't like Chrome.
Wow, you're taking this really hard. I'd leave the thing plugged in and keep using the voice control if you enjoy it. If you unplug the thing out of spite, you're just cheating yourself out of something you actually like to use.
While I think Kinect is being lowered significantly as a priority, it's not dead. The next update is supposed to offer an opt-in program to help improve voice recognition. I know I'm going to take part. As much as I'm not happy that's it's been shifted to peripheral status, I still like it as a peripheral, and I'll take any improvements I can get.
:smile2: Well, I got way too involved with Kinect, got into discussions, tried to be positive on it, wasted lots of energy, all for naught.
It was one of those wake up calls. It's not the first, I hope it is the last. I also bet on 3DTVs,

and sometimes you bet on people and things go wrong too.
It's a matter of priorities now. To me the priority is to enjoy and have fun using the Xbox One. :smile2:
Whatever people say, I am glad I have the Xbox One 'cos I am a lifelong Xbox fan and will always be, no matter what.
It was my first console when I purchased it back in 2004, it brought me great moments of joy all these years, and I don't forget that.
I know of Sony fans for live, Sega fans for live, and I am a Xbox fan for live too -whether it succeeds or not, no console can come close to it, 'cos I can't repeat those moments nor go back-.
There are also eternal Nintendo fans that sold their soul to Nintendo. Nintendo failed at times, Sony too, Xbox failed at times, it's a pretty natural thing.
So I can't be bothered with market studies and so on, nothing will change the fact that Xbox managed to create a culture and a fanbase around it. :smille2:
I can see a good future for the Xbox One if they don't twist with the wind, and are loyal to what made them what they become in the first place.