Look at the HotChips slides. Top of this page:
...first slide, an overview of the SoC.
In the top left there's a label "15 special purpose processors offload CPU and GPU" and there's a labelled arrow connecting them to the memory system. Now, either one assumes the 15 custom processors are secret and not shown on the diagram, or one appreciates that they are included. So what 'processors' are shown. Well, for starters the "Audio Processors" label includes 3 or 4 processors according to the VGLeaks audio diagram (the actual SHAPE block is called an engine there, not a processor, but the other three components are named processors). We know we have 4 processors in the memory move units. These are all grouped under that "15 processors" label in the HotChips diagram. Along with them, we have an "AV out Rsz Cmpst" (resize composite) which'll be a processor we've already heard of. Then there are "Audio DMA", "PCIe", "AV in" and "Video Encode/Decode" in the same groups of diagram blocks that we may be uncertain of as they haven't been explicitly talked about.
The sensible interpretation is that these blocks, grouped with the known processors, are the custom processors - there's no other sane way to interpret the diagram. And that there answers your question. These 15 'processors' are ancillary blocks, doing housework. They aren't game changers. They mostly alleviate some percentage of work from the CPU and GPU for them to keep doing other things without being interrupted. There's probably no way to put a percentage figure on their contribution either. The functions are also often featured in other designs - other SoCs have graphics composite processing hardware, for example, and memory units - so it's not like they are 15 unique features that no other system has. The audio processors are special, and the rest may be tweaked to be better, or fairly standard fair.
But the most important point here is that there isn't any
hidden hardware that's suddenly going to make XB1 far more powerful than we currently understand it to be. There's no secret second GPU. There's no amazing 15 processors as yet untalked about that deal with physics and AI and raytracing and voxel rendering and hardware sprites and copper-list display planes. The information is right in front of us, as presented by MS themselves to the public and to their developers.