Maybe the 8% reserve for kinect doesn't represent all the visual functionality.
Does the PS4 reserve any gpu for its camera, which is a peripheral? Like 5-6%? Is the PS4 camera's functionality lost during gaming?
How about Kinect on the 360? Does any Kinect 360 title reserve ~40% of the 360 gpu just for the camera.
Seems like most of the reservation would be due to the Fusion aspect of Kinect, which correct me if I am wrong the PS4 camera/kinect v1 lacks but gets along fine without.
Unless a game makes heavy use of kinect, the camera's finer points and capabilities aren't necessary during gaming.
Maybe Kinect v2 reverts to a Kinect v1 like solution when games aren't needing the greater capabilities so basic visual functionalities aren't lost but devs get to claw back 8% of gpu reservation.
I mean even 2% for VC seems off since true audio's logic handles VC functionality or at least a portion of it.
Kinect v1 offers visual and VC functionality and I have never seen anyone mention it eats up half of the 360 gpu resources to do so.
V1 has its own processor correct? V2 is done on the console side?